  • Apr 6, 2020

    Bro this game has some of the best music since Nier Automata its insane


    Lost my s*** so many times just to the music

  • Apr 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Brooo just beat the game, that last stretch of the game was 10 outta f***ing 10 all around

  • Apr 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Im gassed right now, I can't believe how good that s*** was he really turned the original into a f***ing movie

    The last boss fight was completely insane and felt like how all final bosses should be like

  • Apr 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Im gassed right now, I can't believe how good that s*** was he really turned the original into a f***ing movie

    The last boss fight was completely insane and felt like how all final bosses should be like

    F***ing killed me. Nomura created a masterpiece.

    Last chapter and all the scenes makes me so hyped for the next game. Really did feel like a gaming movie.
    F***ing helll

  • Apr 6, 2020
    2 replies

    Bro this game has some of the best music since Nier Automata its insane

    no way. nothing is better than nier bro. impossible

  • Apr 6, 2020

    no way. nothing is better than nier bro. impossible

    he's telling the truth..

  • Apr 6, 2020
    1 reply

    no way. nothing is better than nier bro. impossible

    I pretty much live by what you just said but wait till you play the last few chapters cause its really up there with it

  • Apr 6, 2020
    1 reply

    F***ing killed me. Nomura created a masterpiece.

    Last chapter and all the scenes makes me so hyped for the next game. Really did feel like a gaming movie.
    F***ing helll

    I hope next one don't take long but I can't see it coming anytime soon, they might have the engine sorted it and s*** but now they need to create a whole open world and s***, unless they keeping it linear like what they did here

  • Apr 6, 2020
    2 replies

    streets is talking some mad s*** about the ending...

  • Apr 6, 2020

    streets is talking some mad s*** about the ending...

    They will. Nothing new, always hating whatever Nomura does

  • Apr 6, 2020

    I hope next one don't take long but I can't see it coming anytime soon, they might have the engine sorted it and s*** but now they need to create a whole open world and s***, unless they keeping it linear like what they did here

    Make it just like this and I'll be happy. Just don't know how they'll go from town to town when the game is so f***ing vast.

    I pray it's only 2 more, but I can see it being more just to get everything in

  • Apr 6, 2020

    streets is talking some mad s*** about the ending...

    nigga the ending was so epic I didn't even care about the s*** they changed when the credits roll

  • Apr 6, 2020
    1 reply

    I pretty much live by what you just said but wait till you play the last few chapters cause its really up there with it

    literally bro my friends and my sister know i listened to the nier ost (in game so tv audio) and now my sis thinks i literally listen to opera music and i asked my friends if they wanted to go to a concert and they thought i meant an orchestra lmfao
    this s\*\*\* is that good man :jordancry:

  • Apr 6, 2020
    1 reply

    yall are ruining my expectations im purposely trying to keep them low i gotta clock out lmao

  • Apr 6, 2020

    yall are ruining my expectations im purposely trying to keep them low i gotta clock out lmao

    f*** sakes

  • Apr 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Gonna play again once they release day one patch cause I did experience a game breaking bug like twice where I had to eventually just quite to the title screen.

    They also might fix the texture issues in the game

  • Apr 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Gonna play again once they release day one patch cause I did experience a game breaking bug like twice where I had to eventually just quite to the title screen.

    They also might fix the texture issues in the game

    Was that bug near the end? Because I had one where I died and it kept repeating it, had to redo the entire scenario again...

  • Apr 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Was that bug near the end? Because I had one where I died and it kept repeating it, had to redo the entire scenario again...

    I experienced like two bugs

    The first one was during the bike mini game in the early chapter, for some strange reason my camera went under the wheel and I couldn't see s\*\*\*

    Second one was When your inside the shinra building and you have to go inside the vents, first time I was in there I inspected the room under me to see spy on the NPCs, once it puts you in that view I just couldn't back out and I had to exit to the title screen

  • Apr 6, 2020

    I experienced like two bugs

    The first one was during the bike mini game in the early chapter, for some strange reason my camera went under the wheel and I couldn't see s\*\*\*

    Second one was When your inside the shinra building and you have to go inside the vents, first time I was in there I inspected the room under me to see spy on the NPCs, once it puts you in that view I just couldn't back out and I had to exit to the title screen

    Yoo that's mad. Mine was like the first but at the end one.

    Honestly thought my game was wiped 😩

  • Apr 6, 2020
    2 replies

    literally bro my friends and my sister know i listened to the nier ost (in game so tv audio) and now my sis thinks i literally listen to opera music and i asked my friends if they wanted to go to a concert and they thought i meant an orchestra lmfao
    this s\*\*\* is that good man :jordancry:

    The Nier Automata OST the first time I ever bought some s*** on iTunes man imma be real

  • Apr 6, 2020

    Absolutely gutted the Albert Hall Orchestra tickets have been postponed.
    Definitely copping when they go on sale again

  • Apr 6, 2020

    Just seen all the hate for the ending online, niggas can't just enjoy the game? ffs

  • Apr 6, 2020
    2 replies

    The Nier Automata OST the first time I ever bought some s*** on iTunes man imma be real

    son.... have you seen the nier vinyl??
    most gorgeous collectable ive ever seen. the whole artistic direction with the game in general was just timeless. the menus, environment, character models, i could gush forever dude

  • Apr 6, 2020

    son.... have you seen the nier vinyl??
    most gorgeous collectable ive ever seen. the whole artistic direction with the game in general was just timeless. the menus, environment, character models, i could gush forever dude

    just googled it since I never seen it before and it looks gorgeous, art style on the vinyl really reminds me of Sui Ishida who did Tokyo Ghoul

    EDIT: Turns out that Sui Ishida DID actually make that vinyl art, I can tell that art style from a mile away

  • Apr 7, 2020

    The Nier Automata OST the first time I ever bought some s*** on iTunes man imma be real