  • Apr 7, 2020


    I'm now more adamant this Sepiroth was from the future. He seemed to know everything that was going to happen, that's why we see Zack living, in CC he died before it began to rain. I think that was the small hint that he got what he wanted. Getting the party to kill the Arbiters. I found it a bit weird that the 3 arbiters resembled Barret Tifa & Cloud, could be just me. Sephiroth shows Cloud the OG scenes, event comments what the world is like after all those events. Red mentions he wants to avoid the OG ending. The Watchers are trying so hard for the OG story to go forward, hence why Barrett was brought back to life, they know he has a role to play to defeating him. Seph manipulates the team to kill the Arbiters/Watchers so now he's now free to run to terror worse than before. Now as Zac is technically alive do Nibelheim still happen? Does Cloud still join soldier and work with Sephiroth. Does Aerith die. All the major scenes from the OG is there any point for them if he's changes fate? It's a mess of what I believe I know

    The whole Watchers thing doesn't make sense to me and seems pretty inconsistent, like, their whole purpose is to ensure the game plays out the same way as the OG but why are these Watchers seen in some scenes like the early chapters? How do they serve their purpose by being in those scenes?? Also im f\*\*\*ing dead at the Watchers boss straightup being Darkside from Kingdom Hearts lmfaoooo

    Unfortunately I never got to play CC which kinda upsets me because it seems like the whole CC story is very relevant and i'm missing on some important info by not playing it.

    Whats really important about what you just said was that the party was shown scenes about what was going to happen and the party decided to avoid that. Which means that the original ending is now considered a bad ending.

    This is hella crazy to me because they were only shown these out of context scenes so they actually don't know what lead them to making these decisions in the OG FF7 Really not sure wtf going on with Zack and Aerith sensing each other at the end of the game. Are they sensing each other from a different timeline? Honestly this whole timeline s\*\*\* might just mean that theirs about to be another spinoff game on some KH s\*\*\* lol

  • Apr 7, 2020

    i cant spoiler my s*** wtf

    Yeah happened to me!
    Both side of the text, no gaps two of these | straight lines

  • Apr 7, 2020

    Sounds like some Marvel s*** tbh

    Nah its straight up some Kingdom Hearts s***

  • Apr 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Should have called this game FF7/358

  • Apr 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Just Watched that final trailer and what the f*** is this mess lmao

  • Apr 7, 2020

    People eating this up too like did y'all even play FF7 ?

  • Apr 7, 2020


  • Apr 7, 2020
    2 replies

    Just Watched that final trailer and what the f*** is this mess lmao

    Bro you shouldn't have watched that, spoils so much s***

    The game is a good game honestly, I completed it and imma play again once day 1 patch out. Don't let the changes to the story drag this game down for you, especially during the end. I still think it's a really enjoyable game and the ending of this game is such an amazing experience despite the changes to the story, the way they used music to drive the game during the ending and final boss fight is incredible. Honestly best thing SE has done in years (then again to be completely honest, SE hasn't released many good games recently.. if any lol)

    Also some scenes from the original like stopping the plate from falling section of the game (might be my favourite part of this remake) exceeded my expectations, like they adapted some parts of the original really f***ing well, you need to see it for yourself honestly. It's not the perfect game everyone wanted, or even a remake tbh but when they stuck to the script from the original a lot of these parts were executed really well

  • Apr 7, 2020

    Bro you shouldn't have watched that, spoils so much s***

    The game is a good game honestly, I completed it and imma play again once day 1 patch out. Don't let the changes to the story drag this game down for you, especially during the end. I still think it's a really enjoyable game and the ending of this game is such an amazing experience despite the changes to the story, the way they used music to drive the game during the ending and final boss fight is incredible. Honestly best thing SE has done in years (then again to be completely honest, SE hasn't released many good games recently.. if any lol)

    Also some scenes from the original like stopping the plate from falling section of the game (might be my favourite part of this remake) exceeded my expectations, like they adapted some parts of the original really f***ing well, you need to see it for yourself honestly. It's not the perfect game everyone wanted, or even a remake tbh but when they stuck to the script from the original a lot of these parts were executed really well

    Ill try it eventually but the story changes are really making me less interested lol why would I want KH FF7 when I could just replay the OG

  • Apr 7, 2020

    Bro you shouldn't have watched that, spoils so much s***

    The game is a good game honestly, I completed it and imma play again once day 1 patch out. Don't let the changes to the story drag this game down for you, especially during the end. I still think it's a really enjoyable game and the ending of this game is such an amazing experience despite the changes to the story, the way they used music to drive the game during the ending and final boss fight is incredible. Honestly best thing SE has done in years (then again to be completely honest, SE hasn't released many good games recently.. if any lol)

    Also some scenes from the original like stopping the plate from falling section of the game (might be my favourite part of this remake) exceeded my expectations, like they adapted some parts of the original really f***ing well, you need to see it for yourself honestly. It's not the perfect game everyone wanted, or even a remake tbh but when they stuck to the script from the original a lot of these parts were executed really well

    Gameplay looks fire tho

  • Apr 7, 2020

    This right here is the best review of the remake, good game but padded to high heaven. This shouldn't have been midgar only


    Have you played it yourself though?

    All it sounds like is that you were trying to find the perfect negative review that was in line with what you possibly wouldn’t like about the game and you found it.


  • Apr 7, 2020
    1 reply

    No opinions of mine will be crafted until I actually play it for myself, because I’m not, and have never been, a hater ass b****.

    Bout to form my own opinion this Friday. Stoked.

  • Apr 7, 2020

    No opinions of mine will be crafted until I actually play it for myself, because I’m not, and have never been, a hater ass b****.

    Bout to form my own opinion this Friday. Stoked.

    Okay you a real one

  • Apr 7, 2020
    2 replies

    Should have called this game FF7/358

    Are you serious?

  • Apr 7, 2020
    1 reply

    I spoiled the finale of the game to check out the drama and honestly I'm still gonna play it and love it. I really hope they don't use this mechanic to veer too far from the original plot since that's what we all want, but I'm open to whatever. A new FF7 still sounds appealing regardless of the Kingdom Hearts story BS they're trying to apply to it.

  • Apr 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Are you serious?

    Its a joke

    But I do think that the original title of FF7 Remake is a bit misleading, if they titled this something like FF7-2 or something I think it would have got better reception from fans and there won't be so much drama around this. Just enjoy the game once you get it.

  • Apr 7, 2020
    1 reply
    gnocchi dokey

    I spoiled the finale of the game to check out the drama and honestly I'm still gonna play it and love it. I really hope they don't use this mechanic to veer too far from the original plot since that's what we all want, but I'm open to whatever. A new FF7 still sounds appealing regardless of the Kingdom Hearts story BS they're trying to apply to it.

    Yo why everyone out here spoiling themselves

  • Apr 7, 2020

    Just wanna play this s*** already. Of course my amazon deluxe preorder would get here in the 14th smh.

  • Apr 7, 2020

    Nomura is a d***head lol

  • Apr 7, 2020
    2 replies

    Are you serious?

    Without spoiling it yes, the ending/changes is s*** straight out of Kingdom Hearts

  • Apr 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Its a joke

    But I do think that the original title of FF7 Remake is a bit misleading, if they titled this something like FF7-2 or something I think it would have got better reception from fans and there won't be so much drama around this. Just enjoy the game once you get it.

    I haven't been keeping up...Did square pull a twin snakes or did they make this a sequel?

  • Apr 7, 2020
    rise zero

    Without spoiling it yes, the ending/changes is s*** straight out of Kingdom Hearts

    I thought this was only covering disk 1

  • Apr 7, 2020
    rise zero

    Without spoiling it yes, the ending/changes is s*** straight out of Kingdom Hearts

    I guess the ending is for us to question it.

    I'm adamant of my theory on the last page

  • Apr 7, 2020

    I haven't been keeping up...Did square pull a twin snakes or did they make this a sequel?

    Well, its a remake except they added this one element to the game that changes how the story will play out, it changes the ending significantly