Not a fan of the Dyne storyline here
Crazy. Me and all my friends loved this. I choked up hard
Nah, he's just not a fun play.
Physical attacks are practically harmless, his dodge is slow and doesn't cover much of any ground, his animation when hit makes recovering and better positioning yourself very difficult, and all of these things make it a chore to fill up your ATP and actually do fun things with him.
You're supposed to be on the Moogle. His physical attacks do mad damage and his ATB builds up fast af. He can also cast magic while moving when on the Moogle which is insanely busted
Idc how good Dragons Dogma is it ain’t touching this all around.
Don’t spoil me on new mechanics but how’s the gameplay and how nice does the open world looks ?
I legit barely seen anything . Contemplating replaying FF7 remake on hard mode * plus haven’t did intermission
Almost done with Final Fantasy 16 as an appetizer for this
McDonald’s appetizer before heading to Nobu is wild
What you rating this so far?
Loving it. Just wrapped up the costa del sol stuff and exploring the open area now
Will give a good write up once I’m closer to finishing but it’s def competing for GOTY so far. Big relief for FF after 16 came and took on a s*** on the name.
Okay. After beating the game I've just been going through the OST. The sheer quality, quantity, and variety of this soundtrack is unparalleled. The silliest/most inconsequential sequences in this game have INSANE songs.
McDonald’s appetizer before heading to Nobu is wild
Damn the hype for this is that real
Damn the hype for this is that real
i thought 16 was/is fantastic but this is def edging it out tbh
Loving it. Just wrapped up the costa del sol stuff and exploring the open area now
Will give a good write up once I’m closer to finishing but it’s def competing for GOTY so far. Big relief for FF after 16 came and took on a s*** on the name.
Didn’t want to have to argue again, but I will say you were right about XVI and I was being stubborn then.
Up late at night playing piano at the beach
Pure vibes
They give us a whole ocean to explore too WTF
This game is unbelievable I’m still not understanding how they made this in four years. Game is at least twice as big as I thought it would be.
The irony of Rebirth being the most well-received FF game in ages while also being the worst-selling one (in Japan)
With sales this low, Part 3 is 100% a given to be developed for PS5 (thank goodness).
Just got back to CDS, headed to golden saucer chapter 12. What level should I be? I’m level 41…not sure if I should do some side quests/world intel before the temple.
I don’t even have curaga or any aga elemental spells
Finally started Rebirth. Omg the audio mixing?? Why is the music so loud you can't hear anybody talking. I had to turn it way down. I think I'm still in the tutorial part in Nibelheim. I will take my time.
The irony of Rebirth being the most well-received FF game in ages while also being the worst-selling one (in Japan)
With sales this low, Part 3 is 100% a given to be developed for PS5 (thank goodness).
Part 3 started development like 2.5 years ago. Sales not gonna have an effect on this regardless
But yes hopefully it's on PS5
The irony of Rebirth being the most well-received FF game in ages while also being the worst-selling one (in Japan)
With sales this low, Part 3 is 100% a given to be developed for PS5 (thank goodness).
Shouldn’t be hearing about a PS6 until like 2030 hopefully