Got exam in 2 weeks and I am stressed asf rn. I failed last year so retook the semester this year but failed again now it's my third trial at this
(I am at 2nd year of econ rn , can't be doing same semester for 3 yrs thinking of dropping out if i fail )
So you suck it the f*** up and study so you pass the 3rd time
Stop bein a lil b****
So you suck it the f*** up and study so you pass the 3rd time
Stop bein a lil b****
Econ major? If so, What you stuck on?
Industrial econ
I couldve passed this year but i f***ed up passing 4th semester and failing 3rd so . 4th semester this year was so easy due to online tests and cancelling out few subjects
resell sneakers
Keep your head up bro, I was in a similar boat just a month ago and I got through.
Keep your head up bro, I was in a similar boat just a month ago and I got through.
I been preapring for a few months and exam in 10 days and teacher doing 20 min online tests on 400 page slide classes
I am from europe
Unless you go to a elite target school, you won’t be getting in any hedge funds
Can you find old exams so you can try and memorize questions and just the style?
Course hero, chegg, etc
If you don’t have time to study, it’s time to just do practice questions and become a machine in answering them even if you don’t “understand” the concepts behind them
OP. Put this into perspective.
You're a 30 year old man reminiscing on your decisions from the past. You remember that, while in your early 20s... You quit university... TO SELL F***ING SHOES.... SHOES MY NIGGA. SHOES!!!!! THATS YOUR PLAN ???? YOU WANNA SELL SHOES??
OP Man the f*** up and study for them test. Yeah its embarrassing that you failed twice. BUT, Whats even more embarrassing is you being 30 and remembering you quit school to sell shoes nigaa.
Tighten up bro
I wish I went to college right after high school, but I didnt. Im a 23 year old man working on his first year of junior college making 55k a year. DONT BE LIKE ME. GO TO F***ING CLASS.
I been preapring for a few months and exam in 10 days and teacher doing 20 min online tests on 400 page slide classes
Just stay positive, positivity works wonders.
I really f***ed up my second year at community college, I got dumped right before the semester and was already struggling with motivation towards school. I let the negativity consume me and soon I found myself on academic probation.
Something clicked in me then and I changed my mindset, I was able to just squeak by and get my associates. Then came applying to universities and I was nervous asf about that too. But I kept a positive mindset and somehow I got into the first two I’ve applied to. Even though I hve a trash gpa.
I know I was in a different circumstance but just believe in yourself bro if you go in thinking you’ll fail you will