Yea...imagine if prince went dirty mind->controversy->1999 then disappeared for 5 years and came back with 20k bracelets and estimation of frank ocean as a man has f***ing plummeted
Let’s not forgot all the ruined posters and low quality T shirts
He’s gonna sing about what now?Cock rings?
Honestly my brother, if he did we’d all be running to go listen to it
Shut the f*** up
enjoy your d ring and listening to 2 hours of an exclusive AM “radio” show to get your sun and moon sign
enjoy your d ring and listening to 2 hours of an exclusive AM “radio” show to get your sun and moon sign
who gives a f*** about any of that lol
exactly my point!
it’s irrelevant to him “going out sad” he would have to drop a bad album for that to happen, which he hasn’t
how long til he come out of the corner to like omar apollo's post and then disappear again