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  • Dec 5, 2022

    I’ll leave this open but this kind of “I saw someone say this” or giving a 12 like tweet as basis for a thread needs to stop

    If you have an opinion have that opinion and stand by it but don’t find someone else with that opinion and try and present yourself as a neutral to bait discussion without being in anyway culpable to defend that take

    make this a sticky tbh

  • Dec 5, 2022

    I’ll leave this open but this kind of “I saw someone say this” or giving a 12 like tweet as basis for a thread needs to stop

    If you have an opinion have that opinion and stand by it but don’t find someone else with that opinion and try and present yourself as a neutral to bait discussion without being in anyway culpable to defend that take


  • Dec 5, 2022
    2 replies

    The sad thing is not many. I ain’t enjoyed rap nowhere near as much I used to.

    Could prolly only name Future

    And so if Drake, 13 years into his mainstream breakout and 16 years into his career, is still, without a doubt, one of the best mainstream rappers in the world, what's the problem?

    People thinking rappers must release music that's reflective of their strongest periods is what stops people from enjoying great music. Drake never stopped making great music. You might not think any of the 4 projects he has dropped this decade are GREAT, but there's more than a handful of great songs on each of them. Not to talk of his features.

    He already has an incredible catalog and he keeps adding great songs to that every single year. What else could anyone possibly ask for?

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Doesn't this just mean he has a discography you rate very highly?

    No that’s not what it means at all.

    What I mean is, if he had dropped Her Loss in 2016 after IYRTITL, it wouldn’t have been rated as highly as it is now (people saying it’s one of his best projects). It’s good for sure, but I think because he went almost 7 years without dropping a truly great rap heavy project, people kinda overrated it a little bit and treated it like it’s better than it really is.

    It’s a solid 7/10 album, but it’s definitely towards the middle of his discography

  • Dec 5, 2022
    3 replies

    People were saying Dawn FM was better than House of Balloons two days after it dropped. Mfers will say anything.

    It’s 12 months later and I still believe that. Dawn FM is his best project

  • Maybe. His last good project was More Life. Big improvement over the mid that was Views.

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    It’s 12 months later and I still believe that. Dawn FM is his best project

    After Hours

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    I’ll leave this open but this kind of “I saw someone say this” or giving a 12 like tweet as basis for a thread needs to stop

    If you have an opinion have that opinion and stand by it but don’t find someone else with that opinion and try and present yourself as a neutral to bait discussion without being in anyway culpable to defend that take

    Facts. OP a pwussybwoi.

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    It’s 12 months later and I still believe that. Dawn FM is his best project

    The album i always wanted him to make

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply
    After Hours

    After Hours

    Not crazy to say that either.

    All I know is Abel has hit another peak

  • Dec 5, 2022

    And so if Drake, 13 years into his mainstream breakout and 16 years into his career, is still, without a doubt, one of the best mainstream rappers in the world, what's the problem?

    People thinking rappers must release music that's reflective of their strongest periods is what stops people from enjoying great music. Drake never stopped making great music. You might not think any of the 4 projects he has dropped this decade are GREAT, but there's more than a handful of great songs on each of them. Not to talk of his features.

    He already has an incredible catalog and he keeps adding great songs to that every single year. What else could anyone possibly ask for?

    Yeah drake catalog gets a lot better if you look at it as songs rather than albums

    He has at least a few classic songs on every album, more great songs than Kendrick surely

  • Dec 5, 2022

    The album i always wanted him to make

    Literally. It feels like the album he was always destined to make. Idk how any true fan of his could rate it lowly

  • Dec 5, 2022

    I been saying this since Views dropped and niggas still saying it

    It’s something there lol.

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    No that’s not what it means at all.

    What I mean is, if he had dropped Her Loss in 2016 after IYRTITL, it wouldn’t have been rated as highly as it is now (people saying it’s one of his best projects). It’s good for sure, but I think because he went almost 7 years without dropping a truly great rap heavy project, people kinda overrated it a little bit and treated it like it’s better than it really is.

    It’s a solid 7/10 album, but it’s definitely towards the middle of his discography

    All this is saying is that you rate his catalog highly. Don't know what else you're trying to say.

    Anyone with a right mind who listens to Her Loss and thinks it's "just okay" by ANY STANDARDS, must rate the people who made that album stupidly high because you can't name 3 mainstream rap albums this year that are as exciting and as listenable as that album from top to bottom. And Drake/21 are rapping rapping on that s***.

  • Dec 5, 2022

    Not crazy to say that either.

    All I know is Abel has hit another peak

    Afterlife bout to be crazy

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Name 5 mainstream rappers making better music than Drake so far this decade.

    The decade just started and most of it has been COVID. Let’s do last 5 years instead:


  • Dec 5, 2022

    I guess I’m just coming to terms with the fact that Drake peaked a long ass time ago now (in music terms) and I’ve been waiting album after album for that feeling a take care, nwts, or IYRTITL gave me when they came out.

    In retrospect I feel it was an early peak for someone with Drake’s talent level.

    I enjoyed more life and scorpion though and he’s made good music after that sporadically.

    With that said, CLB just came off as lazy and uninspired.

    Rant over.

  • Dec 5, 2022
    2 replies
    Huge bmass Fan

    The decade just started and most of it has been COVID. Let’s do last 5 years instead:


    doubt carti or uzi make better music than drake

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    And so if Drake, 13 years into his mainstream breakout and 16 years into his career, is still, without a doubt, one of the best mainstream rappers in the world, what's the problem?

    People thinking rappers must release music that's reflective of their strongest periods is what stops people from enjoying great music. Drake never stopped making great music. You might not think any of the 4 projects he has dropped this decade are GREAT, but there's more than a handful of great songs on each of them. Not to talk of his features.

    He already has an incredible catalog and he keeps adding great songs to that every single year. What else could anyone possibly ask for?

    I think he’s had a great run all things considered but unless we gonna retroactively give it to Take Care/NWTS/IYRTITL (we are) he never had that Blueprint/MBDTF undeniable classic that you felt was a classic in damn near real time. And visibly gave up on trying to get that from the moment “Views From The 6” no longer existed lol

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Same people who spend more time listening to Drake every year than any other artist are the same ones swearing he's been dropping only mid got a decade now. Y'all always expose yourselves with your takes lmao.

    What does it say about you that you can't stop pressing play on that supposed mid? 😂

  • Dec 5, 2022

    I feel like drake can drop a song with the abc flow and his fans & people who don’t know s*** about music will still call it good look at toosie slide it’s the f***ing hookie pookie flow and niggas still called that s*** good

    Well that’s the thing tho. Drake is versatile enough to keep the interest of fans. If every song was simplistic tik tok chasing record like toosie, he would’ve fallen off by now. Quality still matters and the ppl are still getting it. Maybe not as much as they used to, but it’s still there

  • Dec 5, 2022

    Change the year and artist and this pretty much goes for any group of Stans

  • Dec 5, 2022
    Smacked Voodoo

    Facts. OP a pwussybwoi.

    I admit what I did was wrong but the fact this still open show there’s a discussion there

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