  • Mar 19, 2023

    Is this ban only for people under 18?

    For now lol

  • Nort 💫
    Mar 19, 2023
    1 reply

    i like it.

    how come?

  • SonyATV 😼
    Mar 19, 2023
    1 reply

    Is there any side affects to doing transitional surgery or puberty blocks before the age of 18? Also are the affects reversible if they’ve been done at a young age? What if someone changes their mind when they get older?

    Yes below, however these effects are greatly outweighed by the benefits that gender affirmation can have on a trans person. If theyre on puberty blockers it can always be reversed, however from the 8% of trans people (who answered the survey) who detransition, 62% were due to societal, familial, or financial reasons

    Possible long-term side effects of puberty blockers

    Lower bone density. To protect against this, we work to make sure every patient gets enough exercise, calcium and vitamin D, which can help keep bones healthy and strong. We also closely monitor patients’ bone density.
    Delayed growth plate closure, leading to slightly taller adult height.
    Less development of genital tissue, which may limit options for gender affirming surgery (bottom surgery) later in life.
    Other possible long-term side effects that are not yet known.
    Possible short-term side effects of puberty blockers

    Headache, fatigue, insomnia and muscle aches.
    Changes in weight, mood or breast tissue.
    Spotting or irregular periods (in menstruating patients whose periods are not completely suppressed by puberty blockers).


  • Mar 19, 2023
    2 replies

    I really didn't know so many states allowed it under 18 because I am guessing even if they allowed you would need parental approval which is kind of often the issue either way. I am not saying this doesn't change much but wondering how often someone under 18 doesn't have parental approval, can get it done and has enough money to do so? I am also asking if its not covered in health care how would someone under 18 afford it ?

  • Mar 19, 2023
    1 reply

    like how much is the average cost of gender reassignment surgery?

  • Mar 19, 2023
    1 reply

    I really didn't know so many states allowed it under 18 because I am guessing even if they allowed you would need parental approval which is kind of often the issue either way. I am not saying this doesn't change much but wondering how often someone under 18 doesn't have parental approval, can get it done and has enough money to do so? I am also asking if its not covered in health care how would someone under 18 afford it ?

    Aka culture war bullshit

  • Mar 19, 2023
    3 replies
    · edited


    That’s not nice :(

  • Gojira 🦖
    Mar 19, 2023

    Remember y’all, God loves you unless you don’t follow what we tell you

  • Mar 19, 2023
    Karl Pilkington

    Aka culture war bullshit

    Like I am trying to inquire before reacting. But really a lot of America if their child wanted to undergo gender assignment surgery what happens when they are supportive but can't afford it?

  • SonyATV 😼
    Mar 19, 2023

    That’s not nice :(

    then dont be transphobic

  • Nort 💫
    Mar 19, 2023

    That’s not nice :(

    why would you expect kindness after that post?

  • Mar 19, 2023
    2 replies

    Gender itself is a social construct so the idea of the rush to change the assignment of gender before puberty kicks in is what baffles some people. I am trying to say this in the best way possible as someone who leans more non binary . I definitely see both sides, but when it comes to male, female, non binary or trans . Kids often aren't thinking about that when growing up too much before 18. To some degrees yes but mainly things we learned through social construct what we are told. Would be interesting to see how people less ingrained with our level of culture view gender . We are more bombarded with ideas of gender now.

    To be clear at the end of the day whatever makes someone happy and mentally healthy I am all for. So if someone wants to transition I am 100% for it. I feel in cases like this . These are things I personally think of so I am asking because perhaps someone here knows better than I or can help me better understand why this is majorly destructive

  • Mar 19, 2023
    3 replies

    how come?

    You have a lot of time to decide what/who you really are plus a lot of kids young are just tomboys and or feminine and you don’t have to push for hormones or surgery etc that early. also less room for error for ppl that might regret it

  • Nort 💫
    Mar 19, 2023
    1 reply

    You have a lot of time to decide what/who you really are plus a lot of kids young are just tomboys and or feminine and you don’t have to push for hormones or surgery etc that early. also less room for error for ppl that might regret it

    The research on this clearly shows that providing this care to younger people is a net positive. Unless you have something to substantiate why the scientific consensus is wrong? Well brother..

  • SonyATV 😼
    Mar 19, 2023
    1 reply

    You have a lot of time to decide what/who you really are plus a lot of kids young are just tomboys and or feminine and you don’t have to push for hormones or surgery etc that early. also less room for error for ppl that might regret it

    in most special cases, surgeries are done at around 16 if really needed, however puberty blockers are a good way to stop the body from fully developing the features of a perceived gender

    not to say transitioning past puberty is futile, more that if someone really is trans it would seem cruel to make them go through puberty and develop the features of the gender that they are not

  • Mar 19, 2023
    1 reply

    Yes below, however these effects are greatly outweighed by the benefits that gender affirmation can have on a trans person. If theyre on puberty blockers it can always be reversed, however from the 8% of trans people (who answered the survey) who detransition, 62% were due to societal, familial, or financial reasons

    Possible long-term side effects of puberty blockers

    Lower bone density. To protect against this, we work to make sure every patient gets enough exercise, calcium and vitamin D, which can help keep bones healthy and strong. We also closely monitor patients’ bone density.
    Delayed growth plate closure, leading to slightly taller adult height.
    Less development of genital tissue, which may limit options for gender affirming surgery (bottom surgery) later in life.
    Other possible long-term side effects that are not yet known.
    Possible short-term side effects of puberty blockers

    Headache, fatigue, insomnia and muscle aches.
    Changes in weight, mood or breast tissue.
    Spotting or irregular periods (in menstruating patients whose periods are not completely suppressed by puberty blockers).


    So if someone transitions but can't afford bottom surgery doesn't that often leave them in a mental place of feeling incomplete in a way ? Like again the cost of transitioning all the way seems so expensive and often when I ask what happens when someone family can't afford it I feel confused. Because a child could want to transition before 18 and a lot of old timey folk are focused on cost of college, car, healthcare, will , bills, household. If a child is set on transitioning and they feel if they don't transition they will want to die I know there is gofundme and donation services all of that, but only so many can be funded.

    Like has the gender reassignment surgery become a market? More than doing it for the betterment of a person become more focused on profits? I am asking I don't know the cost of gender reassignment surgery. I think healthcare doesn't cover it likely similar to many children who have qualms about having a body defect ( yes I know this is different than gender) but I mention it because in many cases one or both is dismissed but both can haven major affects on their mental health

  • Mar 19, 2023

    in most special cases, surgeries are done at around 16 if really needed, however puberty blockers are a good way to stop the body from fully developing the features of a perceived gender

    not to say transitioning past puberty is futile, more that if someone really is trans it would seem cruel to make them go through puberty and develop the features of the gender that they are not

    but this is where people become confused because as he mentioned tomboy and or feminine. Those are gender roles. Like what decides how someone views themselves but society construction of ideas of gender? I am trying to word this as sensitively as I can. Is it wanting to wear the opposite genders clothes or are we talking brain differences or chemicals. Because there are many people who can fall under non binary or simply not fully relate to their given gender for whatever reason but would just express themselves in the body they are given before ever thinking of changing gender.

    I think this is what confuses some but I do get the possible power of being able to be the correct gender phenotypically and express yourself without question of judgement.

  • Mar 19, 2023
    1 reply

    The research on this clearly shows that providing this care to younger people is a net positive. Unless you have something to substantiate why the scientific consensus is wrong? Well brother..

    cost is just difficult. We don't give children free will on so many different things so some when they see 16 year old able to make major life decisions before we allow them to drink, smoke, work a job, drive is where the continuous conflict comes from.

    Again I see both sides on this issue . At end of the day I am for the child having free will but the cost of the surgery itself is money that has to come from somewhere

  • Nort 💫
    Mar 19, 2023
    1 reply

    cost is just difficult. We don't give children free will on so many different things so some when they see 16 year old able to make major life decisions before we allow them to drink, smoke, work a job, drive is where the continuous conflict comes from.

    Again I see both sides on this issue . At end of the day I am for the child having free will but the cost of the surgery itself is money that has to come from somewhere

    i can’t really speak on how care like this is afforded by the young patients. i know nothing about that side of things.

  • Mar 19, 2023
    1 reply

    You have a lot of time to decide what/who you really are plus a lot of kids young are just tomboys and or feminine and you don’t have to push for hormones or surgery etc that early. also less room for error for ppl that might regret it

    We know we're Trans from a young age man this is the whole point of it all

  • Mar 19, 2023

  • Mar 19, 2023
    1 reply

    When will people stop painting us as just confused people not able to make our own decisions

  • Mar 19, 2023
    2 replies

    i can’t really speak on how care like this is afforded by the young patients. i know nothing about that side of things.

    That is where it blows my mind because unfortunately we live in capitalism and if thats a loan or a debt to a hospital that puts them in a position like college to build bad credit then cost of living then a lot of major questions. I would argue that many parents that possibly come across as "transphobic" while sometimes true sometimes don't have the money. Like they don't financially have the option to be supportive so instead the denial kicks in or them wanting to find an excuse. They possibly have spent their whole life trying to make their child happy or feel comfortable to be stumped by a major cost they possibly didn't forsee or plan for

  • bh0stman ㊙️
    Mar 19, 2023
    1 reply

    “Libertarian” conservatives can go die