Stood up till like 5am trying to beat Regina at this card bs, f*** man.
Yeah I know I can forfeit
Pipe down about sales
Sold more in 1 day than XVI did in 10
Sold more than XVI in Europe
Why y’all getting mad that people pointed out it didn’t sell. It’s just the facts
Sold more than XVI in Europe
Why y’all getting mad that people pointed out it didn’t sell. It’s just the facts
You didn’t read the Twitter thread. It did the same in basically every region. And sold more in one day than XVI in 10 days. It sold very well.
You didn’t read the Twitter thread. It did the same in basically every region. And sold more in one day than XVI in 10 days. It sold very well.
Why do you care about sales
Stood up till like 5am trying to beat Regina at this card bs, f*** man.
Yeah I know I can forfeit
That was the only one that I struggled with. As in I didn't lose twice, I lost bad Everytime.
Look up what kind of cards to use. That helped a lot.
Why do you care about sales
I don’t. You seemed to when you insinuated it’s “poor sales” would potentially halt the next one coming out.
I’m pointing out the sales are not poor. They are good.
I don’t. You seemed to when you insinuated it’s “poor sales” would potentially halt the next one coming out.
I’m pointing out the sales are not poor. They are good.
You’re incorrect about that but it doesn’t really matter. They’ll still put resources into part 3 regardless
That was the only one that I struggled with. As in I didn't lose twice, I lost bad Everytime.
Look up what kind of cards to use. That helped a lot.
Finally beat her and there’s another f\*\*\*ing opponent
Finally beat her and there’s another f\*\*\*ing opponent
She's the worst one if it's who I'm thinking of.
Use the right cards and you'll get her.
It's just about deck structure. Still took .e some tries but much easier.
Before I did that I got wrecked by 50
She's the worst one if it's who I'm thinking of.
Use the right cards and you'll get her.
It's just about deck structure. Still took .e some tries but much easier.
Before I did that I got wrecked by 50
Nice, If we’re taking about the same opponents I just beat them
The music when you wake up on the cruise ship at night is so hard, sounds like Cyberpunk
I don’t. You seemed to when you insinuated it’s “poor sales” would potentially halt the next one coming out.
I’m pointing out the sales are not poor. They are good.
The gaslighting he did on you must be studied
Besides story and obviously mini-games (since I think that’s what most people harp about), what do people want to see done better or added in part 3? Just curious.
For me materia presets that you can swap off party members.
Besides story and obviously mini-games (since I think that’s what most people harp about), what do people want to see done better or added in part 3? Just curious.
For me materia presets that you can swap off party members.
Only halfway through the game but materia loadouts would be big. Better sorting options in inventory. Climbing has to be addressed, it’s terrible and clunky.
They need to stop trolling and not gate everything behind beating the game too. There’s an option to auto pick up resources instead of having to spam triangle for 80 hours but you have to beat the game to use it. Nasty work. Let us change our party leader whenever we want too.
What are the minigame complaints?
Besides story and obviously mini-games (since I think that’s what most people harp about), what do people want to see done better or added in part 3? Just curious.
For me materia presets that you can swap off party members.
Shouldn't need to go into combat settings to swap out party members
Should also be like 10 loadouts for your party to begin with.
Besides story and obviously mini-games (since I think that’s what most people harp about), what do people want to see done better or added in part 3? Just curious.
For me materia presets that you can swap off party members.
They need to get rid of those awful slow walk sections. You made a great game now let me actually play it.
Aerith f***ing sucks without the right materia leveled
I get she'd be OP, but she's so unenjoyable to use her while you leveling s***
Finished the fights you do at gongaga
And what the f*** is going on
Legitimately one of my favorite games ever. Im shocked how much I loved it. Brought me back to the FF days of old and was even better.
The only knocks are the fact that I have to wait 4 years to get the third part and to play with the last two party members.
F*** ....
Besides story and obviously mini-games (since I think that’s what most people harp about), what do people want to see done better or added in part 3? Just curious.
For me materia presets that you can swap off party members.
Just make the game as long as possible and let me enjoy every moment with these characters.