tell me more about myself, ktt2 loser free youngboy
Still throwing out insults. Low iq behavior
Sounds like something you need to work on with yourself.
The same goes for a girl who thinks this of her partner.
cheating is not a gender based issue, its a character flaw found in people of all genders. yall itt acting like men dont be dirty macking just as much as women
Ur spitting in here thank u Satan
A lot of times it seems the relationship is on the outs and they just haven't fully cut ties or they don't want to cut off this person they talk to every single day but... OP said theyre still together so
It's funny u also hear the stories of older married people saying the secret to staying together 70 years is "CHEAT"
Damn still sucks, prolly making sure they got a roster for when things fall through (aka not being able to be alone), like I still wouldn't be able to do it
And I feel like, the negative energy of this cheating partner is something you'd feel too
And yeah I've heard that one too
Tbh when I was in my first relationship and we would talk about the future I was already thinking;
"Another 60 yrs with her, that's long af and we change so much"
It wasn't that I didn't love her, it's like, how can one be committed to one person for so long(maybe I haven't found that true love yet) so I understand where that sentiment comes from "cheating is a secret"
But I'd just break up all together instead of cheating lmao
i’m careful with who i pick, girls are clingy asf when you are a man who controls his own narrative. Cause no woman wants a man who sees he’s influenced easily even by her lmao
edit: money will make her stay but that doesn’t mean she takes u serious. Most men just want to be adequate enough for their girl, their mom and to compete around other men. Inadequacy is going around like the flu nowadays because the game has altered like a rug pull
As u should be, like u said ur inspired by own motives and best interest, u know ur value
The right one will come along I wouldn't worry about cheating
You attract what u reflect
And as soon as it feels off, ur gut will def tell u
bro why is this thread FIFTEEN pages long
Real talk was had
Titties poppin out robes etc
when tf did this become losertothe
Why is y'all every answer to these types of issues to just call everyone a loser lol.
First of all that s*** not even a real word (as far as what they have made it mean at least.)
And losers describe extreme hate, and in some cases violence towards women, other men etc. Every single frustration spoken about dating don't make the average man a loser man. Tbh it sucks that that loser s*** even became a thing, cuz now just having mild trouble with women labels you that weird s***.
Why is y'all every answer to these types of issues to just call everyone a loser lol.
First of all that s*** not even a real word (as far as what they have made it mean at least.)
And losers describe extreme hate, and in some cases violence towards women, other men etc. Every single frustration spoken about dating don't make the average man a loser man. Tbh it sucks that that loser s*** even became a thing, cuz now just having mild trouble with women labels you that weird s***.
spoken like a true loser
everyday on social media you see a hundred men saying all women are the same and a hundred women saying all men are the same. idk how many bad experiences people have had to continue to generalize half the world one way or the other, but each gender is just telling themselves men ain't s*** and women ain't s***. some people aren't s***. i seriously don't know how people get this jaded. if i know im a good and faithful man in my heart, then i know theres at least a counter part to me out there. i hope and think i found that in my girl. if not, oh well, i'd love again. but if i had it in my heart to be a hoe and run around then i deserve someone who has it in their heart to be a hoe and run around. i feel like when you really get to know someone you can learn a lot about their character. people want stability, they want trust and they want confidence. there's so many people who will put down the same that you put down and vice versa. idek why i'm typing this wall of text but basically the generalizations are so immature and really hold so many of us back. take some time from reading grimy stories from the internet, there's a lot of great people in the world and they ARENT represented online and they ARENT having stories posted about them because they're busy being great out in the physical world. honestly i used to see s*** on twitter about how women are promiscuous and it really would sometimes enter my subconscious and make me insecure of my position in a relationship but i promise cutting that s*** out will work wonders because every scenario you read online does not fit into your life. every woman IS NOT the same
I’ve got fetish for f***ing on niggas girls. It really turns me on
fetish for it is crazy dawg lmao
spoken like a true loser
Ok you can repeat that over and over all you want lol. The things in this thread aren't what losers do however many times you say it just cuz you think it's funny. loser loser loser 😂😂😂 that's the only thing you can say and you don't know me or anyone here for that matter. Get some critical thinking skills, you and the 1 nigga who liked that ignorant s***.
there was this really fine girl , like... drop dead gorgeous
and i had been sending lil dms here and there for months out (they say that s*** dont work, it really just depend) // we had never really had no intense or in depth convo just me sayin she fine she might like it or say thank you or some, aka the "im just saying thank you" s***.
saying that to say, people who tell you "im just saying thank you"...
anyway , one day im close to where she stay and I dm her just to shoot that shot , not really even thinking its gon go in // the night goes by it's like 2 am, she dm me talkin bout she just in her crib studying but i can come kick it while she study
im like bet, nigga drunk and just getting in from the kickbacks of the night
i have my niggas walk with me over to her crib make sure its not a set up, idk if this tmi or what but im just layin out the details
she open her door, fine af, chillin with no make up on, cool right.
im so unsure of whats goin on, she pretty much when i enter in tell me something bout how her boyfriend did this and this for her and duh duh duh duh duh, so when she says that im thinking "oh, she literally just tryna chill. ok " BECAUSE I AM A RESPECTABLE MAN AND I ACTUALLY DO NOT CONDONE CHEATING NOR HAVE I EVER CHEATED.
so the whole time im just chillin bro, lowkey fallin asleep, playin my role as a friend, genuinely.
ima save this one detail but we go somewhere and she do a full outfit change to go somewhere at 3 am
we come back, im literally just chillin. she starts cooking, for both of us.
she disappears and reappears in this fye ass like purple fuzzy robe...
im like...oh... ima keep it chill..
im literally laying on the couch i dont even remember how long, making no moves and lowkey falling asleep, next thing i know shes talked her way into cuddling with me and is laying on me on this couch,
next thing i know a titty pop out the robe
I do what im sposed to do. realistically, nobody resisting this much with a full b*** layin on they lip.
next thing i know she lead me to her room, im like.. i thought she said she had a nigga
she tryna finish, she wanna f***, bet
we start f***in, she get her nut, i ask for head shawtie said
"i cant give you head, that's cheating" ...
she pretty much is like only letting me do backshots she wont let me lay on her bed because
"you can't lay on my bed, i dont want it to smell like cologne my boyfriend finna be here in a couple of hours"
I pretty much steal some of her face wash, and leave go back to my niggas crib heartbroken. whole incident broke my mental image of certain people.
shawtie was SO fine, like the type of fine that dont get down like that.
like I really thought I was bout to bag that start a family or something nigga was dreamin
i dont think her and that boyfriend ever broke up
and now she has a family, married .
both of them have high paying jobs and good degrees .
she didnt even seem like the type to do some like that, let alone let a nigga hit the first time meeting in person.
but thats how it works, more times than not.
This is crazy
cheating is not a gender based issue, its a character flaw found in people of all genders. yall itt acting like men dont be dirty macking just as much as women
Exactly,if not more lol
i just want niggas to be ready for anything! only woman to trust today 110% is the one who raised you heard, seen and been thru a lot to know it’s real and happens to the best men! Good luck and be kind
i mean this as nicely as i can possibly mean but if i take all the advice ive seen in this thread then i can only assume your mom is a hoe too so don't trust her either
i mean this as nicely as i can possibly mean but if i take all the advice ive seen in this thread then i can only assume your mom is a hoe too so don't trust her either
Yall get way too comfortable man smh. Like no way you say this to someone you don’t know irl so why say it here? It’s not like dude disrespected you first either