Frank can never drop again & he’s still one of the greatest artist of all time. That’s power
relax he will drop again
if he doesn’t, it’ll make him a lesser artist in my opinion
great artists always keep going after their masterpieces unless they physically can’t
man’s is just taking his time
did picasso stop after guernica? van gogh after starry night? joni after blue? marvin after what’s going on?
if any of them quit their main field to make cock rings and overpriced jewelry… they wouldn’t be the legends they are today
frank will be back and it may not be blonde level but it will be better than what most artists are doing today
sorry for the long post
relax he will drop again
if he doesn’t, it’ll make him a lesser artist in my opinion
great artists always keep going after their masterpieces unless they physically can’t
man’s is just taking his time
did picasso stop after guernica? van gogh after starry night? joni after blue? marvin after what’s going on?
if any of them quit their main field to make cock rings and overpriced jewelry… they wouldn’t be the legends they are today
frank will be back and it may not be blonde level but it will be better than what most artists are doing today
sorry for the long post
i think it's pretty obvious not to expect anything til coachella tbh
hell even bruce springsteen has taken 5-7 year breaks between albums… and every time he’s come back with heat
i’m almost scared of what franks been cooking up
relax he will drop again
if he doesn’t, it’ll make him a lesser artist in my opinion
great artists always keep going after their masterpieces unless they physically can’t
man’s is just taking his time
did picasso stop after guernica? van gogh after starry night? joni after blue? marvin after what’s going on?
if any of them quit their main field to make cock rings and overpriced jewelry… they wouldn’t be the legends they are today
frank will be back and it may not be blonde level but it will be better than what most artists are doing today
sorry for the long post
"he will drop again"
"if he doesn't..."
"he will drop again"
"if he doesn't..."
“F. Scott Fitzgerald famously wrote: “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.”
i think it's pretty obvious not to expect anything til coachella tbh
would he really stay dormant until coachella though?
“F. Scott Fitzgerald famously wrote: “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.”
Absolutely. So me, personally, I wouldn't affirm that anyone "will" do anything. Just waiting and seeing.
I know that was your point, but had to point out the bit of contradiction.
Great quote.
Absolutely. So me, personally, I wouldn't affirm that anyone "will" do anything. Just waiting and seeing.
I know that was your point, but had to point out the bit of contradiction.
Great quote.
didn’t even know he said it. just finished reading gatsby today actually
appreciate u chief
would he really stay dormant until coachella though?
As if the past 6 years wasn’t an indicator
would he really stay dormant until coachella though?
If the movie with A24 goes through, the plans were to film begin shooting in fall, I’d imagine he will be very busy until early next year.
Starting to dislike frank tbh
Yea...imagine if prince went dirty mind->controversy->1999 then disappeared for 5 years and came back with 20k bracelets and estimation of frank ocean as a man has f***ing plummeted
He did lose a brother and Coachella did get cancelled to be fair. We did get Cayendo & Dear April in 2020 which are phenomenal. I just hope he takes his time and drops when the time feels right.
Tbh even though frank hasn’t released any music he’s having a bad 2022. First on the channel orange anni and having those interviews on the blonded show, and now with that cock ring. Also mentioning a tour that was suppose to happen in 2020 probably meant we should of had the album already.