  • Jan 29, 2024

    Jury has been excused for the day and will return tomorrow at 9 a.m. for a 9:30 a.m. EST start time.

  • Jan 30, 2024

    Jury has been sent away on a lunch break.

    The video of Young Thug's Tiny Desk performance of "Droppin Jewels" is now being played in court to determine whether it can be played in front of the jury.

    The state is objecting to this specific performance being played in front of the jury and objecting to the logo being shown to the jury.

    If they let the jury watch he’ll be unanimously declared innocent

  • Jan 30, 2024
    1 reply

    The State is now bring Young Thug's lyrics from his song, "Droppin Jewels", while examining Slug.

    She is trying to make the connection between the songs and being "Truly Humbled Under God", which Young Thug's attorney said Thug stands for.

    Do we know which lyrics specifically they’re using from Droppin Jewels? Such a great song

  • Jan 30, 2024

    Do we know which lyrics specifically they’re using from Droppin Jewels? Such a great song

    The whole song was dissected

    In the end, it wasn't played in front of the jury

    But it was referenced by the State during Slug's questioning to show the jury that Thug didn't talk about God at all.

    This was done in order to cast doubt on the "Truly Humbled Under God" claim that Steel made.

  • Feb 17, 2024
    2 replies

    Supposedly his lawyer got arrested?

  • HURRY UP sab 🧔🏻
    Feb 17, 2024

    Supposedly his lawyer got arrested?

    no, someone else’s

  • Feb 17, 2024

    The State is asking Slug about Young Thug using some of Slug's life experiences in his songs.

    Slug said Young Thug was rapping about the fact Slug used to sell d**** and carry guns but nothing specific.

    When asked why he didn't rap about it himself and make the money, Stephens said, “I didn’t have the talent.”

    honest answer

  • Feb 18, 2024

    Supposedly his lawyer got arrested?

    Her name is Nicole Fegan.

    She was a lawyer for Tenquarius Mender, a former co-defendant of Young Thug in this case but Mender's case was removed from this trial.

    Fegan is not a member of Young Thug's legal team, but she is a member of the larger defense team of YSL.

    She was arrested on gang charges after she tipped off a suspect in a separate case.

    Fegan is a rising star in the legal field and well-known for representing defendants in challenging trials.

    She is also known for her unconventional marketing such as uploading rap videos to her social media pages, like TikTok and Instagram.

  • Don’t let MSM fool you. Thugger acquired all four road poneglyphs and was on the verge of finding the One Piece. That’s why they are after him.

  • Mar 15, 2024
    3 replies

    Any updates? @Silas

  • Mar 15, 2024
    1 reply

    Any updates? @Silas

    Fr dude is the plug when it comes to info on this s*** lmao

  • Mar 16, 2024

    Any updates? @Silas

    Follow thuggerdaily on Twitter

  • Mar 16, 2024

    Any updates? @Silas

    Not much has happened tbh

    This trial is moving very slowly and there's been tons of delays and sending jurors home early.

    Right now, Adrian Bean is at the stand. He was present in a 2013 apartment shooting incident, was allegedly in the same car as Young Thug.

    He snitched on Thug but he has answered "I don't recall" for nearly everything he's being asked.

    Will give more details soon.

  • Mar 16, 2024
    Strictly Syrup

    Fr dude is the plug when it comes to info on this s*** lmao

    Sorry, this trial is a mess lol

    Alot of last month was just arguing about what should be used as evidence, lawyers trying to suppress evidence, and the judge canceling or just sending jurors home early.

    Just frustrating to cover.

    But I'll start updating the thread more.

  • Mar 16, 2024

    Feb 1 - 8 Updates
    A gang expert who has been investigating YSL for years, with personal encounters with Thug/others was on trial.

    The state tried to use him to introduce old Thug tweets (from like 2011-2014), which the defense objected to.

    A victim of an armed robbery, allegedly conducted by a YSL associate, got on the stand. The guy who conducted the armed robbery is Big Bhris, who was 16 at the time. He's not part of the trial. He’s the same person who was arrested for shooting a cop on camera in 2022 and widely theorized as the reason this RICO came when it did. Thug has never met him before.

    Steel objected to this being discussed since he claims the state hasn’t shown its connection to the gang or any other defendant, and also because he can’t cross examine Bhris, yet it’s being used against everyone.

    The judge overrules it. Her testimony of the traumatic incident was brief, but powerful. She was clearly terrified and remembered the incident well.

  • Mar 16, 2024

    Feb 8 - 15 Updates

    Next state's witness was Detective Belknap, who was also the first witness called on the first day of trial.

    He was called as a gang expert originally, but the judge has allowed to be recalled multiple times in this case as a gang expert and as a "fact witness" for stuff he personally saw in his investigation of YSL.

    A 2009 video of Young Thug played, which may be familiar to Thug fans as a rare “before the fame” video of thug.

    Detective Belknap testifies that Thug is throwing up a blood sign. The state is using this video to tie Thug to various ROC crew members.

    They then played a video of a behind the scenes video for a Bloody Jay/ Ola Playa music video, in which Thug, according to the gang expert, throws up many blood gang signs.

    Steel focuses in on the "freedom of expression" and "freedom of association" angles.

    Steel cross-examines the detective who has been investigating YSL for over 14 years.

    Also, the defense tried to introduce their own Young Thug tweets as evidence as "context", which the state objected too to.

    Steele claims that association with a gang, throwing up gang signs, gang language, etc. - none of that is a crime. Associating with a gang and committing crimes in furtherance of that gang is what's illegal.

    Steel attempted to drive the point that Thug's "gangster image" on twitter was for entertainment and promoting his music, over dozens of constant objections from prosecutors.

  • Mar 16, 2024

    Feb 20 - Feb 28

    Captain Derrick Paige was the next witness

    He testified about a 2013 armed robbery and aggravated assault w/ a weapon committed by allegged co-founder of YSL, Walter Murphy aka DK.

    Detective El-Malik was the next witness who was a firsthand witness and responding officer to the incident involving DK, Thug, and Adrian Bean.

    The next few days focused on the 2013 shooting in an apartment parking lot, at which Thug and DK were allegedly present.

    Witness testimony has been very varied and inconsistent, since it's a 10 year old incident.

    Some motion hearings and delays during this week. Alot of back and forth with Young Thug's lawyers and the judge.

  • Mar 16, 2024

    Feb 28 - March 16

    Adrian Bean took the stand. He was present in the 2013 apartment shooting incident, and allegedly in the same car as Young Thug.

    However, he claims to not remember a single thing from 2013.
    Adrian Bean has cooperated with police in the past and given statements and said stuff on jail calls that implicate himself, Thug, and DK. He's recanted these statements as lies.

    The prosecution started reading from these statements.

    Bean was in his 30s during the incident. Thug had just turned 22.

    According to the State, Bean told a detective that he was friends with Thug's dad, not Thug himself. He also gave a lot of details of the incident.

    Bean talked to Detective Quinn a decade ago, he blamed the entire incident on Thug, and called DK Thug's "foot soldier". He said it was Thug's lick, Thug picked the victim, location, time etc.

    Of course, today Bean claims to not remember ever saying this.

    The state continued to go line-by-line through his 2013 "snitch" statement pointing the finger at Thug and DK for an armed robbery, while Bean says "No Ma'am, I don't recall" to every question.

    More of the judge leaving jurors early and cancellations.

    Here we are today.

  • Mar 16, 2024

    Adrian Bean going on a rant

  • Mar 16, 2024

    Adrian Bean telling on Thug to the police in an interview

  • Mar 16, 2024
    1 reply

    @NeonBuddy @StrictlySyrup

    Summary of everything that has happened since the last update above.

    You guys should be up to speed now.

  • Mar 16, 2024

    @NeonBuddy @StrictlySyrup

    Summary of everything that has happened since the last update above.

    You guys should be up to speed now.

  • Mar 19, 2024

    Feb 18 update

    Jurors continued to listen to the detective interview of Adrian Bean snitching on Thug in the 2013 incident.

    Adrian Bean is most likely gonna be on the stand all week.

  • Mar 19, 2024

    Highlight of the 2013 interview