End of an era — wild
Nike is moving to a direct to consumer model so all these retailers suddenly became way less relevant
It’s a wrap if Jordan and Adidas do this
Nike owns Jordan — includes them as well
Adidas likely will
gonna be tellin my grandkids about these mfers
Can’t remember the last time I went in a footlocker
This includes any other retailer carrying Nike products in general
These companies are losing a lot on not ensuring a physical experience for customers
Their laziness and complacency will come back to bite em in the ass
They stopped carrying GR retros when the pandemic hit. They bank off of co-signment stores now.
These companies are losing a lot on not ensuring a physical experience for customers
Their laziness and complacency will come back to bite em in the ass
Nike probably is expanding its retail presence long term
cause them sneaker store niggas be backdooring pairs
End of the connects era
direct to consumer model aka even less of a chance to cop
We really gonna have no choice but to rely on that garbage ass SNKRS app...or moreso resellers cause lord knows people ain't getting s*** off there