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  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Name 5 mainstream rappers making better music than Drake so far this decade.

    If we going off just his 2020 and beyond releases? Lol Tyler, Nas, Benny

    This will probably get me roasted but s*** I enjoy Yeat’s or F***in Destroy Lonely’s music more than I’ve enjoyed everything other than Dark Lane Demo. That may not make them better tho

  • Dec 5, 2022

    Can’t be true

  • Dec 5, 2022
    After Hours

    doubt carti or uzi make better music than drake

    I would take Die Lit & WLR or LiR2 and Eternal Atake over any Drake project released since 2017 except for Her Loss which I would rank about the same as the first three albums I mentioned and slightly above EA

  • Dec 5, 2022

    Like Trilogy still being Abel's best s***

  • Dec 5, 2022

    As soon as an artist starts to slip, the fans are not favorable to them.

    Look at 50 or Logic. Ed Sheeran just took a break.

    This pretending thing only works for him? In the last 7 years he's been the biggest artist in music twice.

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Same people who spend more time listening to Drake every year than any other artist are the same ones swearing he's been dropping only mid got a decade now. Y'all always expose yourselves with your takes lmao.

    What does it say about you that you can't stop pressing play on that supposed mid? 😂

    Hope more than anything.

    But I didn’t even download CLB on my apple music

  • Clb sexman

    Cant tell me anything post 2016 is anywhere near IYRTITL in terms of quality

  • Dec 5, 2022
    3 replies

    I think Drake's brand of rap music meant he was never going to get that universal acclaim that follows rappers of his tier and elk.

    I don't quite get the peaking 7 years ago thing. Definitely not as a rapper. Champagne Poetry wipes the floor with Over My Dead Body for example.

    I could kind of see it from the R&B / songwriting vantage point.

  • Dec 5, 2022

    All this is saying is that you rate his catalog highly. Don't know what else you're trying to say.

    Anyone with a right mind who listens to Her Loss and thinks it's "just okay" by ANY STANDARDS, must rate the people who made that album stupidly high because you can't name 3 mainstream rap albums this year that are as exciting and as listenable as that album from top to bottom. And Drake/21 are rapping rapping on that s***.

    7/10 is not “just okay”. I’ve said multiple times it’s GOOD. Not GREAT.

    There’s a difference between okay, good, and great.

    I feel like anyone who thinks Her Loss is a top 3 rap album of the year genuinely doesn’t listen to rap outside of the very popular mainstream artists because I can easily name 10 better rap albums this year, with mainstream acts included

  • Dec 5, 2022
    2 replies

    It’s 12 months later and I still believe that. Dawn FM is his best project

    that s*** is garbage. easily his worst project yet, and that’s coming from someone who thinks his recent projects outside of dawn fm have all been fire

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Top 3 hip hop album of the year:


    Mr morale

    Demons protected by angels

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    that s*** is garbage. easily his worst project yet, and that’s coming from someone who thinks his recent projects outside of dawn fm have all been fire

    his worst project is kiss land tbh

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    I think he’s had a great run all things considered but unless we gonna retroactively give it to Take Care/NWTS/IYRTITL (we are) he never had that Blueprint/MBDTF undeniable classic that you felt was a classic in damn near real time. And visibly gave up on trying to get that from the moment “Views From The 6” no longer existed lol

    Drake is not a traditional hip-hop artist in any sense. He's never been. And so that audience will never give that title to any album he ever dropped, regardless of how impactful or great it is. That's just facts. It's still people debating how good Drake's best albums are when they've checked every box for any other album they'd consider a classic but because it's Drake, they'll say it isn't.

    It's whatever. I don't even care about that s*** anymore.

    Drake will have the longest run of dominance in rap history and he has one of the best catalogs ever in music to go along with that. Y'all can keep debating on when he peaked/if he still has the ability to make good music but the truth will always speak for itself.

    I've always known y'all won't ever give Drake his credit for anything till he no longer makes music or dies.

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    I think Drake's brand of rap music meant he was never going to get that universal acclaim that follows rappers of his tier and elk.

    I don't quite get the peaking 7 years ago thing. Definitely not as a rapper. Champagne Poetry wipes the floor with Over My Dead Body for example.

    I could kind of see it from the R&B / songwriting vantage point.

    No it doesn’t

  • Dec 5, 2022
    After Hours

    Top 3 hip hop album of the year:


    Mr morale

    Demons protected by angels


  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    that s*** is garbage. easily his worst project yet, and that’s coming from someone who thinks his recent projects outside of dawn fm have all been fire

    It’s not garbage at all. His weakest project is Starboy, but he doesn’t have a bad album.

    Starboy is just okay overall

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    I think Drake's brand of rap music meant he was never going to get that universal acclaim that follows rappers of his tier and elk.

    I don't quite get the peaking 7 years ago thing. Definitely not as a rapper. Champagne Poetry wipes the floor with Over My Dead Body for example.

    I could kind of see it from the R&B / songwriting vantage point.

    he definitely raps better now with nwts being the exception

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Stans or people who like his music do because they enjoy it

    What’s more confusing is why y’all who dislike him so quick to tune in for his new music 💀

  • Dec 5, 2022

    Earl AOTY

  • His greatest strength is his greatest weakness at times, I think.

    He's a chameleon. He's got writing chops and voice to form into any kind of rapper that's hot and be great at it. But that constant metamorphosis comes at a price, and I think his constant desire to have slaps and be in the club has left some fans underwhelmed of his potential.

  • After Hours

    doubt carti or uzi make better music than drake

    WLR > every drake album since IYRTITL

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    It’s not garbage at all. His weakest project is Starboy, but he doesn’t have a bad album.

    Starboy is just okay overall

    Starboy clears Yawn fm so hard

  • amiriasshole

    No it doesn’t

    Yes it does.

  • SWAN 💜
    Dec 5, 2022

    This is true

    But almost every mainstream rapper made their best album 5-10 years ago

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Starboy clears Yawn fm so hard

    It really doesn’t lmao

    But from this and your opinion on Mr. Morale I’m gonna assume you only listen to mainstream rap and R&B

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