FFXIV Thread

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  • Jul 28, 2023
  • Jul 28, 2023

    I do have a PC, I would rather just play on PC instead of PS5 but PS5 exclusives stop that.

    That being said, you do sometimes get Japanese games like 13 Sentinels which only release on PS5 so I guess im f***ed anyway

    Ah I see what you're saying now. Yeah, I'd much rather play anything on PC. PS5 is a literal dust collector and Xbox ain't got games. Incredibly disappointing to play FF16 at 4K30 or 720p/60, and it really put a sour taste in my mouth lol.

    Also very funny to me that it's still on PS4, doesn't support Xbox One, and also is gonna be on the Series consoles.

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jul 28, 2023
  • Aug 10, 2023

    I think I skip the next expansion. The second raid tier killed me. It was so bad man. P5S and P8S were the only good fights. This tier I barely have the will to go into P11S. Need a break from this game. Loved It alot but bruh. I am done. Over 2,5k hours in 2 years...

  • Dec 13, 2023

    I'm so hyped for Dawntrail after I read the famitsu interview where they said we'd be getting more group stuff. I hope we see something about at the fanfest keynote in a few weeks.

    I've been spending a lot of time in Bozja again lately and I think this and Eureka are the most fun things in the game.