god ive seen what youve done for others and i want the same
beautiful story man
wishing you nothing but love and happiness forever
thank you bro
praying that u receive it!
In the end, if someone really f***s w u, it doesn't matter
A lot of marriage/proposal s*** really rubs me the wrong way.. Very performative for everyone else tbh. Ppl having a plane write s*** out in the sky, or doing it in front of the eiffel tower w a hired photographer on site
I think there's more value in doing things anyone can do but don't.
I downloaded procreate, and drew out a picture book. Printed that s*** out. Tied it into a book. I said one day let's drive out to that massive ass rock and hike to the top. She said she was down. We hiked up to the top. It was so f***ing quiet up there. I still can remember the silence. truly like we were the only people in the world.
I said check out this book. The book spells it out and said what i needed to say.
That was that.
man thats so beautiful
It was cool. Plus I can always go back to it. Unless a meteor or warhead hits that mtn, shts not going anywhere.
When we were dating, we exclusively used line messenger to talk to each other. We've always loved the main characters for the messenger, so I just drew out our life up to that point, and our hopeful future using those characters.
it gets even more beautiful!!!
@RedEyeJedi to summarize it was like everything in my life had led me to this woman, it was like i didn't have any other choice, to make any other move just didn't make any sense at all. not a single doubt in my mind none at all
@RedEyeJedi to summarize it was like everything in my life had led me to this woman, it was like i didn't have any other choice, to make any other move just didn't make any sense at all. not a single doubt in my mind none at all
i rly coulda just said this instead of typing up a small memoir
i rly coulda just said this instead of typing up a small memoir
Nah, I enjoyed reading all of it I'm happy for you, hope I'm blessed enough to meet someone I feel the same way about one day
Nah, I enjoyed reading all of it I'm happy for you, hope I'm blessed enough to meet someone I feel the same way about one day
aight good haha i started thinking "should i have shared all dat??" lmao
i hope you get the same bro i rly do
Congrats @op
Nice, very classy. Was it a surprise?
Yeah, I told her we’re going out for dinner. Had a place booked.
Texted her telling her I was waiting outside and of course I had the driver. I guess by that time she kind of knew something was gonna happen.
She loved it.
Your first paragraph - how did you know it wasn't just the honeymoon phase? Pretty much every relationship feels that way at first. Lots of people have said "When they're the one, you just know" but how do you know you aren't wrong
That's what I was thinking.
About to travel Europe with my partner again around the time of our 7th anniversary next summer and... love her too much to trap her in a marriage with my dumb ass
About to travel Europe with my partner again around the time of our 7th anniversary next summer and... love her too much to trap her in a marriage with my dumb ass
I proposed within 3mos. Heck, 1-2mos in to our relationship we got drunk one night and planned out our wedding. I just knew it in my bones that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this woman, and I knew she felt the same. The first couple weeks we were together we ain't get no sleep, neither of us could come down from the high. It was like the most positive delirium I had ever experienced. Anyway...
We were in Rome (after having gone to Barcelona to watch the MotoGP race at catalunya) and we walked into this artisan workshop one day where they had all sorts of jewelry. I took a mental note of what size ring fit her ring finger and later went back and got the ring I would propose with. It was cheap. Real cheap. Tiny band with one tiny emerald.
The next evening we went for a walk, I was thinking the Trevi fountain would be The Spot but when we got there it was just so busy! So many people. I wanted some intimacy so I suggested we just keep walking and enjoy the sights. We ended up at this quiet piazza with one big spire in the center. Very few people. I got just behind her giving her with my arm at her side and made a remark about the very top of the spire, trying to get her to look up at the top like there was something important up there. As she looked up I took a step back and got on one knee so that when she turned around there I would be. Almost before I could even ask the question she shouted yes in the most happy way I have ever heard. (sidenote, there was a man from Spain who saw the proposal and he came over and just had to say something, share in the moment, i'll never forget how kind his face was)
After we called our friends and family and told them the news I began to feel self conscious about the ring and how plain and small it was and I said "I'm going to get you a real engagement ring that you feel like you can show off to everyone when we return home."
Luckily we were going to Florence later in our trip. Ponte Vecchio called my name, known for its gold and jewelry I just knew it would be the spot where I would get the ring she deserved. After nearly two hours of looking around I insisted that I get her this ring even though she protested that it was too expensive. (it wasn't)
She now happily wears that ring, her wedding band, and a platinum five year anniversary ring (custom commission) every day of her life. Our time traveling in Europe absolutely intoxicated with love ranks among the best stretches of time in my entire life.
tldr per @lil_ufo request: went to Rome, bought s*** ring, proposed and she said yes, bought blessed ring in Florence, the end
Wait you go married after being in a relationship for 2 only months?
Did you know her prior?
Just seems crazy to marry anyone just after knowing/dating them for 2 months
I didn’t propose. We were just vibing at my crib and just said how about we get married. Had been dating for a year
Got the license the next week. Got married at NYC city hall shortly after that.
Wait you go married after being in a relationship for 2 only months?
Did you know her prior?
Just seems crazy to marry anyone just after knowing/dating them for 2 months
i'd known her for 2+ years at the point but we was only dating for 3mos when i proposed. got married 12 months later
I proposed within 3mos. Heck, 1-2mos in to our relationship we got drunk one night and planned out our wedding. I just knew it in my bones that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this woman, and I knew she felt the same. The first couple weeks we were together we ain't get no sleep, neither of us could come down from the high. It was like the most positive delirium I had ever experienced. Anyway...
We were in Rome (after having gone to Barcelona to watch the MotoGP race at catalunya) and we walked into this artisan workshop one day where they had all sorts of jewelry. I took a mental note of what size ring fit her ring finger and later went back and got the ring I would propose with. It was cheap. Real cheap. Tiny band with one tiny emerald.
The next evening we went for a walk, I was thinking the Trevi fountain would be The Spot but when we got there it was just so busy! So many people. I wanted some intimacy so I suggested we just keep walking and enjoy the sights. We ended up at this quiet piazza with one big spire in the center. Very few people. I got just behind her giving her with my arm at her side and made a remark about the very top of the spire, trying to get her to look up at the top like there was something important up there. As she looked up I took a step back and got on one knee so that when she turned around there I would be. Almost before I could even ask the question she shouted yes in the most happy way I have ever heard. (sidenote, there was a man from Spain who saw the proposal and he came over and just had to say something, share in the moment, i'll never forget how kind his face was)
After we called our friends and family and told them the news I began to feel self conscious about the ring and how plain and small it was and I said "I'm going to get you a real engagement ring that you feel like you can show off to everyone when we return home."
Luckily we were going to Florence later in our trip. Ponte Vecchio called my name, known for its gold and jewelry I just knew it would be the spot where I would get the ring she deserved. After nearly two hours of looking around I insisted that I get her this ring even though she protested that it was too expensive. (it wasn't)
She now happily wears that ring, her wedding band, and a platinum five year anniversary ring (custom commission) every day of her life. Our time traveling in Europe absolutely intoxicated with love ranks among the best stretches of time in my entire life.
tldr per @lil_ufo request: went to Rome, bought s*** ring, proposed and she said yes, bought blessed ring in Florence, the end
this man rolled nat 20 for rizz