Love your interests. Love your hobbies. Love your friends. And don't do these things in hopes of getting a GF. Do them because you want to. Soon you'll find out that women are just a complement to your life, not your central focus
Who hurt y’all niggas
aye these white girls are like super sayian god on these dating apps i'm not surpised there's alotta butt hurt brothers walking around
Love your interests. Love your hobbies. Love your friends. And don't do these things in hopes of getting a GF. Do them because you want to. Soon you'll find out that women are just a complement to your life, not your central focus
aye these white girls are like super sayian god on these dating apps i'm not surpised there's alotta butt hurt brothers walking around
That’s the first mistake right there!
White girls
white girls irl don't equate to their online counterparts i wish more people would understand this
Your parents and siblings are gonna die one day too. Does that mean you shouldn't love them?
The fact that things don't last forever is what gives them value. If everything we had lasted forever then we wouldn't appreciate anything
white girls irl don't equate to their online counterparts i wish more people would understand this
I’ve f***ed enough to know them and how they act......
Build ur value
Become valuable to yourself your family and society as a whole
B****es are an after thought and a by product.
You like b****es like this don’t U yo b**** dawg she off the leash
some of yall sad af itt
Was watching this video of this 97 year old philosopher whose wife has been dead for 7 years and he’s just counting down time until he dies and I’m traumatized
It's the exact opposite for me. I don't think I've ever craved love as much as i have over the past year. The isolation has definitely been the cause of that