just a joke, calm down snowflake 😂❄️
same guy running 40 posts abt kendrick to suck off drake
I ain't wanna says the quiet part out loud
So I'll just say
It's not surprising to me that the committee look at Lil Wayne's relevancy (or lack thereof) from all angles and said 'Nah'
If he was truly the guy that ppl online were suggesting, he wouldn't have been performing at the Illinois state fair last week and doing Zouk Nightclub in 2024.
they tryna make it seem like its the industry working against him😭😭
hes one of the best to ever do it but cmon they trollin
they tryna make it seem like its the industry working against him😭😭
hes one of the best to ever do it but cmon they trollin
That's what I'm saying!
He is a Goat. One of the best ever. I still bang D2.
But it's not some crazy conspiracy that the nigga with multiple smash hits in rotation AND has like FOUR ALBUMS IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS (Which happened pre beef) and the nigga who JUST HAD A TOP 3 HIGHEST GROSSING RAP TOUR OAT was picked ahead of Lil Wayne, ESPECIALLY in 2024.
But niggas just love to be mad and debate lol like be fr if niggas jobs was to pick the halftime performer you hitting (pause) kendrick before tune too
It can tbh if he was hot right now it would have helped his case.
He'd have some legs to stand on if he was hot right now. A big reason why Usher got the nod is because his My Way residency transcended culture.
Wayne isn't hot right now and given the platform of the Super bowl, his catalogue isn't 'that' either. No one is running to hear Lollipop, and like, How to Love.
He's a Hip-Hop legend and obv has hits but I'd argue that in terms of crossover, his biggest records kind of fall flat in that regard and didn't age the best.
as a wayne fan this is well said i guess.
i agree that wayne woulda been dope to see it but for obvious reasons i can see how Kdot is the better pick rn
funny thing is wayne dont even seem bothered 😂.
lets drop the bs and focus on Carter VI ladies and gentelemen
That's what I'm saying!
He is a Goat. One of the best ever. I still bang D2.
But it's not some crazy conspiracy that the nigga with multiple smash hits in rotation AND has like FOUR ALBUMS IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS (Which happened pre beef) and the nigga who JUST HAD A TOP 3 HIGHEST GROSSING RAP TOUR OAT was picked ahead of Lil Wayne, ESPECIALLY in 2024.
But niggas just love to be mad and debate lol like be fr if niggas jobs was to pick the halftime performer you hitting (pause) kendrick before tune too
FAX and i’m a wayne stan
this is so dumb its not even a question
maybe the real anger comes from wayne probably not even being able to come out or perform as a guest due to the beef and where his loyalty and respect should be
but even then its like theres gonna be other years its not that deep
Rihanna performed 3 years ago . When’s the last time she dropped ? DR DRE headlined it 2 years ago , stfu I don’t want to hear about right “ fit” he’s a legend . Artist don’t go to the Super Bowl to perform relevant songs , they play their greatest hits fool
pinhead is an idiot
I ain't wanna says the quiet part out loud
So I'll just say
It's not surprising to me that the committee look at Lil Wayne's relevancy (or lack thereof) from all angles and said 'Nah'
If he was truly the guy that ppl online were suggesting, he wouldn't have been performing at the Illinois state fair last week and doing Zouk Nightclub in 2024.
You can't even use this argument when you look at the historical performances. Most of the people who get up there are lacking relevance and thats the entire reason they do the superbowl, to gain relevance
Wayne right now is way more relevant than nutass usher when he did it come on
You can't even use this argument when you look at the historical performances. Most of the people who get up there are lacking relevance and thats the entire reason they do the superbowl, to gain relevance
Wayne right now is way more relevant than nutass usher when he did it come on
"nutass" Usher has some of the greatest and most timeless R&B songs of all time. Dumbass comparison
"nutass" Usher has some of the greatest and most timeless R&B songs of all time. Dumbass comparison
and wayne isn't the same for rap??? tf
wayne higher on the rap goat scale than usher is for R&B. and bottom line is wayne is more relevant rn than usher was in 2022 or whenever that was
and wayne isn't the same for rap??? tf
wayne higher on the rap goat scale than usher is for R&B. and bottom line is wayne is more relevant rn than usher was in 2022 or whenever that was
His actual music has not aged as well as ushers and his demo spreads way further than waynes
His actual music has not aged as well as ushers and his demo spreads way further than waynes
and usher is more marketable and proffesional
its honestly not that huge of an issue
Dorks don’t seem to understand the Jay/Wayne s*** and act clueless.
This is Hovs last year in charge and instead of making sure Wayne get his Super Bowl and in NOLA moment he decides to snub him cuz Drake made him drop WTT
and usher is more marketable and proffesional
its honestly not that huge of an issue
Yeah he still has the look and the swagger that has defined his legacy in this past. Wayne has lost a lot of that and his voice is toast. He still has to entertain at the end of the day and I don't want to hear him get up there and butcher his hits even though I would love it nostalgia wise
Dorks don’t seem to understand the Jay/Wayne s*** and act clueless.
This is Hovs last year in charge and instead of making sure Wayne get his Super Bowl and in NOLA moment he decides to snub him cuz Drake made him drop WTT
u really in here writing fan fiction about rappers
guys when has this ever been a thing?
like i can’t remember anyone ever caring about this
Im glad ppl are coming to their senses
The whole s*** was goofy from the start
"i don't care what teams is playing, what city it's in"
well, that takes care of all the discourse now doesn't it? he just wants to do a superbowl, period. he only mentioned N.O one time after the host did. let's wrap this up
A super bowl halftime show is not a lifetime achievement award. Stop the crying man if you want to see him perform Lollipop sounding like a dying gease go buy a show ticket and pray that he shows up sober.
Wayne’s a Green Bay Packers fan
Doesn’t even f*** with his hometown team for the NFL or NBA too