Yeah this might be a seller war idk
They think its this same dude who f***s with all these fan communities by trolling and scamming lol. Genuine psychopath
It has the feel of an editorial/campaign for something fashion related rather than a mv tbh
the music video is not deepfake
unless this s*** done by mayday people are not faking franks best friends and models that’s some deep info. hacker def got contacted by blonded.
blonded goons dressed in full prada gear have mourningassasins taped up in a basement somewhere
In trying to throw another leaker under the bus he's just weakened the strength of his bargaining position. Especially with how rare Frank leaks are. Who's s*** is real and whose isn't? Why should any of us believe all of it isn't AI?
It's stupid.
I could see the still with frank being deepfaked. no idea who the people in the next scene are, but if the leaker has been in the community for a while it wouldn’t be far fetched to say they had a previous video leak they repurposed for this one.
Video is def not fake lmaoo songs are plausible, but only slightly
Listen to the song inverted in audacity, its fake imo:
but seriously as i said before mourningassasin is a scammy leaker. his previous Frank Ocean "leaks" were even more unconvincing. only that Lonny Breaux demo was legit i guess (if it was his leak even)
at least Alek proved himself in a past
this is all one huge scam its so funny to watch LOL
I've been creating and listening to AI models and don't think These Days fake.
I thought the first 2 were AI and was right.
We'll see