This is entertaining but it's not a good movie in the slightest
Dogshit wrapped up in pretty christmas gift wrap
This is entertaining but it's not a good movie in the slightest
Dogshit wrapped up in pretty christmas gift wrap
This is entertaining but it's not a good movie in the slightest
Dogshit wrapped up in pretty christmas gift wrap
This is entertaining but it's not a good movie in the slightest
Dogshit wrapped up in pretty christmas gift wrap
100% gave it a 6/10 for style and presentation, also Barry and rosamund gave good performances
the aspect ratio was an interesting choice for me
don’t really see why it was chosen, especially since a lot of the scenery was beautiful and it would have been dope to see wider shots of it
This movie loves to show off the male form. we love to see it.
also Barry's body is banging....
Just watched and
This movie was wild. I don't think it's amazing or even good in the slightest but it's entertaining I'll give it that.
It felt like if s Lifetime movie or trashy thriller was dressed up as a prestigious a24 flick.
All the perfomances were good. Pike was great, Elordi was alright and Keoghan was wild af in this also lightskin dude from Gran Turismo was pretty good.
Don’t think there’s a reason for it. Oliver is just a weird freaky guy lol
Yeah but that's just boring. All the weird freaky stuff he does with the other characters makes sense after we know his goal is to have Saltburn, but something like the grave f***ing scene just seems very unnecessary and muddies Oliver's motivations. Seems like it's just there strictly for shock value
watching this in the cinema was FUN! audience gagging at the gaggy scenes.. FUN! camp! i came, i saw, i ate popcorn, i giggled! lots of FUN
watching this in the cinema was FUN! audience gagging at the gaggy scenes.. FUN! camp! i came, i saw, i ate popcorn, i giggled! lots of FUN
Was a jolly gud time! Got a little hard during the bathe tub scene heh🫣
I keep seeing people talking about how cool it is of Barry showing his real d*** in the movie, as opposed to most actors who use prosthetics, and I can’t help but feel like these people actually have no understanding as to why that’s the case.
Like, if you got a big d*** and you show it on screen people will clap you on the back and congratulate you for it, but if your s*** is average or even below average, that’s a potential hit to your career and most definitely something the internet will lambast you about endlessly.
Yeah but that's just boring. All the weird freaky stuff he does with the other characters makes sense after we know his goal is to have Saltburn, but something like the grave f***ing scene just seems very unnecessary and muddies Oliver's motivations. Seems like it's just there strictly for shock value
To each its own. I like villains that do evil s*** for the sake of it