  • Mar 5, 2020

    Bro you’re just saying that because it’s a majority decision. The game is anything but a basic decision lol. It’s not f***ing super Mario dude.

    Have you even played through the full original? I really don’t think you’d be talking like this if you have.

    I have and it is one of the best games I have played in my life too but stop acting like you have greater taste than the average gamer lol

  • Mar 5, 2020

    Lol this is much, much different.

    Maybe if you were on this earth more than your measly 16 years then maybe you’d be able to distinguish the difference as well.

    FF has been an important part of my childhood as well as my late teens and I am not a bit excited for this thing lol

  • Mar 5, 2020
    1 reply

    Ever heard of too much of a good thing, which makes it not a good thing anymore ? Guess what it already happened with every spin of game they did of FF7 and trust me this remake is only going to make it worse lol

    We have seen enough to know that this is levels above all the s***ty spin offs.

    I’m honestly trying to diagnose your hate. I feel like you just haven’t been following this closely enough? Like seriously, let me know your situation and we can work on this together.

  • Mar 5, 2020
    1 reply

    We have seen enough to know that this is levels above all the s***ty spin offs.

    I’m honestly trying to diagnose your hate. I feel like you just haven’t been following this closely enough? Like seriously, let me know your situation and we can work on this together.

    I just feel like Square shouldve let FF7 be what it is without trying to milk it to death lol

  • Mar 5, 2020
    1 reply

    I just feel like Square shouldve let FF7 be what it is without trying to milk it to death lol

    And trust me I felt the EXACT same way. Even the first few trailers that were released made me almost vomit I was so disgusted. I honestly believe that as soon as voice acting was brought into FF (and s***, maybe even games in general), that opened the doors for video games to be overblown hollow pieces of trash, similar to big budget action movies. And seeing the initial content surrounding the remake was no different for me.

    But I don’t know man, then the theme song trailer came out last month and it changed everything. Arguably one of the best video game trailers of all time. Then everything that has been shown after that (from the opening movie to just everything that comes out of the creators’ mouths), you can just tell that some very trusted, intelligent people are putting their heart and soul into this. I’ve now seen enough to truly believe that this is far less than a big-business cash grab and much more of a passion project. And this is something i greatly respect. So even if the VA is corny, I just want to play something that people gave their heart and soul into again. Games aren’t really like that anymore, ya know?

  • Mar 5, 2020
    1 reply

    I went into this whole FF7 Remake thing thinking I wanted the same thing but prettier and more modern. But after everything they’ve shown in the past few months and experiencing the demo, I actually have faith in Square to get this right and I’m excited for any additions to the story or anything else they go for.

  • Mar 5, 2020
    rise zero

    i dunno i dont trust square anymore tbh. FF series has been ass since 12. gonna wait for dunkey review.

    you play the demo? its good

  • This thread wildin lul

  • Mar 5, 2020
    1 reply
    Slime Language 2

    So they're not gonna make you pay another 60 bucks for the second installment?

    But it's basically a new game considering gameplay, new characters like that other solider who works with avalanche. Sephiroth haunting cloud in the BEGINNING. Fighting Jenova in the SHINRA BUILDING FIRST and not at the boat. Watchmen of fate, And theres apparantly more story bending content.

    It's not the same game.

  • Mar 5, 2020
    1 reply

    And trust me I felt the EXACT same way. Even the first few trailers that were released made me almost vomit I was so disgusted. I honestly believe that as soon as voice acting was brought into FF (and s***, maybe even games in general), that opened the doors for video games to be overblown hollow pieces of trash, similar to big budget action movies. And seeing the initial content surrounding the remake was no different for me.

    But I don’t know man, then the theme song trailer came out last month and it changed everything. Arguably one of the best video game trailers of all time. Then everything that has been shown after that (from the opening movie to just everything that comes out of the creators’ mouths), you can just tell that some very trusted, intelligent people are putting their heart and soul into this. I’ve now seen enough to truly believe that this is far less than a big-business cash grab and much more of a passion project. And this is something i greatly respect. So even if the VA is corny, I just want to play something that people gave their heart and soul into again. Games aren’t really like that anymore, ya know?

    Well I can respect that, I hope you'll enjoy this one when it comes out, and the ones after too... but btw arent you scared that they might not carry the project out until the end ? Maybe it wont be the success they want it to be or maybe people wont be invested in too many episodes, and it being in episodes kinda makes me scared that the other parts of the OG game wont be adapted very well, whats your opinion on that ?

  • Mar 5, 2020

    But it's basically a new game considering gameplay, new characters like that other solider who works with avalanche. Sephiroth haunting cloud in the BEGINNING. Fighting Jenova in the SHINRA BUILDING FIRST and not at the boat. Watchmen of fate, And theres apparantly more story bending content.

    It's not the same game.

    But the original story is already out there. I really doubt they can make the story any better by adding a bunch of side stories to it.

    I mean a "wow, cool backstory about this character! I never knew!" Does not justify a $180+ price tag for me at all. Not to mention, the wait between each installment

  • Mar 6, 2020
    1 reply

    I’m stupid hype for this game, but at the same time Square never gave a timeline of when each part would drop, let alone how many parts there would be

  • Mar 6, 2020
    1 reply

    I’m stupid hype for this game, but at the same time Square never gave a timeline of when each part would drop, let alone how many parts there would be


  • Mar 6, 2020
    1 reply
    j j


    You in the thread too

  • Mar 6, 2020

    You in the thread too

    Only came cus I saw last post was by my twin

  • Mar 6, 2020

    Mad as hell I don't have a PS4 to play this s***

  • Mar 6, 2020
    gnocchi dokey

    yes because its still going to be the length of a FULL F***ING TITLE - why do people think they're just going to get a 6 hour game you're so dumb

    you have no idea what to expect so why make these assumptions that you're being cheated here... you dont know what the experience is yet

    I've seen the entire game spoilers

    People need to lower their expectations..but at the same be excited for a some what turn of the story and how it'll be into Part 2.
    I'm excited but absolutely gutted it stops at Midgar.

  • Mar 7, 2020
    1 reply

    The roll out for this is absolute garbage.

    It has the potential to be so f***ing amazing.

    But the fact that the game is separated by YEARS makes me jus not care. Release the whole f***ing thing.

  • Mar 7, 2020
    2 replies

    I had no idea this was a ps4 exclusive. Xbox fam losing MAJORLY

  • Mar 7, 2020

    I went into this whole FF7 Remake thing thinking I wanted the same thing but prettier and more modern. But after everything they’ve shown in the past few months and experiencing the demo, I actually have faith in Square to get this right and I’m excited for any additions to the story or anything else they go for.

    Same, but everything I’ve watched and reading about sounds pretty incredible.

    I’m just gonna wait till I buy the ps5 and hopefully pt 2 is lined up as a close to release title.


    I had no idea this was a ps4 exclusive. Xbox fam losing MAJORLY

    It’s a timed exclusive probably for a year

  • Mar 7, 2020

    Very impressed by the demo tbh.

    Really hope it gets way more action packed.

    The only thing that I'm not looking forward to in the game is that you'll probably have to take down a helicopter and while barrett's cool, I do not wanna rely on him for a whole boss fight

  • Mar 7, 2020

    What the absolute f*** is wrong with you people.

    The entire internet is rightfully overjoyed and losing their s*** with everything Square is giving us in relation to this game (content and gameplay alike) and of course the only haters are on f***ing KTT, lol.

    Get better taste.

    you weird as f***

  • Mar 7, 2020

    The roll out for this is absolute garbage.

    It has the potential to be so f***ing amazing.

    But the fact that the game is separated by YEARS makes me jus not care. Release the whole f***ing thing.

    What you are speaking of isn’t even part of the rollout wtf are you talking about.

    The rollout to this game is f***ing incredible, and as previously stated, has had the power and influence to convert original haters of the game, myself included.
