shot in 2020 directed by awge supposedly
does that awge s*** have any basis or people just made it up?
f*** awge btw, all they produce is mostly garbage
awge were mostly great. Zero misses all hits with a lot of their visual work.
Nahhh the Jeremy Strong Frank Ocean kinship has moved me. This is like one of those fantasy collab album you cook up except the collab isn't between artists it's two favs who outclass in completely different mediums. If you told me these two would be involved in any capacity back in 2019 I would have called you insane. Unexpected link up but it makes sense but also wow.
Nahhh the Jeremy Strong Frank Ocean kinship has moved me. This is like one of those fantasy collab album you cook up except the collab isn't between artists it's two favs who outclass in completely different mediums. If you told me these two would be involved in any capacity back in 2019 I would have called you insane. Unexpected link up but it makes sense but also wow.
Can u break down how else theyve been involved
Pass it ?
lmk if it works
Yeah came here to post that
Another link
Wrong lol
if you are asap rocky or tyler the creator stan, you're opinion is automatically irrelevant on this topic. you probably think this is hard
Can u break down how else theyve been involved
Jeremy Strong was going play a major role in the concept surrounding the scrapped 2019 singles Frank was ready to put out. Concept was Frank as an artist and Jeremy Strong as a record label CEO. Frank (The Artist) was attempting to approach the album format in a different way with the sequence of singles. On the posters he put out recently you can see a blurred still of Frank and Jeremy in a conference room so they had visual for the whole thing as well.
Jeremy Strong was going play a major role in the concept surrounding the scrapped 2019 singles Frank was ready to put out. Concept was Frank as an artist and Jeremy Strong as a record label CEO. Frank (The Artist) was attempting to approach the album format in a different way with the sequence of singles. On the posters he put out recently you can see a blurred still of Frank and Jeremy in a conference room so they had visual for the whole thing as well.
if you are asap rocky or tyler the creator stan, you're opinion is automatically irrelevant on this topic. you probably think this is hard
the music videos are hard tho
Jeremy Strong was going play a major role in the concept surrounding the scrapped 2019 singles Frank was ready to put out. Concept was Frank as an artist and Jeremy Strong as a record label CEO. Frank (The Artist) was attempting to approach the album format in a different way with the sequence of singles. On the posters he put out recently you can see a blurred still of Frank and Jeremy in a conference room so they had visual for the whole thing as well.
Still crazy to me that he was hidden in that original prep+ poster all that time
Yeah came here to post that
Another link
This reminds me of camera tests they do for film to test different film stock. Must be why I thought it looked like an editorial but I'm going back on that now.