  • Feb 1, 2020
    1 reply

    Out of your mind imo if you would rather watch Heroes than GT 👀

    It’s really not that crazy to compare GT & Super. I’ve admitted Super is better but GT is way overhated and many of the flaws Super also shares but is excused because it just came out.

    There’s plenty over on Kazenshuu that compare the two fairly close all the time. I agree everyone is set aside for Goku to shine, but it does plenty of other things well imo.

    Ultima tends to ignore the fact that I meant a decade off would’ve had Tori much more involved more than likely thus leading to a better series. And just better planning in general, GT aired right after Z 😂

    “Would’ve” is the word. They f***ed up.

  • Feb 1, 2020

    “Would’ve” is the word. They f***ed up.

    Sure. But it’s not near as bad as casuals like to act.

  • Feb 1, 2020

    Still waiting on the dragon ball sequel where they actually make gohan main character

  • Feb 1, 2020

    Subbed or dub?

    my bad for the late response but dubbed.

  • Feb 4, 2020

    Piccolo still gets his arm chopped off every time
    We get it man

  • Feb 6, 2020

    Yooo I'm dumb dumb late. But I just saw a scene on YouTube when Beerus beat the s*** outta Vegeta and then back smacked Bulma

  • Feb 6, 2020

    Been watching Totally Mark review of GT. GT really only got one good arc. Super 17 arc really don't make sense.

  • Feb 6, 2020

    Just realized that all the villains that came back during the Super 17 arc said they came back to get revenge on Goku who killed them. Majority of them was killed by Vegeta

    Even Frieza and Cell wasn't killed by Goku. Cell was killed by Gohan and Trunks killed Frieza The main antagonists of the arc wasn't even killed by Goku. Gero was killed by #18 and Myuu was killed by Baby. So they're getting revenge for what?!?

    So many contradictions to Z in this arc. How was Myuu and Gero able to remake Android 17 in hell. Where did they get the parts? It's just glanced over.

    It's just so much dumb assness in this arc. 🤦🏾‍♂️

  • Feb 6, 2020

    DBS really out here changing hair color every other arc

    Can’t wait till Geekdom pretends to know when it’s returning again 💀 I remember he used to attack fans for saying Broly would be brought back

  • Feb 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Unbelievable that still use the same outfits at this point. Can we at least get end of Z fits 🙄

  • Feb 6, 2020
    1 reply

    The fact SC24 can only point out hair color as a fault in super is hilarious lmao. I rather have that than villains with a ass backwards motive

  • Feb 6, 2020
    1 reply

    "Let's get revenge on the guy that didn't even fight us or kill us guys" - Super 17 Villians lmao

  • Feb 6, 2020

    DBS is so underrated

  • Feb 6, 2020

    "Let's get revenge on the guy that didn't even fight us or kill us guys" - Super 17 Villians lmao

    You just watched that totally not mark video too?

  • Feb 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Unbelievable that still use the same outfits at this point. Can we at least get end of Z fits 🙄

    It’s not even at the point of end of z yet though

  • Feb 6, 2020

    1 good arc and that arc is below average for DB standards.

  • Feb 6, 2020
    1 reply

    The fact SC24 can only point out hair color as a fault in super is hilarious lmao. I rather have that than villains with a ass backwards motive

    I’ve pointed out numerous flaws. U just seem too delusional, u ignore them or u bend over backwards to defend anything Super related.

    Fact is the power scaling is MUCH worse than in GT which has resulted in some hilariously bad moments + there is no sense of real danger due to the time it takes place.

    Super got better new characters and better animation obviously while giving side characters more shine. It does plenty of things well.

    I also like how you pretend anyone has said GT is great or that I’ve said the Super 17 arc is good by any means. Clearly you recently watched some YouTube video of some dude discussing GT so now u pretend to have ideas on it. Get your own takes lmao, I guess that’s why u defend Geekdom lame ass every time he’s mentioned.

    Sitting here crying about little s*** like “where’d they get the parts in hell to build 17” as if Goku didn’t get shot with a blaster & got KO’d, Zeno button somehow was still in his pocket after numerous fights, etc - could go on all day if I wanted to knit pick dumb s*** in Super that makes no sense.

  • Feb 6, 2020
    1 reply

    It’s not even at the point of end of z yet though

    That’s not really a good reason to have them in same outfits forever imo lol

  • Feb 7, 2020
    1 reply

    I’ve pointed out numerous flaws. U just seem too delusional, u ignore them or u bend over backwards to defend anything Super related.

    Fact is the power scaling is MUCH worse than in GT which has resulted in some hilariously bad moments + there is no sense of real danger due to the time it takes place.

    Super got better new characters and better animation obviously while giving side characters more shine. It does plenty of things well.

    I also like how you pretend anyone has said GT is great or that I’ve said the Super 17 arc is good by any means. Clearly you recently watched some YouTube video of some dude discussing GT so now u pretend to have ideas on it. Get your own takes lmao, I guess that’s why u defend Geekdom lame ass every time he’s mentioned.

    Sitting here crying about little s*** like “where’d they get the parts in hell to build 17” as if Goku didn’t get shot with a blaster & got KO’d, Zeno button somehow was still in his pocket after numerous fights, etc - could go on all day if I wanted to knit pick dumb s*** in Super that makes no sense.

    Power scaling in super isn't at all worst than GT. You have nonsensical moments in GT that shouldn't happen and greatly goes against established source material. There isn't suppose to be a sense of danger in super. When it has been a sense of danger(Goku Black and Moro) it's resulted in some epic moments.

    I love how you threw this final paragraph in here where did I say anyone said GT was great lol I clearly asked a page back has anyone been watching Totally not Mark review on GT.I've been subscribed to Totally not Mark for a long time because his dissection videos are pretty good. From the time there was a DB thread I ALWAYS said the super 17 arc was bad. Probably the worst written shonen arc ever because it's so lazily thrown together like a bad filler. Things happen in it with no explanation.

    You really taking shots at me over a TV show. I don't defend geekdom. I stopped arguing with you because you ignored key points from his videos.

  • Feb 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Power scaling in super isn't at all worst than GT. You have nonsensical moments in GT that shouldn't happen and greatly goes against established source material. There isn't suppose to be a sense of danger in super. When it has been a sense of danger(Goku Black and Moro) it's resulted in some epic moments.

    I love how you threw this final paragraph in here where did I say anyone said GT was great lol I clearly asked a page back has anyone been watching Totally not Mark review on GT.I've been subscribed to Totally not Mark for a long time because his dissection videos are pretty good. From the time there was a DB thread I ALWAYS said the super 17 arc was bad. Probably the worst written shonen arc ever because it's so lazily thrown together like a bad filler. Things happen in it with no explanation.

    You really taking shots at me over a TV show. I don't defend geekdom. I stopped arguing with you because you ignored key points from his videos.

    You are simply wrong, Kazenshu site has a thread about the power scaling and as pointed out by the VAST majority Super scaling is dramatically worse. Even your hero Geekdom has been on videos discussing this. I didn’t say GT had perfect scaling, but it’s got nowhere near as many issues as Super in that aspect.

    There is NO sense of danger. That’s a negative. You can dance around it all you want, but that’s just how it is. Ain’t no danger in Black or Moro we know these characters are fine due to the setting.

    Yes Super 17 arc is bad. Decent idea like most of GT, awful execution.

    You do defend Geekdom, and I didn’t ignore anything in his videos. Random texts aren’t evidence, sorry you seem to think it is 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • Feb 7, 2020

    And I enjoy Super 😂 nobody taking shots at anyone my name was mentioned first 🤷🏼‍♂️ I hope the series comes back soon & does a lot better on some things this time around. Either way I’m watching.

  • Feb 7, 2020

    Damn, I actually need to read this

    Stopped at the West Kai Buu

  • Feb 7, 2020
    1 reply

    You are simply wrong, Kazenshu site has a thread about the power scaling and as pointed out by the VAST majority Super scaling is dramatically worse. Even your hero Geekdom has been on videos discussing this. I didn’t say GT had perfect scaling, but it’s got nowhere near as many issues as Super in that aspect.

    There is NO sense of danger. That’s a negative. You can dance around it all you want, but that’s just how it is. Ain’t no danger in Black or Moro we know these characters are fine due to the setting.

    Yes Super 17 arc is bad. Decent idea like most of GT, awful execution.

    You do defend Geekdom, and I didn’t ignore anything in his videos. Random texts aren’t evidence, sorry you seem to think it is 🤷🏼‍♂️

    I mean DB has lost the fear of danger for a while now lmao

  • Feb 7, 2020

    Super was meh but GT was STRAIGHT GARBAGE... Super got way more hyped s*** to it so Super >>>>>>>>>>> GT

  • Feb 7, 2020
    1 reply
    Maga Law

    I mean DB has lost the fear of danger for a while now lmao

    In Super yea..outside of that nah not really. And I agree Super in general is better than GT. But has worse power scaling to any objective viewer. But it does a lot of other things much better, granted a lot is fan service but that works 🤷🏼‍♂️👍🏼