For some reason mad tired and I just can’t stay up for the night. Will change OP to out now for rn even though it isn’t. See you guys in the morning. Will play with you then. It’s finally here
What idiot would spoil themselves of this games story by playing the original just because it came out 20 years ago and they had no idea it would get a remake??
Like bruh just wait the 20 years...
Why this thread so dead bruh
I remember the rdr2 thread going crazy
this game aint for everybody
Why this thread so dead bruh
I remember the rdr2 thread going crazy
Gotta weed out the casuals 🤧
Do barett and cloud become friends later in the game? Cause I currently wanna fade this nigga the way he talking
my internet so trash and i can’t continue to chapter 2 until i finish installing, s*** sucks only 25 gb in...
This is definitely the best console graphics we're gonna get until ps5 era
yeah fr i was blown away, game is beautiful