the music videos are hard tho
occasionally some of their ideas work but mostly it's so outdated and repetitive
f*** awge btw, all they produce is mostly garbage
dexter navy and hidji are some of the most creative visual directors in the rap scene
This reminds me of camera tests they do for film to test different film stock. Must be why I thought it looked like an editorial but I'm going back on that now.
Yh this must be what this is. If the "work on color correction" tag for the video is from the source of the leak then it does look like some testing/pre-production for work shot on film.
i'd have loved frank to have a point in his output where he embraced a stream of conscious, looking to be less meticulous and more impulsive
maybe the PreP+ stuff was gonna follow that but i think it was more release format than his own work ethic
Yeah came here to post that
Another link
Frank selling his own leaks on discord lowkey a power move
occasionally some of their ideas work but mostly it's so outdated and repetitive
I will admit that style of video editing is super saturated now. This leak has no defining characteristics that make it look like it was shot by Hidji/anyone awge affiliate. It just looks like standard B-roll shot on film.
awge were mostly great. Zero misses all hits with a lot of their visual work.
mostly misses for me, but the main issue is not even with videos. their fashion line or whatever they're doing is just a mistake. and somehow they only encourage more of that s*** from this type of designers
i can't even name some brands that piss me more. maybe rhude is the only one that feels like the worst. just google these two in one line and it seems they worked together on the most outrageus garbage i've ever seen
like wtf