I've been creating and listening to AI models and don't think These Days fake.
I thought the first 2 were AI and was right.
We'll see
its either AI or someone that sounds exactly like him (which i think happened before)
best case scenario it could be an actual song, but its definitely not titled "these days"
To think we could have had These Days almost 3 years ago if these bums just opened their vinyls.
To think we could have had These Days almost 3 years ago if these bums just opened their vinyls.
fr like why did they even open the door for those mf’s
like were they wearing blonded gear? lol
even if i knew blonded was at my door trying to get back the vinyl i had i definitely woulda played that s*** one time sneakily before playing dumb and handing it back to them for merch
like i’m genuinely so curious how that went down like imagine having frank oceans ppl literally at your door one day after work
like what did blonded even say like “hi we’re from blonded, you know, the frank ocean company, and we accidentally sent you a highly anticipated new song on vinyl and we need it back…”
you think he paid for that
nvm, i forgot its frank ocean, of course he paid for that
what the f*** lmfaoo
homie showed how he stoled the files and hid them on his a****** after attending a birthday dinner at franks house