"i don't care what teams is playing, what city it's in"
well, that takes care of all the discourse now doesn't it? he just wants to do a superbowl, period. he only mentioned N.O one time after the host did. let's wrap this up
2024 Wayne is not fit for a Super Bowl
Rihanna performed 3 years ago . When’s the last time she dropped ? DR DRE headlined it 2 years ago , stfu I don’t want to hear about right “ fit” he’s a legend . Artist don’t go to the Super Bowl to perform relevant songs , they play their greatest hits fool
Rihanna performed 3 years ago . When’s the last time she dropped ? DR DRE headlined it 2 years ago , stfu I don’t want to hear about right “ fit” he’s a legend . Artist don’t go to the Super Bowl to perform relevant songs , they play their greatest hits fool
Are you dumb, deaf or both?
Rihanna, Drake, Weeknd, these are GLOBAL ARTISTS..
Aint know one listening to Wayne outside of US sadly.. I travelled to damn near every f***ing club in Asia (China, Korea, Japan) and the ONLY wayne songs are if hes in a feature..
Rihanna performed 3 years ago . When’s the last time she dropped ? DR DRE headlined it 2 years ago , stfu I don’t want to hear about right “ fit” he’s a legend . Artist don’t go to the Super Bowl to perform relevant songs , they play their greatest hits fool
has nothing to do with when you last dropped
Are you dumb, deaf or both?
Rihanna, Drake, Weeknd, these are GLOBAL ARTISTS..
Aint know one listening to Wayne outside of US sadly.. I travelled to damn near every f***ing club in Asia (China, Korea, Japan) and the ONLY wayne songs are if hes in a feature..
@SegaDreamFlash Yo he jacked your Japan argument
Watch this interview with Taylor Rooks.
Weezy wanted this BAD.
Jay is disgusting man.
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDpidedaLJwNicki and Drake wont like hearing that LOL..Baby too
@SegaDreamFlash Yo he jacked your Japan argument
Lmao this crazy cu I ain’t bring Wayne up in mine 😭😭😭
Watch this interview with Taylor Rooks.
Weezy wanted this BAD.
Jay is disgusting man.
Initially I was all for Wayne making an appearance. But seeing his recent performances, yeah nah. He really might ruin a generational performance.
Rihanna performed 3 years ago . When’s the last time she dropped ? DR DRE headlined it 2 years ago , stfu I don’t want to hear about right “ fit” he’s a legend . Artist don’t go to the Super Bowl to perform relevant songs , they play their greatest hits fool
It’s not about that it’s about having the ability to put on an immaculately choreographed performance piece
Which many ppl aren’t confident in Wayne doing for apparent reasons
Weezy wanted this bad
Jay is disgusting
Where are all these closet Wayne d*** riders coming from
Weezy wanted this bad
Jay is disgusting
Where are all these closet Wayne d*** riders coming from
Closet? Where are all the wayne haters from?
Initially I was all for Wayne making an appearance. But seeing his recent performances, yeah nah. He really might ruin a generational performance.
I mean..if he really wanted it..I'm sure he would practice to perfection...or is his brain really fried...
Bruh went from saying he don’t care what city the Súper bowl is in he’s just trying to perform just for 30 sec later to say he earned the SB spot for New Orleans
You can’t make this s*** up LMAOOO
I mean..if he really wanted it..I'm sure he would practice to perfection...or is his brain really fried...
Bruh went from saying he don’t care what city the Súper bowl is in he’s just trying to perform just for 30 sec later to say he earned the SB spot for New Orleans
You can’t make this s*** up LMAOOO
long sigh i even relistened to the clip to make sure. again, he literally says he doesn't care what teams or what city it's in. he'd love to do a superbowl point blank period. then is asked hypothetically if he were to perform at home, who would he bring out. and he says no one, because he would have earned his spot to have his big moment alone.
he DOESN'T say he earned the spot for New Orleans. the host is the one who puts it in the context of the current New Orleans superbowl. doesn't seem like wayne's answer would change no matter what damn city he was in. why is it so hard to just let people speak lmao
if wayne did the SB he would be the single worst SB half time performance in history
he has not put together a resume that includes a touted performer. Now kendrick on the other hand has a reputation of one of the best live performers out
long sigh i even relistened to the clip to make sure. again, he literally says he doesn't care what teams or what city it's in. he'd love to do a superbowl point blank period. then is asked hypothetically if he were to perform at home, who would he bring out. and he says no one, because he would have earned his spot to have his big moment alone.
he DOESN'T say he earned the spot for New Orleans. the host is the one who puts it in the context of the current New Orleans superbowl. doesn't seem like wayne's answer would change no matter what damn city he was in. why is it so hard to just let people speak lmao
Lol bruh it’s still the same s*** if you look at how he answered the question
Last two times I went to see him live he didn't even show up. Would have been a disaster waiting to happen tbh.