honestly, I'm a bigger fan of his speeches than his books. a while back I downloaded like 100 hours of his speeches and used to listen to them all the time during road trips, flights, and falling asleep
first book I read from him tho was The Book: On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are which got me interested. he's published a lot of books on different topics so you could also just pick whichever topic seems most relevant to you
thank you,I'll check that book out when I can!
Camus my goat
I like Seneca a lot, kirkegaard, the guy who wrote beyond good and evil uhhhh if I list anyone else I’d just be flexing
George Hegel the goat
What did he mean by “ If you want to love you must serve, if you want freedom you must die. “
Fred Moten on the philosophy of Blackness as an object of study. Also Moten on jazz improv as a medium for navigating social relations
im new to the site but it’s so cool seeing threads like this, picked up on so much to research later
thank you all fr