is the world big and is there a lot of stuff to do outside of main story?
Yes. It's a great game. I'm sure it's pretty cheap by now too. It's totally worth it
Have you been doing the side quests? Cause this the only time I find myself backtracking a lot other than I think its fine.
Navigating through towns can get annoying too especially when you doing the side quests, theres this one town that’s really f***ing big but the routes are narrow af and it just gets confusing, just have to constantly watch the corner of my screen to know where im going
I know where you're on about.
I think what annoys me more is the places in-between towns. Because I'm so used to them being small from the original I keep getting angry and the unnecessary let's on this "different route" stuff.
But cinematically, this could by far be Square Enixs best. Incredible
I know where you're on about.
I think what annoys me more is the places in-between towns. Because I'm so used to them being small from the original I keep getting angry and the unnecessary let's on this "different route" stuff.
But cinematically, this could by far be Square Enixs best. Incredible
Oh I feel you, and certain towns when you doing the side quests there are these shortcuts like gaps between walls where Cloud enters an animation and its just slow AF, I didn't mind it at first but when you have to go to A to B constantly it gets pretty annoying
Currently playing through the original on my Switch in anticipation for this. So excited. One of my favourite video game storylines, so I'm super excited to see how well that translates to the current generation. Gonna be emotional.
Currently playing through the original on my Switch in anticipation for this. So excited. One of my favourite video game storylines, so I'm super excited to see how well that translates to the current generation. Gonna be emotional.
I won't spoil but theres this one section of the original game that they remade so dam perfectly, might even say they actually elevated it which I didn't think was possible. Had me mad emotional and might be my favourite highlight from this game so far
I won't spoil but theres this one section of the original game that they remade so dam perfectly, might even say they actually elevated it which I didn't think was possible. Had me mad emotional and might be my favourite highlight from this game so far
Glad you're enjoying it, you completed it yet?
Glad you're enjoying it, you completed it yet?
Nope, I been taking it quite slow and doing all mini games to perfection and all the side quests. I'm 26 hours in right now and I feel like I still got quite some ways to go based on where I am on the story
Really gonna be playing this in a week after seeing the trailer 5 years ago
I’m really gonna be playing this in a week after seeing the tech demo in 2006
What a time
They said they already began developing the next one sometime last year
I hope it doesn’t take too long to come out
They said they already began developing the next one sometime last year
I hope it doesn’t take too long to come out
Damn I hope it doesnt take 2 years for part 2
Damn I hope it doesnt take 2 years for part 2
I imagine it shouldn’t take TOO long mainly because they have the engine and structure already created. They’ve laid the groundwork already, which I would imagine took the longest.
Now all they have to do is make MORE of that, which I can’t imagine taking a crazy amount of time.
I would expect 1 year from now. Maybe 1.5 at the most.
On the last chapter.
It's been a f***ing movie.
you quick af, im at chapter 14 right now doing these side quests, don't say how many chapters but how close am I to the end?
you quick af, im at chapter 14 right now doing these side quests, don't say how many chapters but how close am I to the end?
You are. You'll know.
30 hours. I've done a load of side quests as well. Back in work tomorrow. Needed to get so far before I can go back on YouTube. Cba it spoiling it for me
I imagine it shouldn’t take TOO long mainly because they have the engine and structure already created. They’ve laid the groundwork already, which I would imagine took the longest.
Now all they have to do is make MORE of that, which I can’t imagine taking a crazy amount of time.
I would expect 1 year from now. Maybe 1.5 at the most.
After near completion. I can see it coming next year.
Assess are done. And if they keep it fairly linear like this it'll definitely be a smaller release date
You are. You'll know.
30 hours. I've done a load of side quests as well. Back in work tomorrow. Needed to get so far before I can go back on YouTube. Cba it spoiling it for me
Damn. I honestly thought it was 40 hours minimum but if you ain't doing side quests you might be able to beat this s*** in like 25 it sounds like
This chapter im on right now just elevated this s*** to a 9/10 for me, game bout to end hella strong
I think this a 8.5/10 so far, camera is the biggest issue of the game so far and I don’t see how they could fix this s***, like this isnt even a thing that happens on rare occasions, it happens often cause you are constantly forced to fight in these small areas and the targeting is pretty awful.
I don’t know if you ever played FFXV but the same camera issues carry over to this game. Enemies that fly are never fun to fight cause the camera becomes an enemy too.
Apart from the camera the combat is pretty cool, the ATB gauge introduces hella strategy and stops you from doing the potion spam cheese that niggas was doing in FFXV to get outta any situation.
But then comes the dodging/blocking in combat. Dodging doesn’t give you i-frames and once an enemy hits you it will either a) just deal damage to you (the best outcome), b) deal damage and knock you down or c) your character gets trapped into a f***ing combo and you get knocked down - getting trapped in combos is frustrating af and you cant actually dodge away once your locked in. There are certain attacks that will combo you regardless of if you are blocking or not which is what makes combat frustrating at times. Dodging some of these attacks are possible but you need to position yourself correctly and time it correctly too since you don’t get i-frames, also feel like my hitbox is pretty large at times, like I feel like I timed the dodge and get combod to the ground anyway.
I should say tho that not every enemy is like this and a lot of them are quite easy to counter and dodge, problem is when you are facing multiple of these at the same time in small spaces and more than 1 of these enemies has the ability to either combo you or put you to sleep or some s***.
It might sound like I wasn’t f***ing with the combat at all but I really like the whole combat system and a lot of these boss fights have been amazing, some of these terrible encounters really stick with you tho.
Side Quests are also pretty mediocre, after 25 hours of gameplay I cant remember doing 1 meaningful side quests (I have done all of them so far)
On the plus side, the music is really amazing, all the mini games were dope as s***, every time I encountered one for the first time I played it multiple times to get the highest score, the VA for the characters add HELLA personality to them (the Japanese ones, english ones don’t really do anything), seeing some of these locations in 3D just breathtaking and the stuff they added to the story pretty cool/mysterious so far and makes you want to keep playing even if you beat the original before
What are the mini games like? I've never played the original but preordered this
35 hours and FF7 is completed.
What a f***ing weekend.
Personally the game lived up the hype and more. The way the story was layed out was perfect, especially all the new pieces added.
What delve into that as it's unfair, but it's good.
The last few chapters will go down in history. Felt like a movie, left speechless throughout them. Still can't believe them to be honest.
Set the next game up perfectly, hope it doesn't take too long as all the assets are there.
Apart from the camera, combat was fluid. Feels so much better than 15's.
And I didn't experience any FPS drops, SE really fine tuned the game to run smoothly.
Music - Probably the best part apart about the game. So many variants of nearly every track made, no wonder it took the team years to make this. But there was one piece I f***ing lost my s*** to it
Graphics made the characters stand out by miles, with facial expressions the lot. Voice acting could've been iffy at the times but they looked incredible. Reno being my favourite.
My biggest hate was the camera and the backdrops to alot of places. They looked awful and badly rendered especially doors. If you were standing on a high building and looked out to the city. It looked so bad, unsure how they dropped the ball. They were just pictures, had to keep telling myself to ignore it.
After seeing the tech demo video and Advent Children all those years ago I kept saying I'd love to play a FF7 game like that. And now we have it.
But anyway, FF7 Remake was a masterpiece.
Can't wait to hear everyone's feelings towards it all.
Damn. I honestly thought it was 40 hours minimum but if you ain't doing side quests you might be able to beat this s*** in like 25 it sounds like
The original game is like 35-40 hours and the stuff covered in this part was only 2 hours there so a 35 hour length sounds more than fine to me
35 hours and FF7 is completed.
What a f***ing weekend.
Personally the game lived up the hype and more. The way the story was layed out was perfect, especially all the new pieces added.
What delve into that as it's unfair, but it's good.
The last few chapters will go down in history. Felt like a movie, left speechless throughout them. Still can't believe them to be honest.
Set the next game up perfectly, hope it doesn't take too long as all the assets are there.
Apart from the camera, combat was fluid. Feels so much better than 15's.
And I didn't experience any FPS drops, SE really fine tuned the game to run smoothly.
Music - Probably the best part apart about the game. So many variants of nearly every track made, no wonder it took the team years to make this. But there was one piece I f***ing lost my s*** to it
Graphics made the characters stand out by miles, with facial expressions the lot. Voice acting could've been iffy at the times but they looked incredible. Reno being my favourite.
My biggest hate was the camera and the backdrops to alot of places. They looked awful and badly rendered especially doors. If you were standing on a high building and looked out to the city. It looked so bad, unsure how they dropped the ball. They were just pictures, had to keep telling myself to ignore it.
After seeing the tech demo video and Advent Children all those years ago I kept saying I'd love to play a FF7 game like that. And now we have it.
But anyway, FF7 Remake was a masterpiece.
Can't wait to hear everyone's feelings towards it all.
can't wait to play this, loved the demo