  • Feb 28
    1 reply

    they never used SSJ4 in Super bc that s*** doesn't compare to the god forms i know GT fans are SICK

    still a cooler design obv

  • Feb 28
    1 reply

    Seems like there's now two branch timelines.

    Daima is I guess the timeline before GT(alternate timeline).

    Super is the timeline that will go into another epilogue series(main timeline).

    My guess is Daima gave us a brief view on how the GT timeline was between Buu Saga and EOS

    Super will do its own thing. I always had a feeling that Toriyama didn't want to pigeonhole Toyotoro into HAVING to squeeze every detail to match up with EOS and eventually GT. I don't think either series will ever crossover unless they write some event where they crossover on some Marvel MCU s***.

  • Feb 28

    I really liked Daima. Was it the most essential thing to be added to the canon? No but it was still a lot of fun, had incredible animation and good fan service.

    I think Toriyama just wanted to make something that would please every type of fan of the series in some way and they delivered here.

    Also seems like he wanted to dip his toe into doing a series between the Buu saga and EOS for the GT timeline. I don't think Daima events will ever be featured in Super.

    I liked Daima, I hope Super eventually does its own demon realm storyline.

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Feb 28

    watching right now

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Feb 28

    op consider updating the title

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Feb 28

    it's over it went by so fast

  • Feb 28
    1 reply

    The after credits scene was animated really well. Hopefully we get more Dragon Ball content that looks that good

  • Mar 1
    1 reply

    Broly-level animation

  • Newhouse

    they never used SSJ4 in Super bc that s*** doesn't compare to the god forms i know GT fans are SICK

    still a cooler design obv

    This kinda true. But at the same time like it way better than Blue

  • Mar 1

    Correction it was Goku who said he had it ever since the final battle with Kid Buu. He just never knew how to maintain it. Finally got the official sub. It's still so confusing now lol

    Wait what?

  • Mar 1
    1 reply

    Seems like there's now two branch timelines.

    Daima is I guess the timeline before GT(alternate timeline).

    Super is the timeline that will go into another epilogue series(main timeline).

    My guess is Daima gave us a brief view on how the GT timeline was between Buu Saga and EOS

    Super will do its own thing. I always had a feeling that Toriyama didn't want to pigeonhole Toyotoro into HAVING to squeeze every detail to match up with EOS and eventually GT. I don't think either series will ever crossover unless they write some event where they crossover on some Marvel MCU s***.

    Hot take but I like how Dragonball had multiple timelines. I think it presents cool scenarios and allows them to be flexible. Idk it’s uniquely Dragonball at this point

  • Give me a multiverse arc before I die

  • Mar 1
    1 reply

    Correction it was Goku who said he had it ever since the final battle with Kid Buu. He just never knew how to maintain it. Finally got the official sub. It's still so confusing now lol

    Reminds me of Budokai 3 a bit when he just goes to a desert to train and becomes Super Saiyan 4 randomly

  • What game will do Third Eye Dabura first

  • Mar 1
    1 reply

    Give Tien the third eye f*** it

  • Mr Anderson

    Give Tien the third eye f*** it

    Haha four eyes!

  • Toriyama dropped $$J4U and they hating

  • Man daima ended up not even being all that great unfortunately, but f*** i shed a tear at the end regardless. Toriyama owns my soul, everything dragon ball to me is that emotional. That final kamehameha is what i live for. The final gag is so early db humor, vegeta banter was so fun, damn i miss that man so much rest in peace toriyama. Your work may not have been the most thought out, complex fiction, but it had more heart than most series i've experienced

  • Did y'all know WIT & MAPPA both worked on this? Makes sense but damn, now I want more.

    Let's get that one piece treatment.

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Mar 2

    The after credits scene was animated really well. Hopefully we get more Dragon Ball content that looks that good

    fr it felt like they spent more time on that than the episode

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Mar 2

    do we know if Toriyama finished writing this? or did the team completed the series with the SSJ4 thing

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Mar 2

    Man not gonna lie at first I hated that theme song, but now it makes me f***ing cry, that theme song is so epic yet so melancholic knowing it ended everything Toriyama ever worked on, it's like a 'nice to see you' and 'farewell' both in the same song.

  • Jbreezyondeck

    Hot take but I like how Dragonball had multiple timelines. I think it presents cool scenarios and allows them to be flexible. Idk it’s uniquely Dragonball at this point

    That ain't a hot take lol I think it's cool that it's multiple timelines and I think this is another timeline. This time for GT and retcons GT, not super. Nothing in Daima would match up with super. It would heavily retcon Super. I think Daima was Toriyama trying to retcon GT and bring it more streamline to his own work. That's why SSJ4 got a redesign in Daima.

  • Mr Anderson

    Reminds me of Budokai 3 a bit when he just goes to a desert to train and becomes Super Saiyan 4 randomly

    Lmao I remember this and Goku just goes "This power it's weird but I feel powerful now"