First full day with and I f***ing love it.
My only gripe. And I think a lot of people will feel it when they get it.
A load of long corridors. Just feels empty. It's a shame this is only Midget because it could be so much more in the environment department
First full day with and I f***ing love it.
My only gripe. And I think a lot of people will feel it when they get it.
A load of long corridors. Just feels empty. It's a shame this is only Midget because it could be so much more in the environment department
Is it open world? Or does it feel huge
Is it open world? Or does it feel huge
Areas feel big. Reminds me a lot like FF13, but much better
5:35 took me out bro no way
flyest uncle ever. with the beret and the facial expressions 10/10
First full day with and I f***ing love it.
My only gripe. And I think a lot of people will feel it when they get it.
A load of long corridors. Just feels empty. It's a shame this is only Midget because it could be so much more in the environment department
Camera is also f***ing terrible in those small ass rooms or any time you fighting a monster thats flying. I don't know if you did the side quest where you had to fight in the factory but my camera was spazzing out s*** was horrible
First full day with and I f***ing love it.
My only gripe. And I think a lot of people will feel it when they get it.
A load of long corridors. Just feels empty. It's a shame this is only Midget because it could be so much more in the environment department
Thanks for the review. Keep them coming!
Camera is also f***ing terrible in those small ass rooms or any time you fighting a monster thats flying. I don't know if you did the side quest where you had to fight in the factory but my camera was spazzing out s*** was horrible
Yeah I was actually pondering this when I was playing RE2 Remake last week. I am really going to miss the pre-rendered backgrounds. Because, if you remember from the original FFVII, every area had a “shot”, like a direction the camera was facing and how far away it was. Everywhere you went it was a different shot but it was ALWAYS the best possible angle. It always made everything look so cool.
No offense to FFVII remake or RE2 remake but these new age, over-the-shoulder bullshit viewpoints really take away from a lot of the art that went into the originals.
People say all this new technology is an “advancement” but they never take into account what we lose from it.
Camera is also f***ing terrible in those small ass rooms or any time you fighting a monster thats flying. I don't know if you did the side quest where you had to fight in the factory but my camera was spazzing out s*** was horrible
Yeah it was driving me insane there as well. Still is now at times.
I just can't see it being fixed due to combat and the areas you fight in 🤦🏽♂️
Been wanting this forever, I remember how hyped I was when I saw the teaser for this in 2015. But I hate how the game isn’t even finished yet. Think I’m gonna cop it when it goes on sale, hopefully there’s a decent amount of gameplay on part 1. Played the original as a kid but I don’t really see myself playing that version again.
Square doesn’t hold back with the spoilers in the last trailer eh
Yeah it's a f***ing nightmare, makes no sense why they did it
Been wanting this forever, I remember how hyped I was when I saw the teaser for this in 2015. But I hate how the game isn’t even finished yet. Think I’m gonna cop it when it goes on sale, hopefully there’s a decent amount of gameplay on part 1. Played the original as a kid but I don’t really see myself playing that version again.
Honestly I just went back recently and played through original. It does not disappoint and I didn’t feel a feeling of “outdated” even a little bit. Still got emotional even. I highly suggest another play through.
music getting me eveytime
They had the composer's working triple time. Literally a version of a song for every scenario
20 hours in and I'm constantly asking "why is this taking so long" just to continue the story.
Throwing in tideious back tracking just to add hours onto the game.
I'm saying it more and more as I know this is only Midgar and wondering why it's taking so long for something that honestly only took 4 hours on the PS1.
It's still good.
is final fantasy 15 worth playing if you’ve never played a FF game before?
Most definitely. Royal Edition added a lot of content that was meant in the retail versionn
Most definitely. Royal Edition added a lot of content that was meant in the retail versionn
is the world big and is there a lot of stuff to do outside of main story?
20 hours in and I'm constantly asking "why is this taking so long" just to continue the story.
Throwing in tideious back tracking just to add hours onto the game.
I'm saying it more and more as I know this is only Midgar and wondering why it's taking so long for something that honestly only took 4 hours on the PS1.
It's still good.
Ahhhh s***.
First criticism here we go.
This is not something I like hearing but thanks for letting us know.
20 hours in and I'm constantly asking "why is this taking so long" just to continue the story.
Throwing in tideious back tracking just to add hours onto the game.
I'm saying it more and more as I know this is only Midgar and wondering why it's taking so long for something that honestly only took 4 hours on the PS1.
It's still good.
Based on everything you’ve played and seen so far, how cemented is this for game of the year? Or not even close?
I swear I missed a certain summon materia, kinda heated about it but im at chapter 13 with 25 hours now smh
EDIT: I might have missed 2 ffs man
20 hours in and I'm constantly asking "why is this taking so long" just to continue the story.
Throwing in tideious back tracking just to add hours onto the game.
I'm saying it more and more as I know this is only Midgar and wondering why it's taking so long for something that honestly only took 4 hours on the PS1.
It's still good.
Have you been doing the side quests? Cause this the only time I find myself backtracking a lot other than I think its fine.
Navigating through towns can get annoying too especially when you doing the side quests, theres this one town that’s really f***ing big but the routes are narrow af and it just gets confusing, just have to constantly watch the corner of my screen to know where im going
Based on everything you’ve played and seen so far, how cemented is this for game of the year? Or not even close?
I think this a 8.5/10 so far, camera is the biggest issue of the game so far and I don’t see how they could fix this s***, like this isnt even a thing that happens on rare occasions, it happens often cause you are constantly forced to fight in these small areas and the targeting is pretty awful.
I don’t know if you ever played FFXV but the same camera issues carry over to this game. Enemies that fly are never fun to fight cause the camera becomes an enemy too.
Apart from the camera the combat is pretty cool, the ATB gauge introduces hella strategy and stops you from doing the potion spam cheese that niggas was doing in FFXV to get outta any situation.
But then comes the dodging/blocking in combat. Dodging doesn’t give you i-frames and once an enemy hits you it will either a) just deal damage to you (the best outcome), b) deal damage and knock you down or c) your character gets trapped into a f***ing combo and you get knocked down - getting trapped in combos is frustrating af and you cant actually dodge away once your locked in. There are certain attacks that will combo you regardless of if you are blocking or not which is what makes combat frustrating at times. Dodging some of these attacks are possible but you need to position yourself correctly and time it correctly too since you don’t get i-frames, also feel like my hitbox is pretty large at times, like I feel like I timed the dodge and get combod to the ground anyway.
I should say tho that not every enemy is like this and a lot of them are quite easy to counter and dodge, problem is when you are facing multiple of these at the same time in small spaces and more than 1 of these enemies has the ability to either combo you or put you to sleep or some s***.
It might sound like I wasn’t f***ing with the combat at all but I really like the whole combat system and a lot of these boss fights have been amazing, some of these terrible encounters really stick with you tho.
Side Quests are also pretty mediocre, after 25 hours of gameplay I cant remember doing 1 meaningful side quests (I have done all of them so far)
On the plus side, the music is really amazing, all the mini games were dope as s***, every time I encountered one for the first time I played it multiple times to get the highest score, the VA for the characters add HELLA personality to them (the Japanese ones, english ones don’t really do anything), seeing some of these locations in 3D just breathtaking and the stuff they added to the story pretty cool/mysterious so far and makes you want to keep playing even if you beat the original before