Broly-level animation why they got more eyes lol
Nicely animated ass juice
Never read the DBS manga, but it looks like I’m going to have to start reading it because it’s looking like the anime won’t make a return for a very very long time
Daima was some seriously Boring trash
Yeah we’re in good hands
who is that in the back right lmao
who is that in the back right lmao
Nu broly
Yeah we’re in good hands
its f***ing crazy how Broly ended up being in the Z team
Never read the DBS manga, but it looks like I’m going to have to start reading it because it’s looking like the anime won’t make a return for a very very long time
The two latest arcs are some of my favorite in the entire franchise tbh
the west calling super saiyan ssj still one of the dumbest things to develop in a fanbase
just call it ss4 like the japnese do you are not special you geek
it’s been called SSJ since i’ve been in my daddy’s sack that’s never changing
its f***ing crazy how Broly ended up being in the Z team
Wonder if they ll remove that stupid thing where when he transforms his only line of dialogue is AAAAAAGGHHHHH!!!!!
Wonder if they ll remove that stupid thing where when he transforms his only line of dialogue is AAAAAAGGHHHHH!!!!!
he probably read some books by now
Wonder what the twist is
No way they make ANOTHER “freeza gets new form and fights the z fighters and gets defeated” arc
ROF is the worst thing ever especially that pathetic ending with whis and beerus cheating to hand Golu the win (by far the worst ending I be ever seen on anything really)