  • Dec 7, 2020

    I believe that the practice of grading teaches students that people are unequal and can objectively be ranked. I also believe that our current model of education only trains youth to be obedient workers. I feel that as a society we should remodel education and do away with the concept of grading.

  • Dec 7, 2020


  • Dec 7, 2020

    Uhhhhhh idk bro

  • I wonder how drastically different Asian parents would be if grades weren't a thing...

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    People are unequal in many categories though

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    My brother all this is just a phase. We live in a society

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    So if some kid wants to know how good they did on a test what are you gonna tell them

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    If you want to return to the wild you are free to do so

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    You got to stop making threads like this.

  • Dec 7, 2020

    people are unequal tho

  • Dec 7, 2020

    You gotta gauge the child’s retention imo

  • Dec 7, 2020

    Would you want someone who failed medical school to do surgery on you?

  • Dec 7, 2020
    2 replies

    No grades!
    No jobs!
    No rent!

    Nothing that will challenge me in the slightest!

  • Dec 7, 2020
    MVP Pinhead

    No grades!
    No jobs!
    No rent!

    Nothing that will challenge me in the slightest!

    dumb post

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    they shouldn't be taught things just to be tested them on the way its currently done, grading in it of itself is neutral, its the consequences of it that are wrong atm.

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    So if some kid wants to know how good they did on a test what are you gonna tell them

    Some sort of feedback is necessary of course. The problem is that the nature of grading is that it is treated as a objective measure of the quality of the students work which subconsciously plants the idea that some people are naturally better than others into the mind of the student

  • Dec 7, 2020
    2 replies

    also, w/o grades, how would one entice a student to still work hard in classes they dislike? how would one entice a student at all? at least w/ GPAs most students feel the need to at least try. a better dream would be just generally improving the quality of education, removing the advantages those of higher economic class have (ACT tutors, connections, etc), and making sure no student is left behind

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    You got to stop making threads like this.

    Simply don’t click on my threads then nigga

  • Humans like numbers.

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    But grading gives them the incentives to work harder and do better

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    But grading gives them the incentives to work harder and do better

    i don't know why you'd automatically assume this is true

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    I don’t think it’s the grades itself that is the problem but moreso the way things are graded. A lot of these curriculums and grading measures are very arbitrary and stifle creativity, so I think if the grading system was drastically revamped it would work. As it is it’s s*** tho and grades do a very poor job or depicting anything about someone’s intelligence

  • Dec 7, 2020
    1 reply

    also, w/o grades, how would one entice a student to still work hard in classes they dislike? how would one entice a student at all? at least w/ GPAs most students feel the need to at least try. a better dream would be just generally improving the quality of education, removing the advantages those of higher economic class have (ACT tutors, connections, etc), and making sure no student is left behind

    Look at the post of above you. But I see something where the authority role of the teacher is removed and students and teachers all work together to learn the subject at hand. Not necessarily doing mindless schoolwork but actually engaging each other and working with each other to try to understand the subjects at hand.

  • Dec 7, 2020
    MVP Pinhead

    No grades!
    No jobs!
    No rent!

    Nothing that will challenge me in the slightest!

    450 ktt threads Jesus...

  • Dec 7, 2020

    OP failed his history exam