  • proper 🔩
    Aug 15, 2021
    1 reply

    Not necessarily

    I’ve been a “sneakerhead” since i was 11

    I didn’t start having money until 2019

    Prices of some of my favorite shoes are just to expensive because all the new people coming in tryna be cool and trendy

    then you not really a sneaker head you just a sneaker casual

  • Aug 15, 2021

    then you not really a sneaker head you just a sneaker casual


  • Aug 15, 2021

    Someone in a post earlier said something about “safespaces”

    The problem isn’t hoarding info it’s people tryna join in on something without doing the research or whatever and then attempting to come in and change s***

    I’d love to be able to talk about my favorite artist with people but it’s corny if they only know the biggest hit and never learn anything else about the artist then go and make a TikTok dance to they’re music

  • Anyone with true love and passion for something will always welcome new people and even go a step further by introducing it to others.

    If you gatekeep I'd say you either don't actually love it (even if you think you do) or you hate it and choose to stop it's growth. Life is full of phases and evolution is the natural process for everything. I understand wanting to keep a specific thing going a certain way forever if you think you love it but that's a very selfish reason and hurts more than you think it helps.

    It's like music for example. Rock, punk, hiphop or jazz and basically any genre. Change is necessary for it to thrive and those genres have all touched people and saved lives that they wouldn't get to if they were kept private for the sake of a few groups.

  • Trash Star

    If you feel something gets ruined because more people know about then you should question why you liked that thing in the first place. Did you actually like that thing because it was unique and it meant something to you? Or did you like it because you felt special knowing about something that others didn't?

    This needs to be answered before we can really finish a discussion because we'll all have different answers.

  • Aug 15, 2021

    naur i love gatekeeping

  • I feel this way about nerd culture, it’s deteriorated so much i’m kinda done with it

  • Aug 15, 2021

    Maybe theres another word for it, but I think gatekeeping is unfairly demonized both online and in person.

    Im not talking about annoying people who criticize others for not being a TRUE member, although that is gatekeeping i admit. Still, sometimes its best that the genera public doesn’t know about a niche subject.

    In my experiences almost every niche group gets turned inside out when it gets a large following, and it ruins the personality. Am i being too short sighted?

    Do you think s*** gets played out when it gets to the mainstream or is it just the way things go

    Lowkey shoe game shoulda been gatekept harder

  • Aug 15, 2021

    i love gatekeeping

  • Aug 15, 2021

    Completely disagree bud

    Casuals are usually the uninteresting ones

    Depending on what it is it’s okay to not want your favorite thing to be ruined

    Fans don't ruin your favorite thing unless you attach an your own identity to your favorite thing

    It's corny whenever people come at new/casual fans because they want to feel better or cool about themselves for being 'more' of a fan

    Like just enjoy your hobbies/interests in peace, all the fanbase dramas are whack kiddy politics

  • Aug 15, 2021
    Astronaut Dad

    I don’t see how you hating from outside of the club
    You can’t even get in


  • Aug 15, 2021

    Every niche needs gatekeepers idc