Well I can respect that, I hope you'll enjoy this one when it comes out, and the ones after too... but btw arent you scared that they might not carry the project out until the end ? Maybe it wont be the success they want it to be or maybe people wont be invested in too many episodes, and it being in episodes kinda makes me scared that the other parts of the OG game wont be adapted very well, whats your opinion on that ?
A little bit of course, but at the same time, I would never fully worry about that until it actually happens. Not trying to attract that into reality by giving it attention.
Plus I’m pretty sure the creators of this game know just how f***ing STUPID they’ll look if they pull out. Each of their personal legacies as creators are riding on this. Failing would be one thing. But quitting would haunt them for eternity.
A little bit of course, but at the same time, I would never fully worry about that until it actually happens. Not trying to attract that into reality by giving it attention.
Plus I’m pretty sure the creators of this game know just how f***ing STUPID they’ll look if they pull out. Each of their personal legacies as creators are riding on this. Failing would be one thing. But quitting would haunt them for eternity.
If this thing fails I feel like Nomura is definitely going to be retired
It would be incredibly worth your while to play the original.
Remake is going to be 10/10 game of the century but the original hits different. Will be two totally different feelings. Both amazing.0
you know to emulate it on mac? never played a ff game before played the demo and fell in love, s*** was cash.
you know to emulate it on mac? never played a ff game before played the demo and fell in love, s*** was cash.
You can get the original on Steam for like $10
you know to emulate it on mac? never played a ff game before played the demo and fell in love, s*** was cash.
Openemu emulates everything from Atari to GameCube, including PSX, that’s probably your best bet for emulating ff7 on Mac
You can get the original on Steam for like $10
paying for a old ass game?
1st time playing this demo, let’s see what this has to offer
This might be another classic
Their likely gonna likely try && go for 3 parts 1 being midgar , 2 being kalm to north crater or forgotten city&& 3 being the rest depending on which note they wanna end on
Their likely gonna likely try && go for 3 parts 1 being midgar , 2 being kalm to north crater or forgotten city&& 3 being the rest depending on which note they wanna end on
there's been nothing pointing to that other than us thinking they're gonna mimic the disc count tho
there's been nothing pointing to that other than us thinking they're gonna mimic the disc count tho
think like a game designer, where would you put the next end point to cause the most suspense? cloud being a final boss for pt 2 at the north crater && waking up in junon as barret and tifa with meteor as a threat sounds p lit.
cloud slowly losing his grip in pt 2 till he gives the black materia to sephiroth making the whole journey feel like a wild goose chase sounds wild
just started the demo this s*** so fun
never played the OG cause i wasn’t even born when it released but i might end up copping this
think like a game designer, where would you put the next end point to cause the most suspense? cloud being a final boss for pt 2 at the north crater && waking up in junon as barret and tifa with meteor as a threat sounds p lit.
cloud slowly losing his grip in pt 2 till he gives the black materia to sephiroth making the whole journey feel like a wild goose chase sounds wild
what are you even talking about? when was cloud ever a boss fight? why would they add something that completely changes a portion of the story? also, regardless of where it ends, story-wise there's no suspense, just us wanting the next part because we want the whole thing
there's not a point to think about it cause we'd naturally base it off the story of the original 3 discs. There are more things now though, possibly to fill out/expand the world and story.
I personally don't want a s*** ton of episodes though, cause that sounds like they're milking for money
what are you even talking about? when was cloud ever a boss fight? why would they add something that completely changes a portion of the story? also, regardless of where it ends, story-wise there's no suspense, just us wanting the next part because we want the whole thing
there's not a point to think about it cause we'd naturally base it off the story of the original 3 discs. There are more things now though, possibly to fill out/expand the world and story.
I personally don't want a s*** ton of episodes though, cause that sounds like they're milking for money
Its called ff7 remake for a reason,
Meteor is already being teased within part 1
Jenova is a boss before leaving midgar
Shinra affecting no1 reactor to fall && not just avalanche
OG avalanche existing before barret is supposedly a thing
Summons in midgar ,Roche, watchmen of fate
The game is getting remade, that means changes will happens that differ from the original; its not remastered so idk why your thinking its a cashgrab when its not even 1:1 type of situation.
You dont even know what you're getting in reality; why assume && protect your feelings?
just started the demo this s*** so fun
never played the OG cause i wasn’t even born when it released but i might end up copping this
I'm starting to understand why old men are jaded a******s.
How tha f*** were you not born when ff7 came out? How bro?