Descartes, Nietzsche (don't always agree with him, but find him fascinating), Camus, Kant, Augustine, David Hume, Rx Nephew
Def forgetting alot of the homies smh
Nietzsche, Plato, Marcus Aurelius and Niccolò Machiavelli
I read Meditations by Aurelias a little bit ago. Stoicism is admirable
Nietzsche, Carl Jung if he counts, John Locke, John Stuart Mill, Marcus Aurelius and Seneca the Elder
kanye west
Damn y’all got me wanting to read Marcus Aurelius, I majored in history so I learned about his time as emperor but never looked into his writings.
What should I read of his?
Damn y’all got me wanting to read Marcus Aurelius, I majored in history so I learned about his time as emperor but never looked into his writings.
What should I read of his?
Mediations fs
Alan Watts and Osho were probably the most formative for me
what would you recommend from Alan watts,I'm interested to peep
what would you recommend from Alan watts,I'm interested to peep
honestly, I'm a bigger fan of his speeches than his books. a while back I downloaded like 100 hours of his speeches and used to listen to them all the time during road trips, flights, and falling asleep
first book I read from him tho was The Book: On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are which got me interested. he's published a lot of books on different topics so you could also just pick whichever topic seems most relevant to you