Damn these niggas ain't gave us an announcement or nothing. I bet money at the game awards in December it gets reveiled. Hope so. Gonna be interesting with Assassin's creed code red coming whenever and rise of the ronin this month. Love these types of games. Wouldn't mind a nextgen way of the samurai either
I mean considering tsushima got a multiplayer expansion and a single player story expansion in 2021, that means they’ve really only been cooking for like 2.5 years which isn’t that long. I’m sure an announcement is imminent though.
it was added in a post update. don't know what the mode really is but excited to try it out since we don't have to pay for PS+
so in got legends there are three different modes:
survival which is like cod hardpoint/domination where you have to stay in certain areas to clear them and fight waves of enemies
then there is co-op story which is you and another fighter doing some special story missions
and then there‘s challenges which are basically raids from destiny. you have to be level 100 (you get there fast) and need a team of 4 players. like the name says it’s really challenging but rewarding
when it first came out i grinded nothing but legends for some months, it really might have been the best post launch addition i’ve ever seen in modern gaming
phenomenal mode
hopefully someone can mod it to just allow full free roam multiplayer
nah peep my post above, it’s way better than that imo
gamer brain rot
what the f*** is wrong with these niggas man, i’m happy pc people can finally play it
i don’t know how active the multiplayer is nowadays, but back when it dropped i legit couldn’t play anything else but legends
it was so addictive getting new clothes, weapons and abilities
finishing a difficult raid with your team after hours of grinding felt so rewarding
it truly is like destiny but for samurai’s. in the best way possible
definitely check it out, i hope you like it
i don’t know how active the multiplayer is nowadays, but back when it dropped i legit couldn’t play anything else but legends
it was so addictive getting new clothes, weapons and abilities
finishing a difficult raid with your team after hours of grinding felt so rewarding
it truly is like destiny but for samurai’s. in the best way possible
definitely check it out, i hope you like it
ya when it drops on pc i’m gonna try and convince my friends to get it and play that for sure
so in got legends there are three different modes:
survival which is like cod hardpoint/domination where you have to stay in certain areas to clear them and fight waves of enemies
then there is co-op story which is you and another fighter doing some special story missions
and then there‘s challenges which are basically raids from destiny. you have to be level 100 (you get there fast) and need a team of 4 players. like the name says it’s really challenging but rewarding
when it first came out i grinded nothing but legends for some months, it really might have been the best post launch addition i’ve ever seen in modern gaming
phenomenal mode
I couldn’t play legends man. Every time I tried to pair up with someone it was hard to find someone or the other person was afk or not that great
I couldn’t play legends man. Every time I tried to pair up with someone it was hard to find someone or the other person was afk or not that great
lmaoo i feel you man look how hard i carried this nigga yesterday
i literally killed everyone on my own, and it was just the two of us because the other teammates left
bro was just there to revive me when i was down
ngl i live for dis s*** tho
Getting the feeling this’s gonna be a PS5 Pro launch title
I think they’re dropping ps5 pro with some new IP instead, Sony recently confirmed that no existing franchise titles were coming this year. This feels like maybe a 2026 game imo
I think they’re dropping ps5 pro with some new IP instead, Sony recently confirmed that no existing franchise titles were coming this year. This feels like maybe a 2026 game imo
Yeah true, I forgot about the no exclusives this year. It just feels like Sucker Punch has been quite for a little to long.
Yeah true, I forgot about the no exclusives this year. It just feels like Sucker Punch has been quite for a little to long.
Yeah, they like to cook for a while. There was 6 years in between infamous second son and ghost of tsushima so if Ghost 2 comes out 2026-2027 it’s basically a similar timeline as before
Trophy support on PC
Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is the first PlayStation title on PC that uses a new PlayStation overlay, which includes your Friends list, Trophies, Settings, and your Profile. This feature is available on Windows PCs and will be accessible from the in-game menu or, for keyboard players, by pressing the “SHIFT +F1” shortcut on your keyboard
While playing the game, you can earn PlayStation Trophies just like on PlayStation consoles. Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut on PC shares the same Trophy set as the game on PlayStation 5 consoles*. In addition, the PC version also has full support for Achievements on Steam and the Epic Games Store.
To make use of features like Trophies, Friends list, and cross-play, you can sign in with your existing account for PlayStation Network or create a new account. The use of PlayStation overlay is optional for both the single player experience and Legends mode.
Playing GoT on PS4 and it has me HOOKED So many good ideas in the way exploration was designed. I set a marker, start riding my horse and then a gold bird or a fox shrine or a group of Mongols distracts me. Been in Act 2 for like 10 hours and haven't done the main story at all
Only downsides are the game went from really challenging at the beginning to too easy once I leveled up (playing on the 2nd hardest difficulty). And this is just my personal opinion but the story/characters haven't really grabbed me
The motion blur in the game was awful. Things would stay on the screen longer than they were supposed to. Turned off the motion blur on my TV and the game looks MUCH better And I feel like the timing for parries is more consistent now
Props to Sucker Punch for making this. It couldn't have been easy, imagine how much research they had to do on samurai culture AAA gaming needs games like this. It has a basic Far Cry open world, list of chores structure. But there's some creative ideas here. And they put so much color in this game, I can see why they won Best Art Direction
Finally finished. Got the Platinum at around 60 hours played
Game would've benefitted from being smaller. Smaller map, less side activities/collectibles. I was getting burnt out towards the end of Act 2. And I was way OP, I already had maximum Legend status and all techniques when I started Act 3
Story managed to grip me, the end of Act 2 had me shook Never really felt invested about Jin's struggle with honor until his own poison got used against him and his people. And Masako is such an amazing character, she my favorite of all Jin's friends
Would give it like a 7.5/10
does the dlc come on the disc on the director cut version ? i wanna get it on ps5 but not about to pay $70 and just buy it used
does the dlc come on the disc on the director cut version ? i wanna get it on ps5 but not about to pay $70 and just buy it used
Everything is on the disc