looks brilliant in terms of set design, cinematography, camera lenses, colouring etc.
even the fonts and title treatments are extremely good
not sure how good the actual film looks giving me kinda Dont Worry Darling vibes in terms of cool ideas general messiness and lack of decisive, strong choices being made creatively but thats obviously just by a 2 minute trailer
Imma keep it a bean… Don’t we already have this movie at home?
It was mentioned early on in production that it takes inspiration from this movie
I refuse to believe anybody can rebound from a dumpster fire like Promising Young Woman
Chazelles DP isn’t going to save this
I refuse to believe anybody can rebound from a dumpster fire like Promising Young Woman
Chazelles DP isn’t going to save this
Rebound? Most people thought it was good and she won an Oscar for it
this looking to be divisive like babylon, which was my fav film of last year
Rebound? Most people thought it was good and she won an Oscar for it
Post-CODA Oscars are faker than than music streaming records