  • sponge 🧽
    Mar 3
    1 reply

  • sponge

  • Don’t have a girl so no

  • 1996 BRL

    This has all the trappings of a classic KTT Relationship sxn post, well written sir

    'And then a titty pop out' this is KTT Kino
    'Can't give you head that's cheating' this took me aback because of the momentum that had built up thus far

    glad you geeked up off my trauma //

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    OP is insecure. Sad to see it!

    i get the most feminine and soft version of women when i’m in my bag, women can smell insecurity

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    No, u have unhealed trauma and prolly got attachment issues

    When I had this exact feeling during my relationship I knew it was a red flag to end the relationship, cause how can u emotionally be 100% loving and trusting when that demon is in the back whispering her sins

    U can't... And this feeling will last and grow till ur a paranoid freak and the relationship is broken

    Either u check yourself or be more careful with who u pick, but it all starts with you

    i’m careful with who i pick, girls are clingy asf when you are a man who controls his own narrative. Cause no woman wants a man who sees he’s influenced easily even by her lmao

    edit: money will make her stay but that doesn’t mean she takes u serious. Most men just want to be adequate enough for their girl, their mom and to compete around other men. Inadequacy is going around like the flu nowadays because the game has altered like a rug pull

  • Mar 3
    2 replies

    "like I really thought I was bout to bag that and start a family"

    and youre seriously calling me a white knight? when this is the s*** you say when f***ing someones girlfriend. If you think I'm weird look in the mirror man

  • sponge 🧽
    Mar 3

    "like I really thought I was bout to bag that and start a family"

    and youre seriously calling me a white knight? when this is the s*** you say when f***ing someones girlfriend. If you think I'm weird look in the mirror man

    Great point tbh. hold your ground

  • Mar 3

    Bro watched too many hours of loser podcasts

    bro this opposite of loser takes cause im supporting women running the same game men do on women. Yall are roleplaying like a sims game in their head😂😂 The only escape most women have is anything that doesn’t deal with males validation

  • Cheat on my weed buddy guy

  • On everything I love :​

  • Just accept you can’t control other people and if they wanna do something that’ll hurt you just leave

  • Mar 3
    3 replies

    Who hurt you OP, soon to be 9 years going strong, mid 20s, and i even asked her bluntly before. She has 0 interest in f***ing somebody else. And i know there’s loads of women like her.

    Sometimes it’s just bad luck, but i do believe you’re kinda right about the “you know upfront if she’s gonna cheat”. That’s why it’s important to vet somebody for a longer period. Get to know her morals, her amount of discipline, personality etc before making things official

    nobody hurt me it’s who i’ve seen get hurt… when it was f***ing obvious from the beginning she never took them serious. Maybe i just have a woman’s intuition (ima girls gworl 💅🏽) Ppl in here calling this an loser thread 😂 It’s fine though, women are seeing how much they need to protect themselves from us already anyways. When s*** becomes fully transactional i just hope yall learn to let go

  • Mar 3
    1 reply
    slime wrld

    nobody hurt me it’s who i’ve seen get hurt… when it was f***ing obvious from the beginning she never took them serious. Maybe i just have a woman’s intuition (ima girls gworl 💅🏽) Ppl in here calling this an loser thread 😂 It’s fine though, women are seeing how much they need to protect themselves from us already anyways. When s*** becomes fully transactional i just hope yall learn to let go

    so are you saying most women lead the relationship to be transactional?

  • Mar 3

    No lie I wondered how those men feel that she cheats on u with
    Cause they usually know, sometimes dudes even be friends, but I don't think they feel sorry, a friend that do that s*** only wanted to hurt ya anyway

    I ain't gonna lie, I don't think I'd be able to do it

    But u are right tho u can tell which relationships are "broken"

    man most marriages are broken at a certain point but the ones who communicate very well end up letting whoever got done bad “get their get back” or it happens behind closed doors. Life is already very transactional we are just taking the mask off finally but it’s hard to accept

  • op spittin

  • If she’s gonna do it u can’t rlly stop her Other sht to think about tbh

    U not cold enough

  • Mar 3
    2 replies

    so are you saying most women lead the relationship to be transactional?

    It’s the entire dating game that will be because of them actually learning their power(already is if you participating right now) but women will inevitably do so in most relationships once you have played all your cards. You committed to that traditional lifestyle now you must have something to always draw.

    Leading towards a marriage that hanging off two threads. The kids and fear of being alone and old

  • no more free d***

    play fein 100 times…

    then you’ll understand…

    how about you think about how bad…

    you been cheating on your purpose…

    sweet meat ass nigga…

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    My Op emphasizes cheating heavily and it starts there for many but i want yall to realize it ends on social contract /relationship principles that don’t make sense anymore. Male loneliness crisis is looking like an inadequacy crisis to most women

  • slime wrld

    It’s the entire dating game that will be because of them actually learning their power(already is if you participating right now) but women will inevitably do so in most relationships once you have played all your cards. You committed to that traditional lifestyle now you must have something to always draw.

    Leading towards a marriage that hanging off two threads. The kids and fear of being alone and old

    What do you mean when you talk about these "cards" men have? Is that not power men have that makes this equal?

  • sponge 🧽
    Mar 3
    slime wrld

    My Op emphasizes cheating heavily and it starts there for many but i want yall to realize it ends on social contract /relationship principles that don’t make sense anymore. Male loneliness crisis is looking like an inadequacy crisis to most women

    Now we poddin

  • Mar 3
    2 replies

    fetish thread
