  • Jul 15, 2024
    Cielo Drive

    S***'s funny af to hear it IRL over the phone lol

    Google just transcribed that s*** for me

  • Jul 15, 2024
    Cielo Drive


    I fw the marketing for this album

    Eminem always has great marketing

  • Jul 15, 2024

    he really brought his old voice back

  • Jul 15, 2024
    1 reply

    My five favorites after multiple listens


  • Jul 15, 2024
    1 reply

    My five favorites after multiple listens


    All of these are trash

  • Jul 15, 2024
    The Infinite M

    Yes and no.

    The way I see it it's a concept about Eminem as a rapper and his two characters that have formed him throughout the years coming at odds within Eminem's brain.

    For the longest, Marshall (the good conscious) was able to surpress Shady (evil one) until Marshall became too comfortable and let Shady somewhat get ressurected on Renaissance. There he realizes where the game has gone and wants to take control of Eminem, the rapper, as a whole, because he was gone so long and doesn't like what everything has turned into (society, hiphop, Eminem's public perception and perception within the game) the last time he basically had the upper hand or was involved in the decision making, so to say.

    So Habits is basically Eminem making a song but all of a sudden Shady comes back into light. The lines are starting to get blurred. I think here Shady is trying to insert himself back into Eminem's conscious and slowly starts taking the upper hand over the good conscious, Marshall. Both personas are prevelant on that track and at the end it's Shady taking over which then leads to Slim kidnapping Marshall. Mind you, this is all happening in Eminem's brain, so basicslly a story within a story, or a dream within a dream on some inception type of s***.

    On Trouble, once Marshall is trapped by Shady, Shady basically tells Marshall why he is doing what he is doing. Trying to get Eminem cancelled by making a new album as retaliation for locking him far away within the brain and not letting him do his thing. He feels betrayed because he was the reason why Eminem became this popular in the first place.

    The way I see it, Evil is actually a regular Eminem track where we jump out of the dream like state and Eminem starts to realize, or better think, that he might actually be an Evil person because Shady has inserted himself back into the fold.

    Lucifer is then a full fleshed Shady track that leads into Antichrist where Shady is trying to shift the blame to Marshall so that Eminem, the complete person in that case, embraces Shady again instead of Marshall and locks him away.

    Fuel and Road Rage is basically the lead up to the album, in real life, in which Shady is trying to get Eminem cancelled, that leads to Houdini dropping in this story as the lead single. It then leads into the skit where Shady is showing a tied up Marshall, the good conscious, that Shady won and Eminem really dropped the album. Remember, Marshall has been d***ged at the beginning by Shady which also indicates that, Marshall was in a dream like state. This is basically confirmed through the alarm sound several times during this album. Shady explains himself in detail on GC2 but gets too Cocky and thinks he is untouchable without realizing that while he was gone, Marshall became stronger than he was, contrary to the beginning of Eminem's career. The good side then kills Shady but there is another alarm where Eminem 'wakes up' and explains himself to Paul and he just hangs up which leaves several interpetations there, but mine is, that the album actually dropped in real life and Eminem as a whole was in a d*** like dreamy state because Shady took the upper hand over Eminems brain. It could also indicate that Eminem did infact relapse in real life and was trapped in a nightmare within a nightmare. You could also hear Shady laughing after GC2 indicating that his story might not be finished.

    I think this is where the actual story ends and the last few tracks are filler to add some diversity to the album.

    I think he put Temporary and the Outro there because revival was panned and thought that Castle and Arose didnt get enough love because they were on Revival and he was confident that this album would not get panned like the former. So he wanted people to hear these songs, even if they were rehashed concepts.

    I might be looking too much into this too, but this is the way I understand it lmao

    i think post gc2 where slim shady was "killed" the remaining tracks are current eminem but he is also rapping from the perspective of slim shady knowing he is no longer there and reflecting. why we get tracks like temporary and somebody save me. somebody save me really is such a beautiful last track. at face value it has the perspective of eminem in an alternate reality where he didn't make it all those years ago and died and was able to say what he wished he could have but it's also him being at peace because slim shady is now actually dead. hes been "saved from himself"

  • Jul 15, 2024
    1 reply
    Cielo Drive

    All of these are trash

    why are u still here ? go and support your favorite and stfu

  • Jul 15, 2024
    2 replies

    why are u still here ? go and support your favorite and stfu

    I'm gonna teach you something.

    1) I love eminem
    2) That post was a joke
    3) We know eachother
    4 Why are quoting me like you know me?

    Yall KTT posters have turned lipstick alley

    Mind your business like a man if you're a man

  • Jul 15, 2024

    For all you F*** ass motherfuckers in this thread, try not to feel this s***

  • Jul 15, 2024

    Save a slice for me, I should have spoon serve you up with a fork and kni- nah, yall get it

  • Jul 15, 2024
    2 replies
    Cielo Drive

    I'm gonna teach you something.

    1) I love eminem
    2) That post was a joke
    3) We know eachother
    4 Why are quoting me like you know me?

    Yall KTT posters have turned lipstick alley

    Mind your business like a man if you're a man

    "We know each other"

    "Why are you quoting me like you know me?"

    Which is it

  • Jul 15, 2024
    1 reply
    Bad Finger Boogie

    "We know each other"

    "Why are you quoting me like you know me?"

    Which is it

    two different people

  • Jul 15, 2024
    1 reply
    Cielo Drive

    I'm gonna teach you something.

    1) I love eminem
    2) That post was a joke
    3) We know eachother
    4 Why are quoting me like you know me?

    Yall KTT posters have turned lipstick alley

    Mind your business like a man if you're a man

    I'm gonna teach you something.
    1) I love eminem
    2) That post was a joke
    3) We know eachother
    4 Why are quoting me like you know me?
    Yall KTT posters have turned lipstick alley
    Mind your business like a man if you're a man

  • Jul 15, 2024
    Cielo Drive

    two different people


  • Jul 15, 2024

    Houdini still 10/10

  • Jul 15, 2024

    My only wish for this album was that Em did his own chorus

  • Jul 15, 2024

    I'm gonna teach you something.
    1) I love eminem
    2) That post was a joke
    3) We know eachother
    4 Why are quoting me like you know me?
    Yall KTT posters have turned lipstick alley
    Mind your business like a man if you're a man

  • Jul 15, 2024
    1 reply

    The placement of temporary is strange on the tracklist

  • the Ha! part on Road Rage is so f***ing good. Im one those people who likes Hov’s verse on the ha remix. anything Ha related im f***ing with

  • Jul 15, 2024
    2 replies

    Ok so after a few days I can finally give my final thoughts on the album. First and foremost I dont think there are any bad songs on the album, I think there are a few aspects I could do without, like some of the chorus(Road rage for example) and Ez mil as a feat.

    I also think Temporary and Somebody save me sound identical, I dont see a reason for both songs to be on the album, he should of kept one and removed the other.

    I really enjoyed the rap feats, I thought it was cool to see him rap with the new generation and actually go bar for bar with them.

    The production was also cool but that was expected, Em usually produces good tracks for himself.

    Houdini as a track was perfect as a single, I think it fits perfect in the context of the album. I still dont understand why Tobey was a single and I still believe it shouldnt of been one

    Lyrically, I think this is one of his better projects, and it's nice that he displays a variation of flows throughout the album. Some of the songs are funny, but also "corny" at times, I think he repeats himself a tad b**** much but it doesnt ruin the experience for me.

    Overall I would rank the album among his best, it's top 4 for me. I like that it doesnt have a mainstream sound, It feels alot more hip hop than most of his recent outputs. The lows on this album is better than the lows on relapse, but I think relapse has better highs. I think as awhole project this album does more for me than Relapse and therefor it's his 4th best.

    Well done Marshall. 7.5/8 out of 10

  • Jul 15, 2024
    1 reply
    · edited

    Ok so after a few days I can finally give my final thoughts on the album. First and foremost I dont think there are any bad songs on the album, I think there are a few aspects I could do without, like some of the chorus(Road rage for example) and Ez mil as a feat.

    I also think Temporary and Somebody save me sound identical, I dont see a reason for both songs to be on the album, he should of kept one and removed the other.

    I really enjoyed the rap feats, I thought it was cool to see him rap with the new generation and actually go bar for bar with them.

    The production was also cool but that was expected, Em usually produces good tracks for himself.

    Houdini as a track was perfect as a single, I think it fits perfect in the context of the album. I still dont understand why Tobey was a single and I still believe it shouldnt of been one

    Lyrically, I think this is one of his better projects, and it's nice that he displays a variation of flows throughout the album. Some of the songs are funny, but also "corny" at times, I think he repeats himself a tad b**** much but it doesnt ruin the experience for me.

    Overall I would rank the album among his best, it's top 4 for me. I like that it doesnt have a mainstream sound, It feels alot more hip hop than most of his recent outputs. The lows on this album is better than the lows on relapse, but I think relapse has better highs. I think as awhole project this album does more for me than Relapse and therefor it's his 4th best.

    Well done Marshall. 7.5/8 out of 10

    bro said no bad songs then proceeded to say tobey is bad

  • Jul 15, 2024

    bro said no bad songs then proceeded to say tobey is bad

    Bad as a single*

  • Jul 15, 2024

    The first half of this album is really good ngl

    Brand New Dance, Evil and Lucifer is a great run

  • Jul 15, 2024
    Bad Finger Boogie

    "We know each other"

    "Why are you quoting me like you know me?"

    Which is it


  • Jul 15, 2024

    The placement of temporary is strange on the tracklist

    yeah i hear you but he also does a pretty cool transition there at the end of head honcho he says "you'll always be a stan till i die tho (dido)" which obviously reference stan and production goes right to the rain which is how stan starts. he then does the whole are you afraid of death which is a throwback to the beginning of still dont give a f*** but flips it