Nah. I don’t even know why I don’t like this but man everything is gonna be owned by 10-20 companies lol
Nah. I don’t even know why I don’t like this but man everything is gonna be owned by 10-20 companies lol
On the flip side maybe this provides a pipeline for independent artists to get video game placements idk
Nah. I don’t even know why I don’t like this but man everything is gonna be owned by 10-20 companies lol
Amazon gonna run all this s*** in 10-15
This is actually really smart considering Epic Games provided for free to play services with in app purchases. This might translate really well for Bandcamp and their artists.
After what they did to paragon I’m just gonna assume Bandcamp might be in its last days
After what they did to paragon I’m just gonna assume Bandcamp might be in its last days
I'm in pain
Epic has a decent track record with keeping developers and the users of recent buy-outs happy. Many have actually seen reduced fees, greater indie developer payout and budgets - although these were for things that made sense ex) free access to Quixel (3d megascans) to all Unreal Engine license holders w/ an Epic account.
Bandcamp on the other hand, nobody really knows the end goal, but they've tapped into way more resources. Hopefully this is the push needed to bring BC and indie artists into a greater spotlight as soundcloud is on its last leg. The hesitancy of buyers because of the acquisition is understandable, but may do more damage than good in this short term projection.
Epic sells bandcamp