son.... have you seen the nier vinyl??
most gorgeous collectable ive ever seen. the whole artistic direction with the game in general was just timeless. the menus, environment, character models, i could gush forever dude
yoo it looks so sick
keep hearing the sidequests are pretty boring and don't add much to the game so I think I'll just stick to the story
This right here is the best review of the remake, good game but padded to high heaven. This shouldn't have been midgar only
keep hearing the sidequests are pretty boring and don't add much to the game so I think I'll just stick to the story
I have done all the side quests and they are all meaningless, there was 1 side quest where you get to fight a cool boss but thats it.
I didn't even need the side quests to add to the main story, just have a cool little story contained in the side quests but there wasn't. Honestly you can tell very little effort went into creating these
This right here is the best review of the remake, good game but padded to high heaven. This shouldn't have been midgar only
! spoilers for those that haven't played this game or watched some of the trailers btw
I agree with some of the points he made in this video but it sounds like him playing and being so faithful to the original just ruined the whole experience for him which is pretty disappointing cause I know hella people gonna feel this way too.
I'm glad I got and beat this game early man cause niggas are freely spoiling the s*** outta this. Even "no spoiler reviews" got spoilers
Square Enix spoiling the s*** outta this too. I actually didn't even know what the whole (redacted) thing was until I got to the end of the game and they explained it, the whole mystique about that had me interested in the story.
But then I go and watch the final trailer of the game after beating it and these niggas f***ing explained some s*** you are explained at the end of the game.... in a trailer
So much was going on in the last chapter. Really makes me question whats going to happen in Part 2.
Excited but at the same time worried what Nomura will do
So much was going on in the last chapter. Really makes me question whats going to happen in Part 2.
Excited but at the same time worried what Nomura will do
I wasn't a fan of the added elements to the game tbh actually thought it was pretty dumb and I have no doubt the story is gonna get more trash as more games are released. As dumb as the story got I still had so much fun during the last chapter and it was hella entertaining to get through, if they can recreate experiences like that for the next game then i'm always gonna be down
I wasn't a fan of the added elements to the game tbh actually thought it was pretty dumb and I have no doubt the story is gonna get more trash as more games are released. As dumb as the story got I still had so much fun during the last chapter and it was hella entertaining to get through, if they can recreate experiences like that for the next game then i'm always gonna be down
I'm now more adamant this Sepiroth was from the future. He seemed to know everything that was going to happen, that's why we see Zack living, in CC he died before it began to rain. I think that was the small hint that he got what he wanted. Getting the party to kill the Arbiters. I found it a bit weird that the 3 arbiters resembled Barret Tifa & Cloud, could be just me. Sephiroth shows Cloud the OG scenes, event comments what the world is like after all those events. Red mentions he wants to avoid the OG ending. The Watchers are trying so hard for the OG story to go forward, hence why Barrett was brought back to life, they know he has a role to play to defeating him. Seph manipulates the team to kill the Arbiters/Watchers so now he's now free to run to terror worse than before. Now as Zac is technically alive do Nibelheim still happen? Does Cloud still join soldier and work with Sephiroth. Does Aerith die. All the major scenes from the OG is there any point for them if he's changes fate? It's a mess of what I believe I know
I'm now more adamant this Sepiroth was from the future. He seemed to know everything that was going to happen, that's why we see Zack living, in CC he died before it began to rain. I think that was the small hint that he got what he wanted. Getting the party to kill the Arbiters. I found it a bit weird that the 3 arbiters resembled Barret Tifa & Cloud, could be just me. Sephiroth shows Cloud the OG scenes, event comments what the world is like after all those events. Red mentions he wants to avoid the OG ending. The Watchers are trying so hard for the OG story to go forward, hence why Barrett was brought back to life, they know he has a role to play to defeating him. Seph manipulates the team to kill the Arbiters/Watchers so now he's now free to run to terror worse than before. Now as Zac is technically alive do Nibelheim still happen? Does Cloud still join soldier and work with Sephiroth. Does Aerith die. All the major scenes from the OG is there any point for them if he's changes fate? It's a mess of what I believe I know
This sounds like hot trash
This sounds like hot trash
not the greatest at what I'm trying to say. You'll need to watch the last 20mins
A lot to take in, but I'm sure Nomura wants players to know the story of the OG
not the greatest at what I'm trying to say. You'll need to watch the last 20mins
A lot to take in, but I'm sure Nomura wants players to know the story of the OG
Sounds like some Marvel s*** tbh
And its written by the same guy who wrote the OG FF7 so I guess they really did fall off lol
Sounds like some Marvel s*** tbh
It's Nomura from the last 10 years. He's gone so crazy with his story telling
It's Nomura from the last 10 years. He's gone so crazy with his story telling
Game is written by Nojima tho
I'm tryna cancel my order from square enix and just buy this thing digital, this still ain't shipped
Game is written by Nojima tho
That's what I mean, these last 10 years he's gotten so crazy. He used to be somewhat straight forward, A to B.
Now it's always messy with constant questions
I wonder why they still give Nomura FF games to direct when every one of the game he's directed in the franchise has had a troubled development period that lasted forever
Mans a great chara-designer but why do they think he can remake FF7 if he couldnt make FFV13 and barely finish KH3