guilty I made that album all by myself, produced mixed cover art everything, I'm not that good at mixing though
you'll get there family, don't quit tho. u got something here
you'll get there family, don't quit tho. u got something here
thanks Pammy
Pink Siifu's recent album is very good, but that first half is very rough in regards to mixing save for a few tracks. I'm sure that's probably what he was going for but like...son I literally cannot hear or understand what you and most of the features are saying on the tracks lol
Album picks up in the second half though in regards to its mixes and beats.
Please recommend some. I love a horrible horror film!
definitely Verotika lol it's an anthology
All Nas projects after illmatic
Every J Cole album
Most Rocky projects after
every? Forest Hills Drive has good production
Birds in the Trap (mixing is ASS)
Indicud (Cudi tried producing himself and it didn’t work as well)
Reasonable Doubt is a classic album and the prod isn’t HORRIBLE and it actually has some of music’s best beats but the mixing is not great imo (Ain’t No Nigga specifically)
I LOVE Blackland Radio 1 but the mixing is not great either but I understand that was his vibe. But if you compare the tracks on there that made it to Mysterious Phonk then you can hear the huge difference.
production is the best part of the album lmao
The mixing could be better
Indicud, Pablo, bulletproof wallets, gods son, entire middle chunk of blueprint 3, probably all of the rza solo albums but I’m not listening to that s***
You may not f*** with the beats but saying Indicud has bad mixing is nuts
Indicud, Pablo, bulletproof wallets, gods son, entire middle chunk of blueprint 3, probably all of the rza solo albums but I’m not listening to that s***
pablo and indicut got some of my favorite mixes of all time bro wtf
The jay elec x hov album is soooo good but the mixing makes it damn near unlistenable
I feel u, I wouldnt go as far to say it ruins it
if it's mixing
Best one I can think of:
Mixing on Slim Shady LP is great, if you like Dre mixing style. Beat wise though, I can kinda understand.
Tha Carter 3 really doesn't have good mixing imo.
Mixing on Slim Shady LP is great, if you like Dre mixing style. Beat wise though, I can kinda understand.
You still get songs like this:
Great songs yeah but bad mixing
Hmm its probably some rap albums from the 00s that i love that fit this but idk off top
Lupe’s first two albums
Does that man even make music anymore
I love the cool its my fav album from him but i can maybe see it for that
Food & Liquor definitely doesnt have bad production lol
I'm going to get ratioed for this but Some Rap Songs might lowkey be a contender too.
It took me a loooong while to appreciate that album because of the production.
Adding to the ratio
You still get songs like this:
! songs yeah but bad mixing
My Fault reminds me of the early seasons of South Park with how cheap it sounds lol
You may not f*** with the beats but saying Indicud has bad mixing is nuts
Title was changed and didn’t say mixing before.
Lord of the sad and lonely is crisp af
eh i see more like good food that doesnt look so good
Bad production is bad music to me imo
Bad/mediocre mixing and engineering though… i’d have to think about for a minute
Production on both of these albums are good (amazing at times on Wildheart), but both of these records suffer from bad engineering and or strange mixing. The velvet underground record in particular is pretty bad, but the lofi aesthetic kinda goves the record its charm.
Wildheart is sad because the production on all the tracks is amazing but I think the mix/engineering makes certain songs sound muddier than they should be
Waves, …goingtohell, damned, face the sun are the tracks that suffer the most