I’m excited for this. The first one had a forgettable ass story/characters too and some fetch quests but I remember having a lot of fun just running around killing zombies
Do y’all think it’s worth getting deluxe or ultimate?
Idgaf about skins and art books but if I want to get the DLC at the cheapest cost. Any word if a season pass will come out?
Tripping. The whole map/city is 4x times as big and looks massive in scale/verticality,
Idgaf if the story is a miss and if the whole “choice and consequence” s*** falls flat. The gameplay of DL1 was insanely fun and this looks like it’s gonna deliver more of that.
Y’all tripping over reviews giving it a ~7 when the first game got about the same and was fun as f***. Plus unlike most developers they actually continue to support the game, DL1 literally just had another special event a week ago and that game came out like 8 years ago.
I said it looks like I’ll get the same amount of fun. There’s a clear downgrade from what we saw in 2019, but it’s not gonna ruin my experience or anything
damn so this mid? smh i was lookin forward to this, the first one was fye
My coworker loved the first one and he is definitely hyped about the sequel and he’s seen all the gameplay showcase.
If you were a fan of the first one I don't see why the reviews are concerning
Seems to be another case of all gameplay, no story, but now in a better world.
If you were a fan of the first one I don't see why the reviews are concerning
Seems to be another case of all gameplay, no story, but now in a better world.
Yeah parkour / zombies / crafted weapons in a open world.
I’m already in it for the first two things
1080p60 on PS5 and XSX isnt gonna cut it
my primary TV is 65" 4K so that's gonna blur
and XSS doesnt even have a 60fps option??
1080p60 on PS5 and XSX isnt gonna cut it
my primary TV is 65" 4K so that's gonna blur
and XSS doesnt even have a 60fps option??
S*** gonna look nasty
No 60 fps on Series S? well that settles it not buying this one
Play it in pc then
too much parkour and map looks boring i know the first one had parkour but i dont remember that being the entire dame game all i seen from videos the jumping around a barely any combat im out
weird the ps5 has the slowest loading time I thought generally the ps5 loads quicker than either xbox. Might not be optimized that well.
too much parkour and map looks boring i know the first one had parkour but i dont remember that being the entire dame game all i seen from videos the jumping around a barely any combat im out
Parkour is the fun part and the entire map is basically a jungle gym idk why you think that’s a L on the game when it’s one of its best features.
too much parkour and map looks boring i know the first one had parkour but i dont remember that being the entire dame game all i seen from videos the jumping around a barely any combat im out
the f*** does too much parkour mean? the game is literally parkour zombie game like the first
too much parkour and map looks boring i know the first one had parkour but i dont remember that being the entire dame game all i seen from videos the jumping around a barely any combat im out
Parkour is a staple of this franchise. More is better
what are your impressions
Tech land focused on the strength this IP has which is exploration, combat and parkour.
Game difficulty also enhances this game with the day and night cycle and I’ll be playing on hard right out the bat.
Only thing that most likely be forgettable is the story it has all the zombie type characters in this game so it would mainly be drawn out in some areas but the story isn’t really the main thing about dying light.
Only unknown for this game is if it’s buggy at launch and if the day 1 patch fixed the broken bugs
They improved upon the parkour, ways to explore and the combat. To me it looks like a better far cry game with zombies of course and I like a zombie game