I'm only at Chapter 2. Yeah I will take my time. They put so much love into this.
Safety bit works like a charm
I melted them. Rufus is f***ing me up though. Can barely hit him this is the first trouble I’ve had so far in the game really.
I melted them. Rufus is f***ing me up though. Can barely hit him this is the first trouble I’ve had so far in the game really.
It’s because we don’t have counter stance as a move by this point in the game whereas last game we did and that was the fight to use it. Parrying and staggering him with braver probably the best strat.
I melted them. Rufus is f***ing me up though. Can barely hit him this is the first trouble I’ve had so far in the game really.
after you first pressure rufus if you continually hit him with moves he will stay pressured
if there's a gap he will escape
just doge till he reloads hit him while reloading
pressure repeat
When is the point of no return? Am I good to continue into Chapter 13 before finishing up side quests?
Only asking because they gave me absolutely no f***in warning for the date and I went on a sorry ass date w Aerith and we didn’t even hug.
Don’t want to get caught like that again
When is the point of no return? Am I good to continue into Chapter 13 before finishing up side quests?
Only asking because they gave me absolutely no f***in warning for the date and I went on a sorry ass date w Aerith and we didn’t even hug.
Don’t want to get caught like that again
I mean you can always finish them in the post-game but yeah if you continue w chapter 13 you won’t be able to go back until you beat the game
When is the point of no return? Am I good to continue into Chapter 13 before finishing up side quests?
Only asking because they gave me absolutely no f***in warning for the date and I went on a sorry ass date w Aerith and we didn’t even hug.
Don’t want to get caught like that again
I went on a date with Barret lmao
Sucks to hear that. I remember a certain point in the game where I died in a really long boss fight and I was stunlocked for a whole minute because the retry menu made no sense at all
I did it nearly at the car chase section, was looking at the menu wondering which one do I f***ing select to start it again ffs.
Never thought we’d get another FF on par with the PSX era ever again.
Part 3 will be better which is crazy
Never thought we’d get another FF on par with the PSX era ever again.
Let’s not take it too far
Sucks to hear that. I remember a certain point in the game where I died in a really long boss fight and I was stunlocked for a whole minute because the retry menu made no sense at all
had to redo the Palmer fight because I died in the minigun sequence after and clicked the wrong retry button. had me sick.
I did it nearly at the car chase section, was looking at the menu wondering which one do I f***ing select to start it again ffs.
lmao glad I wasn't the only one
Let’s not take it too far
How is that “too far”?
There’s X. That’s it. That’s its only competition. And X was very different structurally from previous entries.
How is that “too far”?
There’s X. That’s it. That’s its only competition. And X was very different structurally from previous entries.
X wasn't even a PSX era FF lmao you not even making sense but I do agree FF is way back.
IX was the best before this just overtook it.
X wasn't even a PSX era FF lmao you not even making sense but I do agree FF is way back.
IX was the best before this just overtook it.
I know X isn’t a PSX game, it’s a past FF game and widely considered the best entry since the PSX era, so I assumed what he was saying was that it wasn’t as good or better than X (or MAYBE XII), because that’s really the only comparable installment quality wise
But as I said, X was different structurally compared to previous FF entries. It was much more linear and had significantly less side content and minigames, so structure wise, this (Rebirth) is the only FF game in this style since the PSX era, which is what I was saying.
How is that “too far”?
There’s X. That’s it. That’s its only competition. And X was very different structurally from previous entries.
I wouldn’t even put this above X let alone the holy trinity
I know X isn’t a PSX game, it’s a past FF game and widely considered the best entry since the PSX era, so I assumed what he was saying was that it wasn’t as good or better than X (or MAYBE XII), because that’s really the only comparable installment quality wise
But as I said, X was different structurally compared to previous FF entries. It was much more linear and had significantly less side content and minigames, so structure wise, this (Rebirth) is the only FF game in this style since the PSX era, which is what I was saying.
X had less side content but much higher quality side content
Time to finally redo the Cait Sith section again, doing the entire thing on easy as I purely cba doing it again till I get to what killed me….