Cloud Tifa Aerith
Hard to get away from them it’s just such a solid combo.
I can’t stand Aerith (in combat). I rock Cloud Barrett Yuffie
For people who played the original, is this stacking up to be better? I’m at chapter 9 rn of rebirth (haven’t played the OG) and this is getting up there in my top 3
90% of the OG players are stuck in nostalgia and will never admit even if it was better lol some f*** nigga on Reddit was arguing with me about how this game should've been TURN-BASED LIKE THE ORIGINAL IN 2024 and I got downvoted so bad my karma went in the negatives
Chapter 12
Nah f*** anybody saying less. It's a 10/10.
One of the most fun games ever at its heights
I can’t stand Aerith (in combat). I rock Cloud Barrett Yuffie
Radiant ward changed that for me. I body with Aerith with that
Radiant ward changed that for me. I body with Aerith with that
Radiant Ward is nice but I feel like she takes forever to build ATP, and she's fragile as well. Also I've yet to unlock Ray of Judgement which was my go to in Remake.
I can’t stand Aerith (in combat). I rock Cloud Barrett Yuffie
Lol minus her dumb dodging animation, Aerith is OP af when used right.
Arcane Ward is your friend
Lol minus her dumb dodging animation, Aerith is OP af when used right.
Arcane Ward is your friend
I don't really use magic like that
For people who played the original, is this stacking up to be better? I’m at chapter 9 rn of rebirth (haven’t played the OG) and this is getting up there in my top 3
The story/vibe of the world and soundtrack of the original are way better for me, personally. Nostalgia's an obvious part of it but
But for everything else the remakes are better. I mean it's a PS5 game vs a PS1 game.
They're so different though tbh it's difficult to even compare. But it's undeniable they did an awesome job at bringing these characters to life with modern tech.
this yuffie/tifa/barrett party is fun
wish we could take cloud out the party and lead with someone else whenever we want in the main game
this yuffie/tifa/barrett party is fun
wish we could take cloud out the party and lead with someone else whenever we want in the main game
Nahhhh I need Cloud in the party at all times. His combat is just too damn satisfying for me to get rid of.
Nahhhh I need Cloud in the party at all times. His combat is just too damn satisfying for me to get rid of.
Cloud is fun too. Don’t mind him at all
Tifa and Yuffie have that crackhead speed combat tho so I prefer them to cloud. Barrett is a goat tank/healer so that set yuffie/tifa/barrett party was odee
My usual party is cloud/tifa/yuffie
I can’t stand Aerith (in combat). I rock Cloud Barrett Yuffie
Hated Aerith until I discovered Radiant Ward. She’s fun as hell to use w Radiant Ward IMO.
Wait what LFG
Picking it back up today to finish side quests and head into the final chapters perfect timing
90% of the OG players are stuck in nostalgia and will never admit even if it was better lol some f*** nigga on Reddit was arguing with me about how this game should've been TURN-BASED LIKE THE ORIGINAL IN 2024 and I got downvoted so bad my karma went in the negatives
A turn based option would’ve been nice
Wait what LFG
Picking it back up today to finish side quests and head into the final chapters perfect timing
Still looks like ass
Still looks like ass
Didn’t look like ass before the game is gorgeous even on performance. I do have an OLED so that could be helping, but the graphics stuff is way overblown IMO for such a massive game.
Didn’t look like ass before the game is gorgeous even on performance. I do have an OLED so that could be helping, but the graphics stuff is way overblown IMO for such a massive game.
There's still a pretty big downgrade from quality to performance that I don't see in most games, the patch does look a little better though. If you fw it tho that's all that matters
Didn’t look like ass before the game is gorgeous even on performance. I do have an OLED so that could be helping, but the graphics stuff is way overblown IMO for such a massive game.
Wym even it’s only playable on performance
Didn’t even know people were complaining about the graphics. Game has looked and run great since day 1 in graphics mode.
Cloud is fun too. Don’t mind him at all
Tifa and Yuffie have that crackhead speed combat tho so I prefer them to cloud. Barrett is a goat tank/healer so that set yuffie/tifa/barrett party was odee
My usual party is cloud/tifa/yuffie
Cloud/yuffie/tifa my main party as well. I’m usually changing it around tho. I think the cloud/barrett/red 13 combo is extremely underrated tho.