  • Jun 29, 2020
    1 reply
    Tribal Chief

    Got exam in 2 weeks and I am stressed asf rn. I failed last year so retook the semester this year but failed again now it's my third trial at this

    (I am at 2nd year of econ rn , can't be doing same semester for 3 yrs thinking of dropping out if i fail )

    dawg lmaoooo do you not study? Do you not use rate my professor? You aren't putting the work and time in. Use the internet as resources for homework etc. Study lol.

    There should be no reason you fail accounting 3 times unless you're not putting the work in.

  • Jun 29, 2020
    1 reply

  • Jun 29, 2020
    2 replies

    dawg lmaoooo do you not study? Do you not use rate my professor? You aren't putting the work and time in. Use the internet as resources for homework etc. Study lol.

    There should be no reason you fail accounting 3 times unless you're not putting the work in.

    Nah passed accounting easily. It's mandetory to pass math and micro econ to pass the semester which i keep failing

  • Jun 29, 2020
    Tribal Chief

    Nah passed accounting easily. It's mandetory to pass math and micro econ to pass the semester which i keep failing

    well step back and ask yourself; why are you failing? Is it because you're not paying attention? Is it because you're slacking off and being lazy? Is it because you're not grasping the material? ALL of these issues have solutions.

  • Jun 29, 2020
    2 replies
    Tribal Chief

    just pick a different major man

  • Jun 29, 2020
    Tribal Chief

    Nah passed accounting easily. It's mandetory to pass math and micro econ to pass the semester which i keep failing

    How are you failing micro and it's a base for your major

  • Jun 29, 2020
    1 reply

    just pick a different major man

    deeper than that tbh, clearly op has an issue he needs to address or it will follow to other s*** he takes. Micro econ is not difficult at all unless you don't understand the concepts. Only time i had to study was the night before and morning before I took at test.

  • Jun 29, 2020
    Tribal Chief

    yeah its so bad. Some of the senior people i met from uni finished studies and are now jobless or working full time retail

    I consider someone working retail after college jobless tbh

  • Jun 29, 2020
    1 reply

    deeper than that tbh, clearly op has an issue he needs to address or it will follow to other s*** he takes. Micro econ is not difficult at all unless you don't understand the concepts. Only time i had to study was the night before and morning before I took at test.

    I keep procrastinating and my study method is not ideal for this subjects imo. I am indeed trying to work on it. I can naturally focus on subjects like macro, accounting but can't seem to get the work done for micro, maths

  • Jun 29, 2020

    just pick a different major man

    I can't ill lose 2 yrs if i do and bachelor degree isnt worth anything in europe. I need masters

  • Jun 29, 2020
    Tribal Chief

    I keep procrastinating and my study method is not ideal for this subjects imo. I am indeed trying to work on it. I can naturally focus on subjects like macro, accounting but can't seem to get the work done for micro, maths

    well the easiest way to motivate yourself to stop procrastinating is to literally just get up and do it. It's that simple. Go to bed at a good time, wake up at a good time, and eat something good. Put yourself in a good mood and put on some study music

  • Jun 30, 2020

    Lol. Don't be that dum c***, this is coming from a former dum c*** aswell

    I spent way too much time at the gym, browsing youtube, watching movies, playing games. It should of taken me 3 years to finish my degree but I spent 5 years often repeating s***.

    Look at it this way, your gonna need to finish either way, youve accumulated a debt and your in too deep already. Don't procrastinate and then end up feeling dead inside knowing everyone around you is moving forwards in life. You don't have anything else to fall back on since you said your gonna resell shoes if you drop out. I was reselling shoes while I was in uni aswell and thought I was hot s*** but nah.

    Tbh my mental health wasn't so great in uni, I'm assuming yours is all good but you jus a lazy c*** and you don't really care at all about anything. If your mental health s*** n ur literally feeling lost DM me I'll talk to you about some of the s*** that helped me.

    Anyway, if you don't care about school or your future stop thinking about yourself and do it for the people that have hope in you like your family. I always thought of the people that supported me along the way and wanted to see me do well whenever i felt like I was in a slump and needed some motivation.

    EDIT: I basically failed in my earlier semesters a tonne of times. Took me only one successful semester to understand I am actually smart and got some belief in myself and that the only reason I was failing was cause I didn't apply myself at all. I ended up getting a few A's mainly B's and s*** tho since I still had that tendency to procrastinate and not keep up with my s***.

  • Jun 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Maybe look up the job prospects at the end of the degree and then consider whether it's worth it to continue

  • Jul 5, 2020

    So you suck it the f*** up and study so you pass the 3rd time

    Stop bein a lil b****

  • Jul 5, 2020
    3 replies

    most important exam tommorow kings. Wish me luck

  • Jul 5, 2020
    stream evangelion

    Maybe look up the job prospects at the end of the degree and then consider whether it's worth it to continue

    I am gon be a hedge fund manager

  • Jul 5, 2020
    1 reply
    Tribal Chief

    most important exam tommorow kings. Wish me luck

    You got this brozay

  • Jul 5, 2020

    You got this brozay

    got this setup ready

  • I feel you g Im struggling

    Anyone in here help a brotha out

  • Cant u get a note and delay the exam? We used to be able to do that. You would push it by 3 weeks. All you need is a doctors note saying ur sick

  • Jul 11, 2020
    1 reply
    Tribal Chief

    most important exam tommorow kings. Wish me luck

    what happen

  • Jul 11, 2020
    1 reply

    what happen

    waiting for results

  • Jul 11, 2020
    1 reply

    Username to avy to thread ratio. Good luck though

  • Jul 11, 2020
    1 reply
    Tribal Chief

    waiting for results

    rooting for you man. @ me when you get em

  • Jul 11, 2020

    Username to avy to thread ratio. Good luck though