  • Apr 7, 2020

    This right here is the best review of the remake, good game but padded to high heaven. This shouldn't have been midgar only


    great review

  • Apr 7, 2020
    2 replies

    Yo why everyone out here spoiling themselves

    because people are disappointed

  • Apr 7, 2020
    1 reply
    gnocchi dokey

    because people are disappointed

    people aint even played the game and they already disappointed tho

  • Apr 7, 2020
    1 reply

    people aint even played the game and they already disappointed tho

    I know but they'll still play

    people like a lot of the stuff they usually screwed up on tho, so thatll be enticing

  • Apr 7, 2020
    gnocchi dokey

    I know but they'll still play

    people like a lot of the stuff they usually screwed up on tho, so thatll be enticing

    Its just crazy to me that a few weeks ago niggas was doing anything to avoid spoilers, and now that the reviews are out and people are talking about the ending, niggas are just out here looking for the ending despite the game not being out yet and then calling it garbage - a game they haven't even played it yet lol.

    The ending might be questionable but it doesn't define the whole game, which most people haven't even played

  • Apr 7, 2020
    4 replies
    gnocchi dokey

    because people are disappointed

    Any person who is disappointed without actually playing it themselves and letting the game take them on a journey without them resisting what it’s trying to show them is a b**** who shouldn’t deserve the luxury of playing the game in the first place.

    The creators of this game worked their f***ing asses off for years upon years to deliver you a unique take on one of the most beautiful games in history, and in turn, some losers just go and read the ending without experiencing the creation as a whole, all just to confirm their “theories” and negativity and to feel important, when in reality these individuals will never have the mental fortitude to create anything substantial in their entire lifetime. I guarantee you they will die lonely and unaccomplished.

    That’s pretty much what I see in this thread. Of COURSE that type of person is going to feel disappointed.

  • Apr 7, 2020

    Any person who is disappointed without actually playing it themselves and letting the game take them on a journey without them resisting what it’s trying to show them is a b**** who shouldn’t deserve the luxury of playing the game in the first place.

    The creators of this game worked their f***ing asses off for years upon years to deliver you a unique take on one of the most beautiful games in history, and in turn, some losers just go and read the ending without experiencing the creation as a whole, all just to confirm their “theories” and negativity and to feel important, when in reality these individuals will never have the mental fortitude to create anything substantial in their entire lifetime. I guarantee you they will die lonely and unaccomplished.

    That’s pretty much what I see in this thread. Of COURSE that type of person is going to feel disappointed.

    I agree

    The ending is still dumb af though

  • Apr 7, 2020

    Any person who is disappointed without actually playing it themselves and letting the game take them on a journey without them resisting what it’s trying to show them is a b**** who shouldn’t deserve the luxury of playing the game in the first place.

    The creators of this game worked their f***ing asses off for years upon years to deliver you a unique take on one of the most beautiful games in history, and in turn, some losers just go and read the ending without experiencing the creation as a whole, all just to confirm their “theories” and negativity and to feel important, when in reality these individuals will never have the mental fortitude to create anything substantial in their entire lifetime. I guarantee you they will die lonely and unaccomplished.

    That’s pretty much what I see in this thread. Of COURSE that type of person is going to feel disappointed.


  • Apr 7, 2020

    Any person who is disappointed without actually playing it themselves and letting the game take them on a journey without them resisting what it’s trying to show them is a b**** who shouldn’t deserve the luxury of playing the game in the first place.

    The creators of this game worked their f***ing asses off for years upon years to deliver you a unique take on one of the most beautiful games in history, and in turn, some losers just go and read the ending without experiencing the creation as a whole, all just to confirm their “theories” and negativity and to feel important, when in reality these individuals will never have the mental fortitude to create anything substantial in their entire lifetime. I guarantee you they will die lonely and unaccomplished.

    That’s pretty much what I see in this thread. Of COURSE that type of person is going to feel disappointed.

    You aint have to go off like that bro

  • Imagine being mad at such a great ride. Some people were never going to be satisfied

  • Apr 7, 2020

    Any person who is disappointed without actually playing it themselves and letting the game take them on a journey without them resisting what it’s trying to show them is a b**** who shouldn’t deserve the luxury of playing the game in the first place.

    The creators of this game worked their f***ing asses off for years upon years to deliver you a unique take on one of the most beautiful games in history, and in turn, some losers just go and read the ending without experiencing the creation as a whole, all just to confirm their “theories” and negativity and to feel important, when in reality these individuals will never have the mental fortitude to create anything substantial in their entire lifetime. I guarantee you they will die lonely and unaccomplished.

    That’s pretty much what I see in this thread. Of COURSE that type of person is going to feel disappointed.

    My guy 🤝🤝

  • Apr 7, 2020
    1 reply

    What is going on in here

  • Apr 7, 2020

    What is going on in here

    People hating it after only watching the last 20mins of the game...

    Literally 35hrs worth of content prior to it

  • Apr 7, 2020
    1 reply

    So who played the game and who talking out they ass?

  • Apr 7, 2020
    1 reply
    Count Contessa

    So who played the game and who talking out they ass?

    Me and Fortune completed it.

  • Apr 7, 2020
    2 replies

    Didn’t they say the game wasn’t gonna be a 1 to 1 copy anyway? Is this the fan base just having way too high dreams and expectations or is the game a lil wonky story wise?

  • Apr 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Damn this s*** absolutely flopped 😭 P5R out now

  • Apr 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Didn’t they say the game wasn’t gonna be a 1 to 1 copy anyway? Is this the fan base just having way too high dreams and expectations or is the game a lil wonky story wise?

    Well they've promoted it as a you'd expect it to be a 1 to 1 remake with some extra new content to fit to the original story...

    They went a little crazy..well Nomura did

  • Apr 7, 2020

    Damn this s*** absolutely flopped 😭 P5R out now

    Oh god lol please be joking.

  • Apr 7, 2020

    Well they've promoted it as a you'd expect it to be a 1 to 1 remake with some extra new content to fit to the original story...

    They went a little crazy..well Nomura did

    Yea but they’ve said at every turn it isn’t a shot for shot copy; I’m excited for the game regardless cause I feel like anything they add or change is either what they wanted to do but couldn’t due to tech issues or story beats they had to change or add due to the format it’s being released in and all the additional lore the game has.

  • Apr 7, 2020
    2 replies

    @DNAA and @redtruth

    From everything that you’ve seen and experienced, do you believe that there will be a world map like in the original? Or do you see them continuing the linear fashion?

  • Apr 7, 2020

    @DNAA and @redtruth

    From everything that you’ve seen and experienced, do you believe that there will be a world map like in the original? Or do you see them continuing the linear fashion?

    Heeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllll no.

    Linear. This reminded me of 13, just a tad bit more fleshed out.

    Can see the new sections being just the same with the same amount of cutscenes

  • Apr 7, 2020
    1 reply

    @DNAA and @redtruth

    From everything that you’ve seen and experienced, do you believe that there will be a world map like in the original? Or do you see them continuing the linear fashion?

    I think theres going to be a world map but i'm not talking about them making this an open world game. I actually hope they don't make this open world because Square Enix is just not good at that.

    I don't know if you ever played FFX but it was linear and it did a really good job in making the world feel big without it being open world, i'm guessing the world map is gonna work similar to FFX where you are given access to it later on in the game when you actually need to backtrack for story reasons

  • Apr 7, 2020
    1 reply

    I think theres going to be a world map but i'm not talking about them making this an open world game. I actually hope they don't make this open world because Square Enix is just not good at that.

    I don't know if you ever played FFX but it was linear and it did a really good job in making the world feel big without it being open world, i'm guessing the world map is gonna work similar to FFX where you are given access to it later on in the game when you actually need to backtrack for story reasons

    Best way to do it tbh.
    Unlock the Highwind early on and it's a go. Let them fly everywhere

  • Apr 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Best way to do it tbh.
    Unlock the Highwind early on and it's a go. Let them fly everywhere

    Damn, the progression of methods of transportation around the world map was definitely something I wanted to rollover from the OG 😢