One of the best projects of all time
I remember in my math class this is all me, this girl and my homie would talk about all class. Remember we put so many people onto this nigga that year.
Saw him at his first show in ATL in 2012, I was only 15 haha and he mainly played songs from this album. Real small venue.
Almost exactly 10 years later, saw him at the stadium. What a legend
I remember this
This was the mixtape that finally got my best friend into the Weeknd. I was trying to put him on since HOB.
We don't speak anymore. Things happened but the music is still great and I appreciate it and I will always have the memories. Walking in the snow listening to his. It's snowing today also.
What’s yall top 3 songs from this?
Same Old Song
No order for me
What’s yall top 3 songs from this?
Same Old Song
No order for me
XO/The Host
What’s yall top 3 songs from this?
Same Old Song
No order for me
You corny af for saying dd boa
outside and initiation
i remember my plug finally got us a brick of lean the night this dropped lmfao
real ones know eos > hob
feel like most ppl say hob is the best from the trilogy because it was the first one they listened to and by the time eos dropped the novelty wore off but this the superior album imo
real ones know eos > hob
feel like most ppl say hob is the best from the trilogy because it was the first one they listened to and by the time eos dropped the novelty wore off but this the superior album imo
Eos miles better than hob