  • Updated

    what album is it

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    Sir Swagalot

    I love Misfits, f*** nigga!

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    Nas “Untitled”

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    Nas “Untitled”

    Underrated pick.

    Album was very strong conceptually but had a weak single and meh production.

  • Most nas albums tbqh

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    I cannoot think of an album i considerr good with bad production, if it has bad production i do not thnk the album is good


    Nas “Untitled”

    Production wasn't the worst just didn't age well

  • ngl bro you just f***ed my whole head up
    never listened for long any kinda album with bad production

  • CutiePieHole

    I cannoot think of an album i considerr good with bad production, if it has bad production i do not thnk the album is good

  • CutiePieHole

    I cannoot think of an album i considerr good with bad production, if it has bad production i do not thnk the album is good


  • production is like most of an album

    i wouldnt be caught dead listening to an album full of acapellas unless that nigga was going crazy with flow switches

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    Lupe’s first two albums

    Does that man even make music anymore

  • Ghoma

    Lupe’s first two albums

    Does that man even make music anymore

    Food and Liquor had the best producers in rap at that time. Don’t think it aged well?

    I still get chills when I hear The Cool beat by Kanye come on lol

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    Food and liquor 2

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    Indicud, Pablo, bulletproof wallets, gods son, entire middle chunk of blueprint 3, probably all of the rza solo albums but I’m not listening to that s***

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    "whats a good food that also takes like s***"

  • Windmaster

    Food and liquor 2

    Literally can't even say it's a good album because of how bad the prod is

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    6 replies

    I'm going to get ratioed for this but Some Rap Songs might lowkey be a contender too.

    It took me a loooong while to appreciate that album because of the production.

  • Bobby_96

    I'm going to get ratioed for this but Some Rap Songs might lowkey be a contender too.

    It took me a loooong while to appreciate that album because of the production.

  • Skepta - Konnichiwa uk production hit or miss af

  • Call Me If You Get Lost

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    I'm going to get ratioed for this but Some Rap Songs might lowkey be a contender too.

    It took me a loooong while to appreciate that album because of the production.

    One of the worst takes I've seen on here.

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    One of the worst takes I've seen on here.

    Got into the album mainly cause of Earl's raps.

  • Bobby_96

    I'm going to get ratioed for this but Some Rap Songs might lowkey be a contender too.

    It took me a loooong while to appreciate that album because of the production.

    nah thats just bad