People comparing this to don't worry darling is wild to me, it's nowhere near that bad, maybe as vapid, but a lot more entertaining.
What's the consensus on this movie? I saw it last night and honestly it seemed kind of... Thin? The movie acted as if it was carrying a certain artistic weight but there was nothing really behind it to justify that.
Is there a metaphor I'm missing out on or something?
What's the consensus on this movie? I saw it last night and honestly it seemed kind of... Thin? The movie acted as if it was carrying a certain artistic weight but there was nothing really behind it to justify that.
Is there a metaphor I'm missing out on or something?
this was a lot of people’s complaint about the movie: that it’s all very empty.
I didn’t feel this way tho, it was very captivating to me and i found it very fun. and the overall theme that the movie pushes or tries to, doesn’t really affect my enjoyment of what I saw
What's the consensus on this movie? I saw it last night and honestly it seemed kind of... Thin? The movie acted as if it was carrying a certain artistic weight but there was nothing really behind it to justify that.
Is there a metaphor I'm missing out on or something?
oliver just didn't seem enough as a villain as he ended up being in like the last 15 minutes. the exposition at the end was very cheap.
i would have liked it a lot more if Oliver and Felix just became good friends. Like a feel-good summer fun story almost like Call Me By Your name. Just a little less gay but still pretty gay.
Lmaoooooooo no wonder they say she isn’t subtle
this movie sucked d***. but murder on the dance floor song been stuck in my mind ever since...
this film might be a normal people classic like the menu. feels like everyone seen or heard of this s***
The visual aesthetic and 35mm film look as well as the aspect ratio was really incredible. I think the characters ranged from genuinely interesting to hollow. Movie felt a touch hollow. Like someone spent hours finding the best looking ingredients for a cake and then they pulled it out of the oven 20 minutes early. The movie never goes where I thought it was building toward.
Was relaxing tonight watching this beautiful filmed fish out of water-like film until suddenly…
i enjoyed promising young woman a bit considering how divisive that movie is but this was just bad
visually stunning no doubt and the commentary is decent, but the way it was executed was done so terribly
i think this movie is paced really awfully which lead to the """shock""" moments really having no impact on me lol
like i can handle "vapidity" and style over substance as for conveying a message in movies as many of my favorite films tend to be in that style, but it's really hard to execute cause you either pull it off amazingly or just fall flat on your face and unfortunately saltburn did the latter for me
Ngl, although I was iffy on the movie I’m enjoying seeing how big of an impact it’s having online. Whether you hate it, love it, or somewhere in the middle. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a movie cause this much discussion. Especially one not tied to an IP or known figure
Havnt read what people think about it itt.
It’s obviously a bad movie. Script is full of cliches. Tik Tok editing vibes. Gives off rando Twitter movie idea vibes. Nothing remarkable about the twists and turns. But that being said, it was incredibly fun and pulpy.
The reason I do like it, is because it is exactly what it is and doesn’t try to hide behind it. There’s no big statement trying to be made about class consciousness and there was never an intent to either. It was at least honest with what it was doing. Just a fun pulpy English gothic revenge flick